
Terms containing 砌 块 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一手可拿的砌块one-hand block
tech.丁头接缝砌块header block
tech.三孔砌块three-core block
tech.上部砌块upper segment
tech.专用装饰砌块special ornamental block
tech.专用装饰砌块special decorative block
tech.两端砌块的地板double-ended floor
tech.中型砌块medium block
tech.中空砌块masonry cavity wall
tech.企口砌块tongue and groove block
tech.企口砌块grooved and tongued block
tech.优质砌块special-quality block
tech.倒拱砌块invert masonry block
tech.倒拱砌块inverted block
tech.倒拱砌块invert block
tech.假石砌块imitation stone block
tech.充气砌块aerated block
tech.充气石膏砌块foam-filled gypsum block
tech.充泡沫料的砌块foam-filled block
tech.六面光混凝土砌块double corner block
tech.分层乱砌块coursed random rubble
tech.分层块石铺砌straight course paving
tech.切开砌块splitting block
tech.切开的砌块split block
tech.削波砌块的岸墙quay wall pf sliced blockwork
tech.削波砌块的岸壁quay wall pf sliced blockwork
tech.化铁炉砌块cupola iron block
tech.半厚砌块half height block
tech.半烟囱砌块half chimney block
tech.半自动混凝土砌块制造机semi-automatic concrete block machine
tech.半高砌块half height block
tech.砌块unicell block
tech.单位砌块unit masonry
tech.单孔砌块unicell block
tech.单层砌块墙加固single-block wall reinforcing
tech.单槽砌块unicell block
tech.吸声砌块sound adsorption block
tech.吸声砌块acoustical block
tech.吸声砌块acoustic block
tech.吸声砌块absorbing wall block
tech.吸声墙砌块sound-absorbent wall block
tech.吹气式通风混凝土砌块extract ventilation concrete block
tech.周边砌块peripheral block
tech.圆形砌块round block
tech.圆形混凝土烟道砌块round concrete flue block
tech.圆角砌块bull-nose block
tech.地基砌块foundation block
tech.地沥青块铺砌路面asphalt block pavement
tech.地沥青铺砌块asphalt paving block
tech.地面带扣的空心黏土砌块hollow clay building block with keyed underside
tech.地面混凝土砌块成型机on-floor placing machine
tech.块体衬砌backed with block
tech.块体铺砌路面block stone pavement
tech.块料砌合block bond
tech.块料铺砌laying of setts (路面)
tech.块料铺砌block paving (法)
tech.块料铺砌的再填缝rejointing of sett paving
tech.块料铺砌的再填缝jointing of sett paving
tech.块材砌筑构造masonry construction
tech.块状砌层blocked course
tech.块石砌体stone masonry
tech.块石砌体毛石圬工rubble masonry
tech.块石砌筑stone setting
tech.块石砌筑stone rubble masonry (work)
tech.块石端砌opus isodomum
tech.块石衬砌stone lining
tech.块石衬砌的stone lined
tech.块石铺砌stone paving
tech.块石铺砌rubble paving
tech.块石铺砌的路面paving in stone blocks
tech.块石铺砌的路面block stone pavement
tech.块石顺垒砌法opus quadratum
tech.块砌坝masonry dam (混凝土块)
tech.用混凝土块砌成的块砌墩masonry pier
tech.块砌岸壁block wall
tech.坡框式砌块mould blocks for slope protection
tech.坡框式砌块mold blocks for slope protection
tech.砌块packing rock
tech.塌陷砌块slump block
tech.填充砌块masonry filler unit
tech.填充式混凝土砌块fill-up concrete block
tech.填充式混凝土砌块结构fill-up concrete block construction
tech.填空砌块infilling block
tech.填空砌块infiller block
tech.外圆角形混凝土砌块bull-nose block
tech.外墙砌块outer wall block
tech.外墙砌块outside wall block
tech.外墙砌块exterior wall block
tech.外桥砌块outside bridge wall block
