
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
光谱波端short-wave length end of spectrum
冶金流程simplified metallurgical process
厚壁thick-walled short tube
完全dead short-circuit
完全dead short
局部partial short-circuit
巴尔-巴德盖特时蠕变试验Barr-Bardgett creep test
shortest arc
距离bee line
极间interelectrode short-circuit
液压行程控制hydraulic short stroke control (立辊轧机控制头尾失宽)
火焰缩drop of flame (转炉的)
瞬时instantaneous short-circuit
冲程控制short-stroke control
划线dash line
半径semi-minor axis
半轴semi-minor axis
2000磅,等于0.9072公吨net ton
吨铁水net ton hot metal
嘴浇包top-pour ladle
回转炉short rotary furnace
回转炉熔炼short rotary furnace smelting
回转窑short rotary furnace
型回转窑short rotary furnace
头圆锥破碎机short-head cone
头圆锥破碎机S.H. cone
头破碎机S.H. crusher
寿命射线short-lived radiation
short fall
fall short
等外轧材off-gauge material
尺寸材料off-gauge material
尺收集台架underlength collecting bed
尺板材带式输送机short-length belt conveyer
尺板材皮带输送机short length belt conveyer
尺棒材scanty bar
尺焊接钢管underlength welded steel pipe
尺焊接钢管short-length welded steel tube
尺轧材underlength rolled product
尺轧材off-gauge material
尺钢管underlength steel pipe
odd man
平快项目project with little investment but quick results
应力线机架mill housing with short stress path
应力线轧机short-stress path mill
应力线轧机short-stress line mill (【技】短应力线轧机是指用缩短轧机的受力应力线而提高轧机刚度的一类轧机。短应力线轧机可制成二辊、三辊或四辊形式,用于线材、型钢、中厚板和板带生产。)
引锭杆short starting bar
引锭杆short-type dummy bar
引锭杆short dummy bar
shorting arc
short arc
弧焊short arc welding
•short circuit
效粘结剂fugitive binder
short (带材定尺剪切后余下的)
试验特性short-time properties
时出力intermittent rating
时工作制电动机short-hour motor
时拉力试验short-time tensile test
时浸洗brief dipping
时精确度short term accuracy
时蠕变强度short-time creep strength
时蠕变试验short term creep test
时试验特性short-time property
时间强照射acute exposure
时间运转short-time running
暂浸渍brief dipping
暂负载short-time duty
暂过渡时间transient time
期工作short-time duty
期报表short term reporting
期生产short-run production
期职务short-time duty
期蠕变试验time yield (72h)
期资产short term assets
期非流动债权short term nonliquid claims
柄炉底捣锤bench rammer
棒状石墨chunky graphite
high frequency wave
波波长极限short-wave length limit
波辐射short-wave length radiation
流程compact route
流程EAF-based steelmaking route
流程EAF production route
流程electric arc furnace production route (【技】以废钢为主要炉料,采用电弧炉和连铸机生产近终形铸坯,进而生产出钢材的生产流程。由于它省去了电弧炉工艺前的烧结、球团、炼焦、炼铁等生产工序,使钢铁生产的流程缩短,"短流程"由此得名。在英、美等国家把这类采用短流程的钢铁企业称之为"小钢厂" (mini-mill), 而实际上由于追求规模效益,其中使用的电弧炉多为 loot 级的,炉子吨位并不小。)
流程scrap-based EAF route
流程scrap-based EAF steelmaking route
流程minimill steelmaking route
流程EAF route (【技】短流程:: At the current time, approximately 51% of the steel in North America is made via the EAF route. 目前北美约 51% 的钢是电弧炉流程生产的。)
流程EAF compact route
流程EAF based route (For an EAF based route, the capital cost per tonne of annual capacity is in the range of $ 140-200 / tonne, but for a Blast Furnace-BOF based route, the capital cost is approximately $ 1000. 对于电弧炉生产流程,按年生产能力计算的吨钢投资为 140 -200 美元,而对于高炉-氧气顶吹转炉生产流程,吨钢投资约为1000美元。)
工艺流程simplified process flowsheet
流程short route
流程compact processing route
流程小钢厂mini mill
流程炼钢工艺electric arc furnace steelmaking process
