
Terms for subject Geophysics containing 石灰石 | all forms
石灰岩 声波时差delta time limestone
石灰岩中子孔隙度neutron porosity limestone
石灰岩传播时间time propagation lime
石灰岩体积limestone volume
石灰岩孔隙度单位limestone porosity unit
石灰岩密度孔隙度density porosity limestone
测井石灰岩校正过的加速器孔隙度accelerator porosity limestone corrected
石灰岩测井limestone log
石灰岩的中子孔隙度neutron porosity of limestone
石灰岩累计体积cumulative volume of limestone
石灰岩钾值potassium lime
石灰岩骨架中子俘获截面limestone sigma matrix
石灰岩骨架传播时间time propagation for matrix lime
视石灰岩孔隙度apparent limestone porosities