
Terms for subject Environment containing 矿物 | all forms | in specified order only
土壤矿物soil mineralogy Study of the formation, occurrence, properties, composition, and classification of the minerals present in the soil (对目前土壤中矿物质的形成、发生、性质和组成的研究。)
矿物弃置场spoil dump Place where rubbish and waste minerals dug out of a mine are deposited (矿井中挖出的垃圾和废物的存放的地方。)
水去除矿物water demineralisation The removal of minerals from water by chemical, ion-exchange, or distillation procedures (通过化学、离子交换、或蒸馏程序去除水中的矿物质。)
矿物mineralogy The science which concerns the study of natural inorganic substances called minerals (研究涉及天然无机物即矿物质的科学。)
矿物污染mineral pollution Pollution deriving from all classes of mining operations and having an adverse effect on aquatic life, water supplies and the recreational use of waters (污染源于各类采矿业务,对水生生物、供水和水的休养使用产生不利影响。)
矿物化石燃料fossil fuel
矿物纤维mineral fibre A fiber manufactured from glass, rock, or slag generally for use in fabricating heat insulation (从玻璃、岩石或者矿渣中加工而来的纤维,通常用于制造热绝缘材料。)
矿物mineral matter Inorganic materials having a distinct chemical composition, characteristic crystalline structure, colour, and hardness (具有独特化学成分、特色晶体结构、色彩和硬度的无机材料。)
矿物资源mineral resource Valuable mineral deposits of an area that are presently recoverable and may be so in the future; includes known ore bodies and potential ore (目前或可能在将来可回收有价值矿藏的区域,包括已知的矿体和潜在的矿石。)
采矿废弃物mining waste Any residue which results from the extraction of raw materials from the earth (任何来自从地上提取原料的残留物。)
金属矿物metallic mineral Minerals containing metals, such as bauxite, pyrite, etc. (含有金属的矿物,如铝矾土、黄铁矿等等。)