
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一维扩散编one-dimensional diffusion codes
三参数编译tri-parameter codec
三通道译three channel decoder
3 三阶高密度双极性high density bipolar code of order
三零代换双极性bipolar with three-zero substitution code
上下文无关编模糊文法context-free coded fuzzy grammar
上下文无关编模糊语言context-free coded fuzzy language
不归零信息non-return-to-zero information code
不等误保护编码unequal error protection coding
不等误保护多级矢量量化器unequal error protection multistage vector quantizer
专用程序代special program code
专用网络识别代private network identification code
专用通信号private telecommunications number
业务接人service access code
东亚字符代east Asian character codes
严重误秒比severely errored seconds ratio
个人信息代personal information number
个人号personal number
个人号业务personal number service
个人密personal identity number
个人密personal identification number
个人解锁personal unlocking code
个人识别号PIN block
个人识别号块网络PIN block network
个人身份鉴别personal authentication code
个人通信号personal telecommunications number
个人通信号personal communication number
中央指令译central command decoder
中央译central decode unit
中心局代central office code
中文明Chinese plain language
中文明Chinese civil code
中继电路识别trunk circuit identification code
串行-电压转换器serial-to-voltage converter
串行密设备serial cryptographic device
串行微编单片多模式智能终端serial microcoded monolithic multimode intelligent terminal
串行级联编系统serially concatenated coding system
串行编serial coding
临时用户电报网识别代temporary telex network identification code
临时移动用户识别temporary mobile subscriber identity
临时移动站识别temporary mobile station identity
临时路由号interim routing number
主叫号calling number
主叫号显示calling line identity
主叫号显示caller number display
主叫号显示calling line identification
主叫号识别calling number identification
主叫方号calling party number
主名称代main name code
主地址代primary address code
主密设备main cypher unit
主密设备main cipher unit
主控制master control code
主题字段参考代subject-field reference code
优先中断编priority interrupt encoder
传号反转编代码coded mark inversion code
传号反转编-单极性编码变换器coded mark inversion to unipolar converter
传真编数据facsimile coded data
传输控制代transmission control code
传输网识别代transmission network identification code
传送transport stream
传送系统目标解transport system target decoder
传送鉴别transfer authentication code
传送错误transport error code
伪噪声脉调制pulse code modulation pseudonoise
伪误pseudo error rate
伪随机pseudorandom code
伪随机噪声编光时域反射测量技术pseudorandom noise coded optical time domain reflectometry
伴随式反馈译syndrome feedback decoding
先进二-十进制交换advanced binary-coded decimal interchange code
分复用optical code-division multiplexing
读出optical code reading
光脉调制optical pulse code modulation
分区线性信息组代partitioned linear block code
分区编zonal coding
分块截短编block truncation coding
分层编hierarchical coding
分布样值扰方法distributed sample scramble
分形编fractional coding
分析合成法编analysis synthesis coding
分波段自适应预测编split-band adaptive predictive coder
分组基本译码packetized elementary stream decoding
取消column code suppression
抑制column code suppression
列出号簿号listed directory number
初次报警first alarm code
初级代prime level code
删除缩位号delete abbreviated number
制造商识别manufacturers identify code
化学半自动编情报检索系统semi-automatic encoding of chemistry for information retrieval system
区域个人密密钥zone PIN key
十分之一无误error-free decisecond
十进制decimal code
合成与自然混合编synthetic and natural hybrid coding
同步分多址技术synchronous code division multiple access technology
同步频率编技术synchronous frequency encoding technique
同线电话号directory number multiparty
名称代name code
后向自适应差分脉调制backward adaptive differential pulse code modulation
听觉与视觉信号编aural and visual code
商品编协会英国Article Number Association
商用初学者的通用符号指令commercial beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code
地址代address code
处理器识别号一种新型芯片识别法processor ID number
处理器识别号一种新型芯片识别法processor identification number
处理机功能操作handler function code
处理角度数据代code to handle angular data
备用条件readiness condition code
备用译器置换spare decoder replacement
复杂指令集计complex instruction set code
复用器编multiplexer encoder unit
码分多址multicode code division multiple access
组同步multi-block synchronization
组同步信号单元multi-block synchronization signal unit
多任务顺序译multiple mission sequential decoder
多信道编multiple channels encoder
多声道感知自适应编multichannel perception adaptive coding
多媒体因特网邮件编multimedia Internet mail encoding
多媒体编处理器芯片multimedia encode processor chip
多媒体超媒体信息编专家组Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Experts Group (CCITT 标准)