tech.外部预制砌块external precast block
tech.外部预制砌块exterior precast block
tech.外部预浇砌块exterior precast block
tech.多孔砌块perforated block
tech.多孔砌块grill block
tech.多孔砌块grille block
tech.多孔砌块multiple cavity block
tech.多孔砌块cellular block
tech.多孔泡沫矿渣混凝土砌块cored foamed slag concrete block
tech.多孔混凝土砌块expanded concrete block
tech.多孔混凝土砌块perforated concrete block
tech.多孔混凝土砌块cellular concrete block
tech.多孔混凝土专用砌块expanded concrete purpose-made block
tech.多孔混凝土特殊砌块expanded concrete special block
tech.多孔混凝土空心砌块expanded concrete hollow block
tech.多孔混凝土空心砌块expanded concrete cavity block
tech.多孔矿渣混凝土砌块expanded slag concrete block
tech.多孔矿渣骨料混凝土砌块foamed slag concrete block
tech.多孔黏土混凝土砌块expanded clay concrete block
tech.多角形砌块polygonal block
tech.多角形空心砌块polygonal hollow block
tech.多角形空心砌块polygonal cavity block
tech.多边形石块铺砌polygonal sett paving
tech.砌块large building block
tech.砌块block mass
tech.砌块住宅block of large blocks
tech.砌块建筑block architecture
tech.砌块房屋block of large blocks
tech.大块石砌体megalith masonry
tech.大块石铺砌boulder paving
tech.大块砌筑岸壁block construction wall
tech.大型砌块monolithic block
tech.大型砌块masonry panel
tech.大型砌块huge block
tech.大型砌块住宅block house
tech.大型砌块圬工large-block masonry
tech.大型砌块建筑building of large blocks
tech.大型砌块建筑block architecture
avia.大型砌块建筑block construction
tech.大型砌块施工building of large tiles
tech.大型砌块施工building of large blocks
tech.大型砌块施工法block construction method
tech.大型砌块构造large-blocked structure
tech.大型砌块结构large-blocked structure
tech.大型砌块结构block construction
tech.大型砌块部件large-block unit
tech.大型混凝土砌块mass concrete block
tech.大型混凝土砌块large concrete block
tech.大型混凝土砌块huge concrete block
tech.大型混凝土砌块墙体mass concrete-block wall
tech.天然石块铺砌natural stone-block paving
tech.天然石块铺砌的胳road with paving of natural setts
tech.夹混凝土块毛石砌体opus incertum
tech.女儿墙砌块parapet wall block
tech.孔心砌块cellular block
tech.封口空心砌块cavity closure block
tech.封头砌块making-up block
gen.将石块砌成倒阶梯set stone out
tech.小块石砌体rag work
tech.小型砌块small block
tech.小石块砌筑陀螺形路面pegtop paving
tech.小石块铺砌pegtop paving
tech.小石块铺砌沟渠ditch sett paving
tech.尾角石块墙砌合quoin bonding
tech.砌块coursed blockwork
tech.砌块coursed block
tech.砌块体圬工coursed block masonry
tech.砌块圬工coursed blockwork
tech.层片岩砌块coursed blockwork
tech.层片岩砌块coursed block
tech.层砌方块coursed block
tech.层砌方块coursed blockwork
tech.层砌方块毛石coursed square rubble
tech.屋角石块墙砌合quoin bonding
tech.屋顶通风砌块roof vent block
tech.屋顶通风器砌块roof ventilator block
tech.屏蔽砌块shielding block
tech.砌块bonded blockwork
tech.嵌砌方块bonded block
tech.砌块dry stone walling
tech.砌块placed rockfill
tech.砌块hand-placed rock
tech.砌块dry pitching stone
tech.砌块石圬工dry rubble masonry
tech.砌块石护面dry stone facing
tech.砌块石砌体dry stone masonry
tech.砌块石砌体dry laid masonry
tech.砌块石路面dry rock paving
tech.砌块石防波堤dry stone pitching breakwater
tech.砌块石面层dry rock paving
tech.干石块铺砌dry rock paving
