
Terms for subject Technology containing 矿床 | all forms | in specified order only
不成层矿床unstratified mineral deposit
不需要专门疏干的矿床ore deposits of non-special drainage
与礁灰岩有关的层状铅锌矿床stratiform lead-zinc deposit to reef limestone
中型矿床medium size ore deposit
中岩浆热液矿床apomagmatic hydrothermal mineral deposit
中深热液矿床mesothermal deposit
中温热液矿床mesothermal deposit
中非铜矿床Central-African copper deposit
二次矿床secondary deposit
云母矿床mica deposit
五元素型铀矿床uranium deposit of penta element type
五元素建造镍矿床ore deposits of penta deposit formation
五元素铋矿床bismuthic deposit of penta element
亚中温热液矿床leptothermal deposit
交代矿床metasomatic ore deposit
交代矿床replacement deposit
交代矿床metasomatic mineral deposit
伟晶岩矿床pegmatitic ore deposit
伟晶岩锂矿床spodumene-lepidolite-pegmatite deposit
伴生金矿床accompanying gold deposit
低品位矿床low-grade deposit
低温热液矿床hypothermal deposit
充填矿床mineral deposit by cavity filling
克林顿铁矿床Clinton iron deposit
兰石棉矿床crocidolite-asbestos deposit
内岩浆矿床intramagmatic deposit
内生矿床hypogene deposit
内生矿床endogenetic deposit
再生矿床rejuvenated ore deposit
再生矿床regenerated deposit
再生层控矿床palingenetic stratabound deposit
冰晶石矿床cryolite deposit
冰洲石矿床iceland spar deposit
冲积矿床placer accumulation
冲积矿床gravel deposit
冲积矿床开采alluvial mining
凹凸棒石黏土矿床attapulgite clay deposit
刚玉矿床corundum deposit
制砖黏土矿床brick clay deposit
刻赤铁矿床Kerch iron deposit
卡姆巴尔达式镍矿床Kambalda-type nickel deposit
压电水晶矿床piezoelectrical quartz deposit
压电水晶矿床piezoelectric quartz deposit
压电石英矿床piezoelectrical quartz deposit
压电石英矿床piezoelectric quartz deposit
双床脱矿质器two-bed demineralizer
发现新的矿床类型discovered new types of ore deposits
受变质矿床metamorphosed ore deposit
变质矿床metamorphic ore deposit
变质岩层状铜矿床metamorphosed stratiform copper deposit
变质成矿床metamorphogenic deposit
叠生矿床multiple ore deposit
可采矿床payable ground
可采矿床的最小厚度mining width
叶蜡石矿床pyrophyllite deposit
同生层控矿床syngenetic stratabound deposit
后成矿床subsequent ore deposit
后生矿床epigenetic deposit
后生层控矿床epigenetic stratabound deposit
含沸石矿床zeolitic ore deposit
含石碱性岩矿床thorium-bearing carbonatite deposit
含金铀砾岩矿床uranium and gold-bearing conglomerate deposit
含钍碳酸岩型矿床thorium-bearing carbonatite deposit
含铀石英脉矿床uranium-bearing quartz vein deposit
含铀砂岩砾岩矿床uranium-sandstone-conglomerate deposit
含铀磷块岩矿床uranium-phosphorite deposit
含铀荧石脉矿床uranium-bearing fluorite vein deposit
含铋脉状硫化物矿床bismuthic veined sulfide deposit
含铜砂岩矿床cupreous sandstone deposit
含铜页岩矿床copper shale deposit
哈默斯利型铁矿床Hamersley-type iron deposit
喷发矿床eruptive mineral deposit
喷气矿床exhalation deposit
喷气沉积矿床exhalation-sedimentary mineral deposit
地下矿床subterranean deposit
地蜡矿床ozokerite deposit
块状硫化物型多金属矿床massive sulfide-type polymetallic deposit
块状硫化物型铜矿床massive sulphide-type copper deposit
坡积矿床talus deposit
坡积铁矿床slope-wash iron deposit
矿床small-size ore deposit
