
Terms for subject Technology containing 短波 | all forms | in specified order only
不规则短期波动irregular short-term fluctuation
短波medium high frequency wave
短波辐照度net shortwave irradiance
短波wavelength minimum
短波minimal wave length
波导短截waveguide stub
波导短截线调谐器waveguide stub tuner
波导管短截线waveguide stub
波导管短路器waveguide plunger
波西短线Pawsey stub
波长减短wavelength shortening
波长最短的紫外线the shortest ultraviolet
期波动short-period fluctuation
短周期波short-period wave
短周期海波short-period sea wave
短周期重力波ultra-gravity wave
短峰波short-crested wave
短波high-frequency wave
短波传播short-wave propagation
短波传播模式transmission mode of short-wave
短波信号short-wave signal
短波单边带发射机short-wave SSB transmitter
短波反射突堤short-wave deflecting spur wall
短波发信台short-wave transmitting station
短波发射机short-wave transmitter
短波发射机short-wave sender
短波变频器short-wave converter
短波short-wave tower
短波广播short-wave broadcasting
短波广播发射机short-wave broadcast transmitter
短波截止滤波器short-wave cut-off filter
短波扼流圈short-wave choke coil
短波扼流圈short-wave choke
短波报话发射机short-wave telegraph telephone transmitter
短波探向器short-wave direction finder
短波接收short-wave reception
短波接收天线short-wave receiving antenna
短波接收机short-wave receiver
短波收信台short-wave receiving station
短波收发信机short-wave transceiver
短波无线电发射机short-wave radio transmitter
短波short-wave beam
短波极限short-wave limit
短波测向器short-wave direction finder
短波浪磨耗short-wave undulation wear
短波消逝short-wave fadeout
短波电容器short-wave capacitor
短波电话终端机short-wave radio telephone terminal
短波突然衰退sudden short-wave fade out
短波紫外线辐射short-wave ultraviolet radiation
短波红外线short infrared
短波红外视像管short-wave length infrared vidicon
短波纹板short corrugated panel
短波衰退short-wave fadeout
短波转换器short-wave adapter
短波辐射short-wavelength radiation
短波通滤波器short-wave-pass filter
短波长不平顺short-wavelength irregularity
短波short-wave length limit
短波频带short-wave frequency band
短波频率short-wave frequency
短波频率预测high-frequency prediction
短程波纹short-term waviness
短程波纹short-range waviness
短脊波short-crested wave
短距离电磁波测距仪short-range electronic distance meter
短距离载波电话short-distance carrier telephone
短重力波short gravity wave
短波pulsed short wave
自动调谐短波发射机self-tuning short-wave transmitter
短波very high frequency
短波ultrahigh frequency
短波ultra-short wave
短波ultrashort wave
短波发射机ultra-short wave transmitter
短波天线ultra-short wave antenna
短波广播发射机ultra-short wave broadcasting emitter transmitter
短波振荡器ultra-short wave oscillator
短波接收机ultra-short wave receiver
短波无线电台ultra-short wave radio station
短波无线电设备ultra-short wave radio set
短波无线电话机ultra-short wave wireless telephone
短波球面绕射spherical diffraction of ultra-short radio wave
短波球面绕射spheric diffraction of ultra-short radio wave
短波真空管电压表ultra-short wave vacuum tube voltmeter
短波脉冲激光器ultra-short wave pulse laser
短波透热ultra-short wave diathermy
短波透热机ultra-short wave diathermy apparatus
超短声波ultra-short sound wave