多帧编multi-frame code
多数逻辑译majority-logic decoding
多普勒雷达编指令系统coded Doppler radar command system
多模式图像编multimode image coding
多用代versatility code
多用户电话号directory number multiparty
多用编multifit coder
多用途通用可编程智能译multipurpose universally programmable intelligent decoder
多级机器代multilevel machine code
多级脉调制、强度调制脉冲源multilevel pulse code modulation, intensity modulated pulse source
多级脉调制、极化调制脉冲源multilevel pulse code modulation, polarization modulated pulse source
多维格调制multi-dimensional trellis coded modulation
多脉冲激励线性预测编multipulse excitation linear predictive coding
多脉冲激励编multipulse excited coding
多脉冲编multipulse coding
多路复接转换器编装置multiplexer encoder unit
多路模数转换数据编multichannel analog-to-digital data encoder
多载波分多址系统multicarrier code division multiple access system
多载波分多址code division multiple access with multicarrier
多载波直接序列分多址系统multicarrier direct sequence code division multiple access system
多重亚奈奎斯特取样编multiple sub-Nyquist sampling encoding
多重格调制multiple trellis coded modulation
多重纠错multi-error correcting code
多音频分多址multitone code division multiple access
多频编信令multifrequency code signaling
多频编单元multifrequency code unit
多频编振荡器multifrequency code oscillator
大中国代great China code page
大件运输heavy goods unloading wharf
大区域同步分多址技术large area synchronous code division multiple access technique
小区识别cell identity
局代office code
局部条形阅读器local bar-code reader
帧内编Intracoded frame
帧内编intracoded frames
帧同步扰frame synchronous scrambling
帧扫描期时间代vertical interval time code
帧识别frame identification code
帧间编interframe coder
常用视频编popular video coder
开关译switch decoder
开支核准outgoing authorization code
异步分多址技术asynchronous code division multiple access technology
异步分多址asynchronous code division multiple access
弗兰克多相Frank polyphase code
弗里曼矢量编Freeman vector code
性能测试代performance test code
感知音频编perception audio coder
戈利顺序编一种早期寻呼标准Golay sequential coding
成帧framing code
成组技术特征group technology characterization code
或条件寄存器OR condition code register
战事密war office code
战术声器系统tactical vocoder system
战术试验数据译tactical test data translator
distributed emission magnetron amplifier
指令instruction code
指令处理器order code processor
指令助记mnemonic instruction code
指令寄存译instruction register decoder
指令译instruction decoding unit
指令译滤波器command decoder filter
按业务类别的电话号directory number class of service
按位的补digital complement
按帧编framing code
振动双流电报vibrator double-current cable code
电视图像摄录时间burnt in time code
改良二进制编十进制modified binary-coded decimal
改进的传号反转编代码modified coded mark inversion code
改进的传号反转编编码器modified coded mark inversion coder
改进的传号反转编译码器modified coded mark inversion decoder
改进的相对单元地址指定编modified relative element address designation coding
改进的相对单元地址指定编modified READ
改进米勒modified Miller code
改进赫夫曼modified Huffman code
改进赫夫曼编modified Huffman coding
故障校正译failure-correction decoding
最佳代生成optimal code generation
最后编late scramble
最大似然译maximum likelihood decoder
最大数值.maximum number code
最大条件maximum condition code
最大长度循环maximum length cyclic code
最小代间距code minimum distance
最小冗余minimum redundant code
最小指令minimal instruction code
最小编单元minimum coding unit
最小距离译规则minimum-distance decoding rule
有效地址active address code
未分配代code not allocated
未分配的国内号信号unallocated-number signal
未列人电话簿的电话号no telephone listed
机器代兼容指令集machine-code compatible instruction set
机器代指令machine-code instruction
机器代machine-code level
机器无关宏指令machine independent macroinstruction code
机器相关代machine-dependent code
机器自动算法译machine automatic algorithmic decoder
机构识别organization identification code
机载音频编airborne audio frequency coder
权值代weighted code
权重删除译算法weight erasures decoding algorithm
标准传输代standard transmission code
标准参考代standard reference code
标准点定位standard point location code
标准电子情报数据系统代与格式standard ELINT data system codes and formats
标准编standard encoder
标准脉调制standard pulse code modulation
标准舷standard weights
标准项目识别standard subject identification code
标度尺数scale numbering
树分析tree analysis code
校对数check figure number
校正子反馈译syndrome feedback decoding
校正子译syndrome decoding
样品尺sample size
调制方案trellis coded modulation scheme
格状编trellis coding
格状编剩余矢量量化器trellis-coded residual vector quantizer
格状编16状态正交调幅trellis coded 16-state quadrature amplitude modulation
格状编8状态移相键控trellis coded 8-state phase-shift keying
格状编矢量量化trellis-coded vector quantization
格状编调制方案trellis coded modulation scheme