基超基性伟晶岩矿床basic-ultrabasic pegmatite deposit
填充矿床filled deposit
增强矿床勘探工作ore deposit exploration strengthen
复合矿床complex deposit
复合成因矿床deposite of compound origin
复合成因矿床deposit of compound origin
外生矿床exogenetic ore deposit
外生矿床exogenic ores
外生矿床exogeneous ore deposit
多因复成矿床polygenetic compound ore deposit
多因复成矿床特征feature of polygenetic compound ore deposit
多因复成矿床类型polygenetic compound deposit type
多因复成钨矿床polygenetic compound wolfram deposit
多因复成铀矿床polygenetic compound uranium deposit
多因复成铁矿床polygenetic compound iron deposit
多因复成铅锌矿床polygenetic compound lead zinc deposit
多因复成锑矿床polygenetic compound antimony deposit
多成因复成矿床composite ore deposit of multiple genesis
多成因多阶段迭生矿床superimposed deposit of multiple genesis-multiple stage
多金属矿床polymetallic deposit
多金属矿床complex deposit
大型矿床large-size ore deposit
大水岩溶矿床mineral deposit of karst flooding
大理岩矿床marble deposit
大陆架矿床shelf deposit
大陆架矿床continental deposit
天然硫矿床native sulphur deposit
天然碱矿床trona deposit
孔隙充水矿床mineral deposit of pore inundation
存在矿床 Y 单元数number of cells containing mineral deposit Y
定量矿床quantitative metallogeny
宝石矿床precious stone deposit
密西西比河谷式铅锌矿床Mississippi-valley-type lead-zinc deposit
尖晶石矿床spinelle deposit
尖晶石矿床spinel deposit
层控矿床strata-bound ore deposit
层控铅锌矿床strata-bound lead-zinc deposit
层控铅锌铁锰矿床strata-bound lead-zinc-iron-manganese deposit
层状矿床stratiform deposit
层状矿床bedded deposition
层状菱镁矿矿床stratiform magnesite deposit
层状铜矿床stratiform copper deposit
岩浆矿床magmatic ore deposit
岩浆后期矿床post-magmatic ore deposit
岩浆后期矿床deuteric ore deposit
岩浆喷溢矿床ore deposits of magmatic eruption
岩浆期后矿床post-magmatic ore deposit
岩浆期后矿床post-magmatic mineral deposit
岩浆贯入矿床magmatic injection deposit
岩溶矿床karst deposit
岩溶充水矿床mineral deposit of karst inundation
已知矿床number of known deposits
布什维尔德铬矿床Bushveld chromium deposit
席状矿床sheeted vein deposit
干式摇床选矿dry tabling
平伏矿床flat mass
平伏矿床flat-lying deposit
平均矿床mean deposit number
平腹矿床blanket deposit
床层式风力选矿机bed-type pneumatic concentrator
库尔斯克型铁矿床Kursk-type iron deposit
底板间接进水的矿床mineral deposit of indirect inundation from bottom layer
开始涌水矿床field going to water
成层矿床eutaxic deposit
成层砂矿床stratified sand deposit
成层砂矿床coursed sand deposit
拉科式铁矿床Lako-type iron deposit
接触交代矿床contact metasomatic deposit
摇床流槽选矿装置shaking-bed sluicing device
摇床精矿table concentrate
斑岩型金矿床porphyry-type gold deposit
斑岩型锡矿床porphyry-type tin deposit
斑岩钼矿床porphyry molybdenum deposit
斑岩钼矿床模式model of porphyry molybdenum deposit
斑岩铜矿床copper porphyry deposit
斑岩铜矿床模式model of porphyry copper deposit
断层矿床fault deposit
方解石矿床calcite deposit
早期岩浆矿床early magmatic ore deposit
明矾石矿床alunite deposit
易于疏干的矿床ore deposits of easy drainage
晚期岩浆矿床late magmatic ore deposit
晚期岩浆矿床late magmatic mineral deposit