流程炼钢工艺scrap-based steelmaking process
流程炼钢工艺EAF steelmaking process (【技】以废钢为主要金属炉料,利用电弧的热效应进行熔炼的炼钢方法。根据电弧炉炉衬材质和造渣材料不同,电弧炉操作分为碱性法和酸性法。目前电弧炉炼钢总的发展方向是:继续推广高功率和超高功率电弧炉,提高生产率;采用水冷炉壁、水冷炉顶,降低炉衬费用;发展铁矿石直接还原技术,用直接还原铁代替废钢,扩大金属料来源;开发新型电弧炉炼钢法,用计算机技术提升电弧炉冶炼过程控制等。)
流程炼钢法arc furnace steelmaking process
流程钢厂EAF plant
流程钢厂scrap-based steel plant
流程钢铁生产工艺compact iron and steel process
浸人式水口short submerged entry nozzle
falling slag (可用水淬裂的渣)
炉身short shaft
焦距X射线管管面接触皮肤contact tube
焦距物镜short-focus objective
焦距透镜short-focal -length lens
焰煤short-flame coal
焰燃烧器short-flame burner (The ignition furnace has short-flame burners and the heat is transmitted to the bed almost entirely by convection. 点火炉配备有短焰燃烧器,通过对流几乎能将全部热量传到铺底料。)
熔区short molten zone (区域熔炼的)
熔区short molten zone
环链pitch chain
程应力short-range stress
程斥力short-range repulsive force
程无序short-range disorder
程有序short-range order
程有序化short-range ordering
程有序参数short-range order parameter
程有序合金short-range ordered alloy
程有序度degree of short-range order
程有序晶格short-range order lattice
程有序点阵short-range order lattice
程有序理论theory of short-range order
程浇注short pouring
程浇铸short pouring
回转rotary smelting furnace
粗石墨铸铁vermicular cast iron
粗石墨铸铁vermicular iron
纤维复合材料short fibre composite
纤维金属基复合材料short fibre MMC
纤维金属基复合材料short fibre metal matrix composite
线产品product in short supply
线圈无心感应炉short-coil coreless induction furnace
结晶器short mold
结晶器shorter mold
缺重short weight
节距绕组fractional pitch winding
芯棒short mandrel
芯棒拉伸stationary-mandrel drawing
芯棒拔制plug drawing
行程控制short-stroke control
距离移动机构short shift mechanism
•short circuit
路保护继电器short-circuit relay
路保护继电器short circuit relay
路器short circuiting switch blade
路器short circuiter
路容量short circuit capacity
路扩散short circuit diffusion
路损耗short circuit loss
路方向继电器directional shortcircuit relay
路流short-circuited flow
路流体积分数short-circuited flow volume fraction
路电弧short circuiting arc
路过渡焊接dip transfer welding
minor axis
辊身short roller barrel (分节辊的: Thanks to the narrow roller spacing and the short roller barrel, the problems of roller wobble and wear have practically disappeared. 由于采用了小辊距和短辊身,辊子晃动和磨损问题在实际上已得到解决。)
途运输short-distance transport
钢锭squat ingot
ingot butt
butt ingot
squat ingot (剩余钢水浇注的)
unfilled ingot
stub ingot
风口shortened tuyere
风口shortened tuyere
台上造型用的风锤bench molder
石墨管路加热炉graphite-tube short-circuit furnace
碳管路加热炉carbon-tube short-circuiting furnace
碳管路加热炉graphite-tube short-circuit furnace
碳管路加热炉carbon short-circuiting furnace
冶炼加热时间shorten the heat
型麦氏真空计shortened McLeod gauge
short-cut method
节点板上的角钢lug angle
连铸结晶器short continuous casting mold
钢水流short-circuiting of steel flow
限电压路过流继电器voltage restrained short circuit overcurrent relay
高温时时效high-temperature short time ageing
高温时时效high temperature short time ageing
高炉期控制数学模型short-term control mathematic model for blast furnace (【技】在高炉操作过程中,最主要和最经常的短期控制项目是炉热水平的跟踪与调控、防止炉料下降与煤气流分布失常的调控及生铁质量的控制。要求控制模型对炉况变化能做出快速反应,结构较为简单,计算时间短而相关的输人参数尽量少。目前高炉应用的主要模型有炉热指数模型、含硅量预报模型及布料控制模型。)
高电压焦距透镜high voltage" einzel" lens
鹅颈管neck (在围管上的一段)