
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
期信贷short and intermediate term credit
期贷款short and medium term loans
中证债指数CSI Short Term Bond Index
中证融指数CSI Short Term Note Index
为了期帐户for the short account
概算书deficiency estimates
期看来in the short run
量险insurance against loss in weight
信贷credit shortages
内幕线交易insider short-swing trading
期内in the short run
备抵期投资跌价损失allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market
外汇short of exchange
外汇scarcity of foreign exchange
审计项目期计划short-term plan of auditing projects
期前景变得过度悲观turn excessively bearish on short-term prospects
市内期通知贷款street call loan
应付期票据贴现discount on short-term bills payable
应付期贷款short-term Ioan payable
应收期贷款short-term Ioan receivable
弥补期内的经济增长弱点address short term vulnerabilities
弥补因货币不可兑换造成的remedy the lack of non-convertibility of currencies
恒生仓及杠杆指数系列Hang Seng Short and Leveraged Index Series
期借款为长期公债法funding system
提供期限为1周的期人民币贷款offer one-week renminbi loans
到期收益率yield to adjusted minimum maturity
回复开价时间minimum response time
有担保期融资secured short-term financing
有担保的期资财secured short-term financing
未平仓合约short open interest
流动性shortage of liquidity
流动资产和期负债current assets and liabilities
清算资金期贷款short-term loan of settlement funds
电子electronic day trading
short message
信服务short message services
信服务费short message services fee
吻鳄式价差alligator spread (比喻投资者在期权交易中获得的价差收益比付出的佣金还要少)
命资产short-lived asset
short tail
借款通知money short notice
期业务贷款short-term business loan
期业绩short-term performance
期业绩毛利short-term performance margin
期业绩毛益short-run performance margin
期业绩评估short-term performance evaluation
期买卖债券loose bond
期亏损short-term loss
期交割的远期外汇forward exchange for short period
期交易short-term trading
期交易指数short-term trading index
期价值short-period value
期供应项目short-supply item
期保险单short-term policy
期保险费率short-period premium rate
期信贷利率short-term credit rate
期借款short-term borrowing (指必须在12个月内偿还的贷款)
期借款temporary borrowing (指必须在12个月内偿还的贷款)
期借款short-term loans
期借贷成本cost of short-term borrowing
期借贷额度swing line
期债券公司债short-term bonds
期债券current debt
期债券基金short-term bond fund
期债务short-run obligation
期债务short-term obligation
期债务quick liabilities (current liabilities)
期债务偿还repayment of short-term debts
期债务利息interest on current debt
期债务工具short-term debt instruments
期债务拍卖short-term debt auction
期债务比率short-term debt ratio
期债务逾额excess current liabilities
期债款之利息interest on current debt
期偿付率short -term solvency ratio
期偿付能力short-term solvency
期储蓄账户short-term savings account
期免税基金short-term tax-exempt fund
期公债short-term loans
期公开市场投资short-term open market investment
期关税short-time duty
期决策short-term decision-making
期出口信用保险short-term export credit insurance
期利息short interest
期利润目标short-term profit goal
期利润计划short-range profit plan
期利率期货short-term interest rate futures
期利率风险short-end interest rate risk
期前景short-term outlook
期发放贷款short-term loan granted
期可售出资产marketable short-term assets
期合伙帐户joint venture account
期同行拆借call loan
期商业票据short trade bill
期商业票据市场market for short-term commercial paper
期国内金融市场short-term national financial market
期国库券treasury bill
期国际商业贷款short-term international commercial loan
期垫款temporary advances
期基金short-term fund
期增长short-term grow
期增长率short-term grow rate
期增长目标short-term grow target
期外汇short-term foreign exchange
期审计计划short-term auditing plan
期审计预测short-term auditing prediction
期工具near-term tool
期市场趋势short-term market trend
期市政债券基金short-term municipal bond fund
期平均成本short-run average cost
期应付票据short-term notes payable
期应急short-term contingencies
期应急emergency response
期循环short cycle
期性倾销short-term dumping
期性质short-term nature
期息票short coupon
期成本计算short period Cost accounts
期所得short fall
期投机买卖帐venture account (adventure account)
期投资temporary investment
期投资short-rang investment
期投资short-term investment
期投资信托short-term investment trust
期投资基金short-term investment fund