晶质鳞片状石墨矿床crystalline flaky graphite deposit
暗河充水矿床mineral deposit of underground river inundation
有机沉积矿床organic deposit
有用矿物矿床valuable deposit
机械沉积矿床mineral deposit by mechanical sedimentation
机械沉积矿床mechanical sedimentary deposit
板岩矿床slate deposit
橄榄岩矿床peridotite deposit
次火山热液矿床subvolcanic-hydrothermal ore deposit
次生矿床secondary mineral deposit
正岩浆矿床orthomagmatic mineral deposit
残余矿床residual deposit
残剩矿床residual deposit
水晶矿床mountain deposit
水泥配料有黏土矿床clay deposit for cement
水溶型天然气矿床natural gas deposit of dissolved-in-water type
汽化热液矿床pneumatolytic-hydrothermal deposit
汽化热液矿床pneumato-hydrothermal deposit
沉积矿床分带zoning of sedimentary mineral deposits
沉积变质矿床metamorphosed sedimentary ore deposit
沉积变质硫铁矿床sedimentary-metamorphosed pyrite deposit
沉积型镍硫化物矿床nickel sulfide deposit of sedimentary type
沉积层状铅锌矿床sedimentary stratiform lead-zinc deposit
沉积层状铜矿床sedimentary stratiform copper deposit
沉积物矿床precipitated deposit
沉积铁矿床sedimentary iron deposit
沉积铝土矿矿床sedimentary bauxite deposit
沉积锰矿床sedimentary manganese deposit
沙砾矿床sand and gravel deposit
河床砂矿riverbed placer
河床采矿river mining
沼泽沉积矿床swamp sedimentary deposit
泥灰岩矿床marl deposit
洪积砂矿床diluvian placer
浅成低温热液矿床epithermal deposit
浅成脉状矿床shallow vein zone deposit
浅成高温热液矿床xenothermal deposit
浅部砂矿床shallow gravel
浓黄土矿床sienna deposit
浮岩矿床pumice deposit
浮露矿床exposed deposit
海底矿床sea-floor deposit
海底矿床submarine mineral deposit
海底矿床ocean-floor deposit
海成矿床marine deposit
海泡石矿床sepiolite deposit
海泡石黏土矿床sepiolite clay deposit
海滨矿床shoreline deposit
海滨矿床shore deposit
海相沉积矿床marine sedimentary deposit
海相沉积磷块岩矿床marine sedimentary phosphorite deposit
海相沉积铝土矿矿床marine sedimentary bauxite deposit
海绿石矿床glauconite deposit
浸染矿床impregnation deposit
淋积矿床infiltration deposit
深成矿床hypogene deposit
深成低温热液矿床telethermal ore deposit
深成热液矿床katathermal ore deposit
深成脉状矿床hypogene vein deposit
深成高温热液矿床hypothermal deposit
深藏矿床deep-seated deposit
深部矿床deep-seated deposit
混合床去除矿质器mixed bed demineralizer
湖相沉积矿床sedimentary deposit of lake facies
矿床bromine deposit
溶洞充水矿床mineral deposit of karst grotto
溶蚀裂隙充水矿床mineral deposit of karst-fissure inundation
滑石矿床talc deposit
滑石绿泥片岩矿床talc-chlorite schist deposit
滨海砂矿床marginal marine deposit
漂白土矿床Fuller's earth deposit
漂砂矿床alluvial deposit
火山岩中金铜矿床gold-copper deposit in volcanics
火山岩中金银矿床gold silver deposit in volcanics
火山岩系中硫铁矿床pyrite deposit in volcanic series
火山成因矿床volcanogenic mineral deposit
火山次火山热液矿床volcano-subvolcanic hydrothermal ore deposit
火山沉积矿床volcanic sedimentary deposit
火山沉积型硼矿床volcano-sedimentary-type boron deposit
火山沉积成因矿床volcanogenic sedimentary deposit
火成矿床pyrogenic deposit
火成矿床pyrogenetic deposit
热水矿床调查hydrothermal mineral survey
热液矿床hydrothermal ore deposit
热液交代矿床pyrometasomatic deposit