tech.干砌楔块dry wedging
tech.干砌石块placed rockfill
tech.干砌石块护面placed stone facing
tech.平顶砌块soffit block
tech.异型砌块special concrete block
tech.异形砌块special-shaped block
tech.弧形砌块segment block
tech.弧形实心砌块compass solid block
tech.弯曲型砌块bending block
tech.Y 形砌块Y-shaped building
tech.A 形砌块A-block
tech.H形空心砌块敞口混凝土浇筑块open-end block
tech.成层干砌块coursed rockfill
tech.成层干砌块bedded rockfill
tech.成层砌石块体block-in-course block
tech.房屋中砌块过梁block lintel
tech.扇形实心砌块radial solid block
tech.扇形石块铺砌radial sett paving
tech.砌块hand-placed rock
tech.手工砌筑块石hand rubble
tech.振动式砌块制造机vibratory block making machine
tech.振实式砌块制造机vibrating compactor block making machine
tech.整块材砌筑墙solid-block masonry (work)
tech.整块花岗石块端砌opus isodomum of granite blocks
tech.敷设焦渣混凝土砌块pumice breeze block
tech.普通混凝土砌块normal concrete block
tech.有孔的砌块hole block
tech.有通风孔砌块vent block
tech.砌块wood block filler
tech.砌块模数timber unitized unit
tech.木制砌块wooden block
tech.木块铺砌wood paving
tech.木块铺砌wood block paving
tech.木块铺砌层wood pavement
tech.木块铺砌路面block wood pavement
tech.木建筑砌块模数timber building block module
tech.木铺砌块wooden paving block
tech.未上釉的结构用砌面块unglazed structural facing unit
tech.杂块砌的建筑pell-mell construction
tech.条块砌筑sliced blockwork
tech.标准砌块standard block
tech.标准化砌块modular unit
tech.标准化砌块modular building unit
tech.标准混凝土砌块standard concrete block
tech.格孔砌块cellular block
tech.楔形砌块wedge-shaped block
tech.模制膨胀珍珠岩砌块moulded expanded pearlite block
tech.模制膨胀珍珠岩砌块molded expanded pearlite block
tech.模扳式混凝上砌块fill-up concrete block
tech.模数砌块modular masonry unit
tech.模数砌块modular building unit
tech.模数化砌块modular unit
tech.模板式混凝上砌块构造fill-up concrete block construction
tech.横向空心砌块horizontal coring block
tech.橡胶面铺砌块rubber-surfaced paving block
tech.正规空心砌块normal hollow block
tech.水泥木屑砌块wood cement block
tech.水泥空心砌块cement hollow block
tech.水磨石砌块terrazzo block
tech.水落管下导水砌块splash block
tech.洞口砌块jamb block
tech.洞口混凝土砌块sill block
tech.砌块mortar rubble masonry (圬土)
tech.砌块rubble with binding material
tech.砌块mortar pitching
tech.砌块grounded rubble
tech.砌块grouted rubble
tech.砌块grouted stone
tech.砌块cement stabilized block
tech.砌块石坝cyclopean masonry dam
tech.砌块石护岸grouted pitching
tech.浇制壁柱砌块cast pilaster block
tech.浇制实心砌块cast solid block
tech.浇制新砌块cast green block
tech.浇制的木纤维混凝土砌块cast wood concrete block
tech.浇制端部砌块cast end-block
tech.浇制过梁砌块cast lintel block
tech.浇制隔墙砌块cast partition block
tech.浇制高层套房砌块cast high-rise block of flats
tech.浇注矿渣砌块cast slag block
tech.浮石砌块pumice block
tech.浮石混凝土砌块pumice concrete
tech.浮石混凝土砌块pumice building block
tech.灌浆砌块grouted rubble
tech.焦渣砌块cinder block
tech.焦渣砌块breeze block
tech.焦渣混凝土砌块cinder concrete block
tech.焦炉顶砌块roof block
tech.煤屑砌块slack block
tech.煤渣砌块cinder block
tech.煤渣砌块breeze block
tech.煤渣混凝土砌块cinder concrete block
tech.煤矸石空心砌块gangue hollow block
tech.特制砌块special-quality block