期投资的摊销amortization-short-term investments
期投资组合short-term investment pool
期拆借callable loan (call loan)
期拆借周转率call turnover
期拆借款call account
期持股weak holdings
期挑战short-run challenge
期损益short-term gain or loss
期支付payment at short date
期支票short check
期收益short-term income
期收益信托short-term income trust
期放款money on call
期放贷short-term lending
期放贷市场short-term lending market
期政府债券short-dated government bond
期政府债券short tap (期限在5年以内)
期政府债券short-term government securities
期政府债务short-term government debt
期政府及商业债券short-dated government and commercial paper
期政府证券short-term government securities
期政府证券市场short-term governmental securities market
期汇率short-term rate
期汇票short exchange bill
期汇票short dated bills
期波动short swing
期波动利润short swing profit
期波动利润率short swing profit rule
期波动头寸short volatility position
期流动性short-term liquidity
期浮动short-term fluctuation
期滞胀风潮short-term stagflationary winds
期的远期利率协议short-dated forward rate agreement
期盈利资产short-term earning assets
期票据current note
期票据short-term instruments
期票据current paper
期票据short-term notes
期移动平均线short-term moving average
期策略决定short-term tactical decision
期策略预算编制short-term tactical budgeting
期经济增长short-term economic grow
期经济增长目标short-term economic grow target
期经济展望short-term economic outlook
期经济政策short-term economic policy
期经济预测模型short-term economic forecast model
期能力成本short-run capacity cost
期获利short fall
期行政政策short-term administrative policies
期解决方案short-term solution
期解决方案near-term solution
期证券short-term securities
期负债short-term liability
期财务措施short-term financial measures
期财务稳定性short-run financial stability
期财政转移short-term fiscal transfer
期货币市场short-term currency market
期货物市场short-run goods market
期贷款loan for a short time
期贷款short money
期贷款at call (money at call)
期贷款准备reserve for temporary loans
期贷款审计short-term loan audit
期贷款市场short-term loan market
期贸易信贷short-term trade credit
期费率short-period rate
期资产short-lived asset
期资本short capital
期资本交易余额short-term capital transaction balance
期资本净损失net short-term capital loss
期资本净收益net short-term capital gain
期资本利得short-term capital gain
期资本均衡移动equilibrating movement of short-term capital
期资本损失short-term capital loss
期资本流动short-term capital flow
期资本流动short capital flow
期资本流动管理short-term capital flow management
期资金利率short-term money rate
期资金市场票据short-term money market paper
期资金控制control of short-term capital
期资金支持short-term monetary support
期资金计划short-run cash planning
期趋势minor trend
期通知short notice
期金融市场short-term financial market
期金融市场short-term finance market
期金融负债short-term financial liabilities
期金边证券short-dated gilts
期金边证券short gilts
期银行借款short bank borrowing
期限额借款协议money market line
期预算short-rang budget
期预算short-range budget
期预算转移short-term budgetary transfers
期风险short-term risk
期风险利率short-term risk interest rate
期高质基金short-term high quality fund
线买盘short-swing buy
线买进卖出in and out
线交易daylight trading
线交易short-swing trading
线交易day trading
线交易day trade transaction
线交易day trade
线交易公司day trading firm
线交易者day trader
线利润short-swing profit
线投资者short-run investor
缺险risk of shortage
视损失厌恶myopic loss aversion
练习short exercises
结构性用工structural shortage of labor
缓解市场的期紧张alleviate short-term tightness in the market
美国期国债U.S. Treasury bill
美国期国债利率U.S. Treasury bill rate
美国期国债指数债券U.S. TB index bond
能源和食品缺威胁threat of energy and food shortages
能源资源shortage over energy resources
营运资金缺数working capital deficit
规定速动资金欠数额required liquid capital deficit
解决期流动性address the short-term liquidity
购买期债券buy shorter-term bonds
资本shortage of capital
资金shortage of funds
资金funds shortage
期债券基金ultra-short-term bond fund
运用资本缺数working capital deficit
通知期票据demand master note
通货scarcity of money
道氏股市期趋势理论Dow Theory on short-term trend of stock market
金钱pressure for money
银行期信贷市场bank short-term credit market
款可容许误差率allowable percentage of cash overage or shortage
首期期息票short first coupon