热液脉状锑矿床hydrothermal veined antimony deposit
矿床coal deposit
煤系沉积硫铁矿床sedimentary pyrite deposit in coal series
熔离矿床liquation deposit
特大型矿床huge-size ore deposit
玉石矿床jade deposit
玢岩式铁矿床porphyrite-type iron deposit
玢岩铁矿床模式model of porphyrite iron deposit
现代海洋底部铁锰铜矿床manganese-iron-copper deposit on the modern ocean floor
珍珠岩矿床perlite deposit
瓦板岩矿床roofing slate deposit
瓷土矿床porcelain clay deposit
生物化学沉积矿床biochemical-sedimentary ore deposit
电气石矿床tourmaline deposit
白云岩矿床dolomite deposit
白云母矿床muscovite deposit
白垩矿床chalk deposit
白岗岩矿床alaskite deposit
盐湖矿床deposite of saline lake
盐湖矿床deposit of saline lake
盐湖型硼矿床salt-lake-type boron deposit
盐湖型锂矿床salt-lake-type lithium deposit
盐类矿床saline deposit
矿床blind deposit
直接进水的矿床mineral deposit of direct inundation
真溶液化学沉积矿床chemical-sedimentary deposit by true solution
石墨矿床graphite deposit
石棉矿床asbestos deposit
石榴子石矿床garnet deposit
石灰岩矿床limestone deposit
石膏矿床gypsum deposit
石英岩矿床quartzite deposit
石英砂矿床quartz sand deposit
石英砂岩矿床quartz sandstone deposit
矽卡岩矿床skarn ore deposit
矽卡岩型硫铁矿床skarn-type pyrite deposit
矽卡岩型钼矿床skarn molybdenum deposit
矽卡岩型铅锌矿床lead-zinc deposit in skarn
矽卡岩型铜矿床skarn-type copper deposit
矽卡岩型锡矿床skarn-type tin deposit
矽卡岩白钨矿矿床scheelite skarn deposit
矽卡岩硼矿床boron-bearing skarn deposit
矽线石矿床sillimanite deposit
矿化垃圾固定床aged-refuse fixed bed
矿区矿床图件map about ore districts and deposit
矿床ore formation
矿床一般概念general concept of mineral deposit
矿床中段地质图geological plan of level of ore deposits
矿床中段地质图geologic plan of level of ore deposits
矿床分带zonal distribution of mineral deposits
矿床名称title of ore deposits
矿床地形地质图topographic-geological map of ore deposit
矿床地形地质图topographic-geologic map of ore deposit
矿床地球化学geochemistry of mineral deposits
矿床地质geology of mineral deposits
矿床地质图geological map of ore deposits
矿床地质图geologic map of ore deposits
矿床地质研究investigation of geology of ore deposit
矿床地质研究程度investigation degree of geology of ore deposit
矿床地质综合评价synthetical assessment of geology of mineral deposits
矿床地质综合评价synthetic assessment of geology of mineral deposits
矿床外剥离量计算平面图calculating plan of outer stripping amount of ore deposit
矿床开发的方向bearing of the trend
矿床开拓mineral deposit development
矿床开拓development of mineral deposits
矿床开拓系统deposite development system
矿床开拓系统deposit development system
矿床开采技术条件mining technological condition of mineral deposits
矿床开采技术条件mining technologic condition of mineral deposits
矿床开采程序ore deposit mining programme
矿床开采程序ore deposit mining program
矿床成因genesis of mineral deposit
矿床成因类型genetic type of mineral deposits
矿床成因类型genetical types of ore deposits
矿床模型deposits model
矿床模型法deposite modeling method
矿床模型法deposit modeling method
矿床模拟simulation of deposits
矿床水平断面图horizontal section of ore deposit