格状编调制-8状态移相键控trellis coded modulation 8-state phase-shift keying
格状编连续相位调制trellis-coded continuous phase modulation
格状编量化trellis coded quantization
格雷reflected binary code
格雷-二进制码转换convert Gray to binary
-数analog-to-digital coder
模块化扩频序发生器modular spread spectrum code-sequence generator
模块式编系统modular code system
模拟脉调制调制解调器analog pulse code modulation modem
模拟色analog color code
横向位移编lateral displacement coding
次级点代secondary point code
欧洲商品编委员会European Article Numbering Association
欧洲航空密'code of European airworthiness
水下编指令发射系统underwater coded command release system
水平型微指令代horizontal microcode
水平微horizontal microcode
活动图像压缩标准传输MPEG transport stream
渐近多用户编增益asymptotic multiuser coding gain
渐近编增益asymptotic coding gain
游程长度受限run-length-limited code
概率probability of missing code
drop out threshold
甚高速集成电路硬件描述语言代生成程序VHDL code generator
生产设备代production equipment code
用户功能user function code
用户名称代user designation code
用户接口编程序user interface builder
用户标识user designation code
用户电报接收站代telex destination code
用户电报网识别代telex network identification code
用户识别号user identification number
用途识别代purpose identification code
发送间隔code sending interval
character-code light
character light
自动封锁coded current block
电传打字机译器控制器teletype decoder controller
电传打字机误检测器teleprinter error detector
电传打字电报机译teletype translator
电传打字编接口telewriting coding interface
电压识别voltage identification code
电子electronic code book
电子乐器数字接口时间代MIDI time code
电子乐器数字接口机器代MIDI machine code
电子保密号electronic security number
电子工业协会标准代Electronic Industries Association standard code
电密electric cipher machine
电报误率测量telegraph error rate measuring
电报误率监测设备telegraph error rate monitoring equipment
电气electrical code
电气electric code
电气安全electrical safety code
电池供电、过压保护、振铃、监视、编、混合及测试功能battery feed, overvoltage protection, ringing, supervision, coding, hybrid and testing function
电线色wire color code
电视信号解卫星电视、CATV及DVD 用音频/视频解码器set-top box
移动用户电话号directory number
电话号存储器telephone directory memory
电话国家代telephone country code
画面起始代picture start code
位数目变化code bit number variation
code element
多址试验床code division testbed
分多址frequency division multiple access
分多址code division multiple address
分多址互连子系统CDMA interconnect subsystem
分多址基带处理器CDMA baseband processor
分多址基带处理器开发系统CBP development system
分多址开发集团CDMA Development Group
分多址接口外围设备CDMA interface peripheral
分多址无线本地环路code division multiple access wireless local loop
分多址网间互通功能code division multiple access interworking function
分多址自动测试系统code division multiple access automatic test system
分多址蜂窝陆地网络CDMA cellular land network
分多路复接转换code-division multiplexing
分多路接人code division multiple access
分扩频技术code division spread spectrum
分测试台code division testbed
分试验床code division testbed
号已改number changed
型相关抖动pattern dependent jitter
头到用户集装箱运输用语pier-to-door transport
头吨位税dock tonnage dues
头建筑wharf structure
头灯harbor light
头起重机dock side crane
字数字和codeword digital sum
本激励线性预测法codebook excitation linear prediction
binary unit stream
binary digit stream
流连续校准bitstream continuous calibration
激励线性预测编码code-excited linear prediction coding
激励线性预测编码code-excited linear predictive coding
激励线性预测编码器code-excited linear predictive coder
片匹配滤波器chip matched filter
bit rate
率倍增器rate multiplier
率兼容型删除卷积编码rate compatible punctured convolution coding
率自适应非对称数字用户线rate-adaptive asymmetric digital subscriber line
组差错概率block error probability
组接收信号block received signal
速调整业务数字justification service digits
速调整序列justification sequence
速调整控制字justification control word
速调整控制数字justification control digit
速调整控制比特justification control bit
间干扰inter-symbol interference
程序代与数据分离code and data separation
程序结构代program structure code
程序识别代program identification code
程序译program decoder
程控密设备programmed cryptographic facility
符号误symbol error rate
索取个人信息代acquiring personal information number
紧凑compact code
缓冲器描述buffer description code
与分析系统system for coding and analysis
信号彩色校正系统encoded color correction system
傅里叶变换全息图coded Fourier transform hologram
code element
光字符coded optical character
单元coding unit
和随机存取开关coder and random access switch
MCMI 编modified coded mark inversion coder
器与随机访问开关coder and random access switch
器地址转换器encoder address translator
器时序脉冲coder sequential pulse
器程序设计语言encoder programming language
器缓冲器encoder buffer
图形局部标识符coded graphics local identifier