tech.特殊质量砌块Q block
tech.特种水磨石砌块special terrazzo block
tech.特种空砌块special hollow block
tech.特种装饰砌块special ornamental block
tech.特种装饰砌块special decorative block
tech.琢石墙砌块stone ashlar bonder
tech.砂灰砌块sand limestone
tech.砌入石块或混凝土中bedding into stone or concrete
tech.砌合方块fitted block
tech.砌合方块bonded block
tech.砌块masonry unit
tech.砌块unit masonry
tech.砌块masonry mass
tech.砌块masonry block
tech.砌块举重点segment erector
tech.砌块切削机block splitter
tech.砌块制造block making
tech.砌块制造机block machine
tech.砌块building tile factory (混凝土)
tech.砌块building block plant (混凝土)
tech.砌块building tile plant (混凝土)
tech.砌块building block factory (混凝土)
tech.砌块圬工墙building block masonry wall
tech.砌块圬工墙building tile masonry wall
tech.砌块圬工墙block masonry wall
tech.砌块坞墙block type dock wall
tech.砌块堤岸block type quay
tech.砌块blockwork (体)
tech.砌块building block wall
tech.砌块大小block format
tech.砌块尺寸block format
tech.砌块block house
tech.砌块岸壁block wall
tech.砌块工厂building block plant (混凝土)
tech.砌块工厂building block factory (混凝土)
tech.砌块工场block yard
tech.砌块工程building block masonry (work)
tech.砌块强度block strength
tech.砌块成型机block-making machine
tech.砌块抗压强度block compression strength
tech.砌块voussoir arch
tech.砌块block arch
tech.砌块振动block vibration
tech.砌块接缝宽度bed-and-joint width
tech.砌块提升车block-lifting machine
tech.砌块构造masonry construction
tech.砌块构造block construction
tech.砌块构造block construction method
tech.砌块模压制block press
tech.砌块模数building block module
tech.砌块模数单位modular masonry unit
tech.砌块模数法building block module method
tech.砌块烟囱block stack
tech.砌块烟囱block chimney
tech.砌块码头block type wharf
tech.砌块码头block type quay
tech.砌块砌合block bonding
tech.砌块砌墙block laying
tech.砌块砌筑block laying
tech.砌块衬砌block lining
tech.砌块规格block format
tech.砌块路面block pavement
tech.砌块过梁building tile lintel
tech.砌块过梁building block lintel
tech.砌块过梁block lintel
tech.砌块masonry nail
tech.砌块铺砌路面block pavement
tech.砌块门扉block leaf
tech.砌块block house
tech.砌块隔墙block partition
tech.砌块隔墙blockwork partition
tech.砌块隔墙block wall
tech.砌块隔墙block partition (wall)
tech.砌块隔断block partition
tech.砌块隔断blockwork partition
tech.砌块隔断block wall
tech.砌块面层block pavement
tech.砌块预留孔block joint
tech.砌块驳岸block type quay
tech.砌块黏结剂adhesive for blocks
tech.砌墙块石walking block
tech.砌墙用空心砌块wall pot
tech.砌墩块材pier block
tech.砌拱垫块camber piece
tech.砌拱垫块camber block
tech.砌筑管道的空心黏土块conduit hollow clay building block
tech.砌路用石块paving stone block
tech.砖块铺砌brick paving
ecol.硅酸盐砌块silica block
tech.硅酸盐混凝土砌块lime-silicate concrete block
tech.硬石膏砌块anhydrite block
tech.空心砌块cavity concrete block
tech.空心砌块cellular block
tech.空心砌块hollow building block
tech.空心砌块hollow masonry unit
tech.空心砌块hollow pot
tech.空心砌块hollow stone
tech.空心砌块hollow unit
tech.空心混凝土砌块hollow block
tech.空心砌块hollow block
tech.空心砌块cavity block
tech.空心砌块侧面face shell
tech.空心砌块制造hollow block making