矿床水文地质mineral deposit-hydrogeology
矿床水文地质分类classification of mineral deposit-hydrogeology
矿床水文地质分类等级classificatory grade of mineral deposit-hydrogeology
矿床水文地质数据data of mineral deposit-hydrogeology
矿床水文地质条件复杂程度complicated degree of condition of mineral de posit-hydrogeology
矿床水文地质条件研究investigation of hydrogeological conditions of ore deposit
矿床水文地质条件研究investigation of hydrogeologic conditions of ore deposit
矿床水文地质条件研究程度investigation degree of hydrogeological conditions of ore deposit
矿床水文地质条件研究程度investigation degree of hydrogeologic conditions of ore deposit
矿床水文地质类型type of mineral deposit-hydrogeology
矿床水文地质调查hydrogeological survey of mineral deposit
矿床水文地质调查hydrogeologic survey of mineral deposit
矿渣填充滤床slag-packed filter
矿渣路床slag stone
铁路矿渣道床slag ballast
矿砂摇床sand table
矿床placer formation
矿床sand deposit
矿床placer deposit
矿床富集作用placer concentration
砂岩矿床sandstone deposit
砂石矿床sand and gravel deposit
砂质高岭土矿床sandy kaolin deposit
砂金矿床gold placer
砂铂矿床platinum placer
砂锡矿床tin placer
硅灰石矿床wollastonite deposit
硅藻土矿床diatomite deposit
硅质原料矿床siliceous materials deposit
硅质岩矿床siliceous rock deposit
矿床selenium deposit
硝石矿床nitrate bed
硝酸岩矿床nitrate deposit
硫化矿床元素elements of sulfide deposits
硫化矿床次生富集作用secondary enrichment of sulphide deposit
硫化矿床氧化带oxidized zone of sulfide deposit
硬石膏矿床anhydrite deposit
硬质高岭土矿床hard kaolin deposit
硼酸岩矿床borate deposit
碎屑矿床detrital ore deposit
矿床iodine deposit
碱性伟晶岩矿床alkaline pegmatite deposit
矿床tellurium deposit
碳酸岩矿床carbonatite deposit
碳酸盐岩交代铅锌矿床metasomatic lead-zinc deposit carbonate rocks
碳酸盐岩及砂页中硫铁矿床pyrite deposit in carbonate rock and sandstones hale
碳酸盐岩层中层状汞矿床stratiform mercury deposit in carbonate rocks
碳酸盐岩层中层状锑矿床stratiform antimony deposit in carbonate rocks
碳酸盐岩层控铅锌矿床strata-bound lead-zinc deposit in carbonate rocks
碳酸盐岩石矿床carbonate rock deposit
磷块岩矿床phosphorite deposit
磷灰石矿床apatite deposit
第三纪型矿床Tertiary-type ore deposit (浅成热液矿床)
米纳斯吉拉斯型铁矿床Minas Gerais type iron deposit
累托石矿床rectorite deposit
红土化型铁矿床laterized-type iron deposit
红层矿床red bed deposit
红层铜矿床red beds copper deposit
红蓝宝石矿床ruby-sapphire deposit
细砾矿床fine gravel ore deposit
细脉侵染矿床ore deposits of fine intrusive veins
结晶分异矿床crystallization-differentiation deposit
网状矿床network deposit
耐火黏土矿床fireclay deposit
肖德贝里铜镍矿床Sudbury copper-nickel deposit
背斜矿床anticlinal deposit
胶体化学沉积矿床sedimentary deposit by colloidal chemistry
胶结矿床cement deposit
矿床vein deposit
脉状矿床lode deposit
脉状汞矿床veined mercury deposit
脉状沥青铀矿硫化物矿床vein-type pitchblende-sulfide deposit
脉状硫铁矿床vein-type pyrite deposit
脉状硫铁矿床vein pyrite deposit
脉状铅锌矿床vein-type lead-zinc deposit
脉状铅锌矿床vein lead-zinc deposit
脉状铜矿床vein-type copper deposit
脉石矿床root deposit
膨润土矿床bentonite deposit
花岗伟晶岩矿床granitic pegmatite deposit