地址专用无线电通信coded address private radio intercommunication
声询问器coded acoustic interrogator
多矢量数字调制coded poly-vector digital modulation
技术改进计划project for the advancement of coding technique
数字颜色鉴别码coded digital verification color code
方法标识符coding method identifier
encoder machine
模糊语言coded fuzzy language
正交频分复用code quadrature frequency division multiplexing
游程长度coded run length
电流轨迹电路coded current track circuit
电流遥控coded current remote control
电流阻塞coded current block
磁字符coded magnetic character
管理系统code management system
脉冲抗干扰反杂波系统coded pulse anti-clutter system
装置coding device
触点coding contact
译码器数据隔离器ENDEC data separator
-译码器组coder-decoder group
/调制增益coding/modulation gain
输人encode input
速率code rate
遥测信息处理机coded telemetry processor
coding key
缩位拨号代abbreviated dialing code
缩微胶卷信息检索访问microfilm information retrieval access code
缩短线性代shortened linear code
拨号pulse-code dialing
调制/不归零信号变换pulse code modulation/non-return-to-zero
调制与计时电子设备pulse code modulation and timing electronics
调制主设备PCM master unit
调制-偏振极化调制pulse code modulation-polarization modulation
调制-光强调制pulse code modulation-intensity modulation
调制器pulse code modulation device
调制复用器pulse code modulation multiplexer
调制多路复接器pulse code modulation multiplexer
调制-差分移相键控pulse code modulation-differential phase shift keying
调制-幅度调制pulse code modulation-amplitude modulation
调制/数字语音插空测试仪PCM/DSI test set
调制-数据处理系统pulse code modulation-data handling system
调制-时分复用pulse code modulation-time division multiplexing
调制-时分多址pulse code modulation-time division multiple access
调制-时分多址-按需分配pulse code modulation-time division multiple access-demand assignment
调制-时分多址-按需分配-数字语音插空pulse code modulation-time division multiple access-demand assignment-digital speech interpolation
调制-时分多址••预分配pulse code modulation-time division multiple access-preassignment
调制-时分多址-预分配-数字语音插空pulse code modulation-time division multiple access-preassignment-digital speech interpolation
调制-相位调制pulse code modulation-phase modulation
调制-移幅键控pulse code modulation-amplitude shift keying
调制-移相键控pulse code modulation-phase-shift keying
调制-移相键控-时分多址pulse code modulation-phase-shift keying-time division multiple access
调制-移频键控pulse code modulation-frequency shift keying
调制/移频键控/幅度调制pulse code modulation/frequency shift keying/amplitude modulation
调制/移频键控/频率调制pulse code modulation/frequency shift keying/frequency modulation
调制设备pulse code modulation device
调制语音总线pulse code modulation speech bus
调制过程方式pulse code modulation event
调制适配器PCM adapter
调制-通断开关键控pulse code modulation-on-off keying
调制-频率调制pulse code modulation-frequency modulation
调解pulse code demodulation
脉冲编光学着陆系统pulse coded optical landing system
脉冲编光学着陆装置pulse coded optical landing assembly
脉冲编调制impulse-code modulation
脉冲莫尔斯电调制pulse Morse code modulation
脉宽编-不归零制pulse width encoding-non-return-to-zero
脉宽编pulse width coder
航天器指令编spacecraft command encoder
航空电air code
谐波矢量激励编harmonic vector excited coding
账户代coding of accounts
货箱尺measurement of packing
资源识别代resource identification code
适于速调整的比特数bit available for justification
选择编select coding method
透明数据通信代transparent data communication code
逐行倒相制编phase alternation line encoding
递归区域编recursive block coding
递归卷积编recursive convolutional encoder
通信总线译communications bus translator
通信指标指示电sinpo code
通信指标指示电sinpfemo code
通用同步发射机universal code synchronous transmitter
通用同步接收机universal code synchronous receiver
通用同步收发机universal code synchronous transmitter/receiver
通用个人号universal personal identity
通用代versatility code
通用代universal code
通用号业务universal number service
通用国际免费电话号universal international freephone number
通用多载波分多址generalized multicarrier code division multiple access
通用服务指令universal service order code
通用科学文献图像代general purpose scientific document image code
通用自动计算机自动编系统universal automatic computer automatic coding system
通用视频图像universal video coding
通用音调解universal tone decoder
通道微设备调节装置channel microcode device exerciser
速记编系统shorthand coding system
逻辑代发生器logical code generator
逻辑删除logical elimination code
逻辑设备logical device code
错误恢复炳编error resilient entropy coding
错误检查error detecting code
错误状态error status code
阅读器代reader code
阈值译threshold decoding
防破译代breakproof code
防解密代breakproof code
m 阶高密度双极性high density bipolar code of order m
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