tech.空心砌块制造机cavity block making machine
tech.空心砌块圬工hollow unit masonry
tech.空心砌块圬工工程cored block masonry work
tech.空心砌块hollow block masonry wall
tech.空心砌块cavity block wall
tech.空心砌块密度hollow block density
tech.空心砌块成形机hollow block machine
tech.空心砌块楼板hollow block floor
tech.空心砌块cavity block mold
tech.空心砌块模型hollow block mould
tech.空心砌块模型hollow block mold
tech.空心砌块模板hollow block mould
tech.空心砌块模板hollow block mold
tech.空心砌块试验机hollow-block tester
tech.空心砌块间壁partition block
tech.空心砌块隔断墙partition block
tech.空心块砌体hollow unit masonry
tech.空心块砌体结构hollow unit masonry construction
tech.空心建筑砌块hollow cored building block
tech.空心承重混凝土砌块hollow load-bearing concrete masonry unit
tech.空心梁砌块beam hollow block
tech.空心泡沫控制混凝土砌块cored foamed slag concrete block
tech.空心混凝土砌块hollow concrete block
tech.空心混凝土砌块concrete pot for walls
tech.空心混凝土砌块cavity concrete block
tech.空心熔渣砌块clinker pot
tech.空心玻璃砌块hollow glass block
tech.空心石膏砌块hollow gypsum building block
tech.空心膨胀煤渣混凝土砌块cored expanded cinder concrete block
tech.空心轻质炉渣混凝土砌块hollow light weight slag concrete
tech.空心隔墙砌块hollow partition block
tech.空心黏土砌块hollow clay block
tech.空心黏土砌块hollow clay building block
tech.空心黏土砌块double clay pot
tech.耐火砌块refractory block
tech.耐火砌块fire block
tech.耐火混凝土砌块refractory concrete block
tech.耐火黏士砌块refractory fireclay block
tech.联锁铺地砌块interlocking paving stone
tech.蜂窝状砌块honeycomb block
tech.砌块lining segment
tech.衬砌石块lining stone
tech.赤陶砌块间的唇状接合lip joint
tech.起拱砌块springing block
tech.起模板作用的混凝土砌块fill-up concrete block
tech.踢脚板后面的砌块skirting block
tech.转台式混凝土砌块压制机revolving table concrete block press
tech.转角砌块return corner block
tech.软木砌块cork block wall
tech.砌块lightweight block
tech.Y 通轻质多孔砌块Y-tong block
tech.通风砌块ventilating block
tech.通风空心砌块air-handling block
tech.配件空心砌块砌体reinforced hollow unit masonry
tech.配筋砌块工程reinforcement blockwork
tech.配筋混凝土砌块结构reinforced concrete block construction
tech.配筋混凝土砌块结构reinforced concrete masonry construction
shipb.铸铁衬砌块cast iron lining segment
tech.镶入砌块coffered block
tech.镶嵌砌块coffered wall
tech.防射线混凝上砌块concrete block for shielding
tech.防射线混凝土砌块concrete block for shielding
tech.防护砌块shielding block
tech.防水砌块waterproof block
tech.防辐射砌块radiation shield block
tech.阶梯形砌块raking back
tech.陶制砌块ceramic block
tech.陶瓷砌块terra-cotta block
tech.陶瓷砌块ceramic block
tech.陶质砌块clay block
tech.露头砌块header block
tech.非承重砌块non-bearing block
tech.面饰砌块faced block
tech.顶头接缝砌块header block
tech.顶层实面混凝土砌块solid top block
tech.顶端砌块vertex block
tech.顶端开口的砌块open-end block
tech.顶端开张的砌块open-end block
tech.顺砌砌块stretcher block (混凝土)
tech.饰面砌块faced block
tech.饰面砌块facing block
tech.饰面砌块fair-faced block
tech.饰面砌块decorative faced block
tech.饰面砌块face block
tech.饰面砌块decorative block
tech.饰面轻质混凝土砌块fair-faced lightweight concrete block
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