花岗岩矿床granite deposit
菱镁矿矿床magnesite deposit
萤石矿床fluorite deposit
蒸发沉积矿床evapourate deposit
蒸发沉积矿床evapourite deposit
蒸发沉积矿床evaporate deposit
蓝宝石矿床sapphire deposit
蓝晶石矿床kyanite deposit
蔷薇辉石矿床rhodonite deposit
蛇纹石石棉矿床chrysotile-asbestos deposit
蛭石矿床vermiculite deposit
表层矿床grass roots deposit
表生矿床superficial deposition
裂隙充水矿床mineral deposit of fissure inundation
褐煤矿床brown coal deposit
评价矿床evaluate a deposit
跳动床树脂矿浆吸附法jigged-bed resin-in-pulp process
软质高岭土矿床soft kaolin deposit
运积矿床transported deposit
近地表矿床near surface deposit
远成热液矿床telethermal deposit
远生矿床telescoped ore deposit
迭生矿床superimposed mineral deposit
迭生矿床multicycle ore deposit
迭生层控矿床superimposed stratabound deposit
选矿摇床concentrating table
透镜状成层矿床lens-shaped stratified deposit
重晶石矿床barite deposit
矿床gold ore
金云母矿床phlogopite deposit
金刚石矿床diamond deposit
金的多因复成矿床polygenetic compound gold deposit
鉴定矿床evaluate a deposit
钙钛矿钛磁铁矿矿床perovskite-titanomagnetite deposit
钨锑金石英脉矿床tungsten-antimony-gold-quartz vein deposit
钨锡铍铌钽及稀土矿床模式model of tungsten-tin-beryllium-niobium-tantalum and rate earth deposit
矿床scandium deposit
矿床cobalt deposit
钼的多因复成矿床polygenetic compound molybdenum deposit
钾盐矿床potash salt deposit
矿床uranium deposit
矿床iron-ore deposit
铁冒型铁矿床Gossan-type iron deposit
矿床thallium deposit
铌钽伟晶岩矿床niobium and tantalum-bearing pegmatite deposit
铜的多因复成矿床polygenetic compound copper deposit
矿床hafnium deposit
矿床cesium deposit
矿床silver deposit
矿床rubidium deposit
矿床rhenium deposit
矿床zirconium deposit
矿床germanium deposit
锡的多因复成矿床polygenetic compound tin deposit
锡石石英脉矿床cassiterite-quartz vein deposit
锡石硫化物矿床cassiterite-sulfide deposit
矿床cadmium deposit
矿床gallium deposit
长石矿床feldspar deposit
长石砂岩矿床arkose deposit
陶粒页岩矿床earthenware shale deposit
陶粒黏土矿床earthenware deposit
隐岩浆矿床cryptomagmatic mineral deposit
隐岩浆矿床kryptomagmatic deposits
隐岩浆矿床cryptomagmatic deposit
隐晶质土状石墨矿床aphanitic earthy graphite deposit
难于疏干的矿床ore deposits of difficult drainage
露天矿床水文地质勘探类型hydrogeological exploration type of open to air mine
露天矿床水文地质勘探类型hydrogeologic exploration type of open to air mine
非金属矿床non-metallic mineral deposit
页岩矿床shale deposit
顶板间接进水的矿床mineral deposit of indirect inundation from apical layer
预测矿床number of predicted deposits
风化矿床weathering deposit
风化矿床mineral deposit by weathering process
风化壳矿床weathering crust mineral deposit
风化壳型硅酸镍矿床nickeliferous silicate deposit in weathering crust type
风化壳型铝土矿矿床weathering-crust-type bauxite deposit
风化壳锰矿床manganese deposit in the weathering crust
高品位矿床higher grade deposit
鸟粪石型矿床guano-type deposit
黄铁矿型多金属矿床pyritic-type-polymetallic deposit
黄铁矿型铜矿床pyritic copper deposit
黑矿型矿床kuroko-type deposit
黑钨矿石英脉矿床wolframite-quartz vein deposit
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