
Terms containing 短发 | all forms | in specified order only
tradem.专剪短发型的理发店barbers shop
el.串行短线端接收发器逻辑series stub terminated transceiver logic
textile伊顿短发英国贵族学院学生发型Eton crop
textile伊顿短发Eton crop
textile侍童短发pageboy style
textile侍童短发page boy bob
textile侍童超短发short pageboy style
space全尺寸短程发动机full-scale short-duration motor
textile几何短发geometric bob
textile短发semi-short hairstyle
tab.tenn.发下旋短球short backspin service
tab.tenn.发下旋短球short backspin serve
avia.发动机短舱engine room
space发动机短舱engine nacelle
avia.发动机短舱engine car
avia.发动机短舱冷却nacelle cooling
avia.发动机短舱几何nacelle geometry
avia.发动机短舱灭火环nacelle spray ring
avia.发动机短舱表面nacelle surface
avia.发动机短舱长度nacelle length
el.发展性短路故障developing short circuit fault
voll.发球短线short line of the service
tech.发电机定子匝间短路保护interturn short circuit protection of generator stator (装置)
hydroel.st.发电机定子绕组短路故障generator stator winding short circuit faults
hydroel.st.发电机短路generator shortage
el.mach.发电机短路试验generator short-circuit test
el.mach.发电机短路运行short-circuit operation of generator
badm.发短低球short low service
badm.发短低球short low serve
badm.发短球soft service
tab.tenn.发短球short service
tab.tenn.发短球short serve
badm.发短球soft serve
badm.发短球short serve
securit.发行中的短期国债on-the-run treasuries
securit.发行短期债务float debt
auto.测试仪字符右侧发动机短效修正值RIGHT INT
avia.吊舱/发动机短舱站位nacelle station
UN向发展中国家提供短期专家的技术援助信托基金Technical Assistance Trust Fund for the Provision of Short-term Experts to Developing Countries
commer.因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元raise a claim
commer.因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元lodge a claim
commer.因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元file a claim on the shipment for CNY 5,000 on account of short weight
econ.在该船 1992 年 9月6日到达目的地时,发现有一箱短少8 打Upon the arrival of the ship at the destination on September 6th, 1992 one carton was found short of 8 dozen
gen.她留着短发,带着鼻环,两臂上刺有文身She has a buzz cut, a nose ring and tattoos on both arms
gen.如果在易燃物附近发生短路,可能会引起火灾if the short is near inflammable material, it may start a fire
auto.测试仪字符左侧发动机短效修正值参阅 INTEGRATRLEFT INT
econ.很明显,在运输中此货物发生短重,所以我方现向贵方索赔一万美元It is evident that the goods were short in weight during transit, so we are now filing a claim against you for $10000
econ.我们十分遗憾地发现短重1235公斤,尽管包装完好无损We greatly regret to find that there is a shortage of 1235 kilos though the packing remains intact
econ.我们打开包时,发现短衫与样品不一样When we unwrap ped the parcel, we found the blouse is not the same as the sample
econ.我方第 1434 号订单项下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,为此将提出索赔218英镑,另加检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
radio.amat.无线电短波收发两用机short-wave transceiver
textile欣格短发shingle hairstyle
textile欣格型短发shingle hair
textile欣格型短发shingle cut
textile妇女男型短发shingle hairstyle
tech.瞬发中子短时间闪光辐照prompt neutron burst irradiation
telecom.短促脉冲串发生器burst generator
tech.短冲程发动机short-stroke engine
textile短卷假发bob wig
textile短卷发式发型bobbed hair style
textile短卷男假发18世纪bob wig
auto.短发动机short engine (assy)
auto.短发动机engine assy-short
auto.配件术语短发动机总成ENGINE ASSY, SHORT
textile短发short hair
textile短发bob hairstyle
anim.husb.短发short heat
badm.短发球线short service line
avia.短型永磁发电机shorted permanent magnet generator
space短寿命发动机short-life engine
avia.短寿命发动机expendable engine
avia.短延时着发引信delay graze fuze
USA, space短延期惯性引信瞬发引信nondelay fuse
textile短式短发single cut
textile短悬垂式假发mini-fall (wig)
anim.husb.短日发情家畜short day breeder
repr.biol.短日照发情家畜short day breeder
tech.短时发热容许电流short-time thermal rating
el.短时发热容许电流额定值short-time thermal current rating
el.mach.短时磁流体发电机short-time MHD generator
tech.短时脉冲群发生器burst generator
mil., air.def.短时观察发射short look transmission
avia.短时迟发short delay
nurs.短暂性脑缺血发作transient ischemic attack
surg.短暂脑缺血发作transient ischemic attacks
securit.短期内可见发行短期内将有新债券在市场发行visible supply
agric.短期内有效发价firm offer
fin.短期发放贷款short-term loan granted
agric.短期发热ephemeral fever
tech.短期工作发动机short-period motor
tech.短期工作的主发动机short duration sustainer
textile短期票据发行便利short note issue facility
securit.短期票据发行机构short-term note issuance facility
sec.sys.短期突发事件short-term emergency
mil., air.def.短期雷达发射short term radar transmission
tech.短波单边带发射机short-wave SSB transmitter
mil., air.def.短波发信台short wave transmitting station
tech.短波发信台short-wave transmitting station
tech.短波发射机short-wave transmitter
mil., air.def.短波发射机short wave transmitter
tech.短波发射机short-wave sender
tech.短波广播发射机short-wave broadcast transmitter
tech.短波报话发射机short-wave telegraph telephone transmitter
mil., air.def.短波收发信机short wave transceiver
tech.短波收发信机short-wave transceiver
tech.短波无线电发射机short-wave radio transmitter
textile短直发型sassoon hairstyle
el.短程导弹发射架short-range missile launcher
tech.短管立式蒸发器short-tube vertical evaporator
tech.短管立式蒸发器standard evaporator
tech.短管立式蒸发器Roberts evaporator
tech.短管立式蒸发器calandria evaporator
tech.短管竖式蒸发器short-tube vertical evaporator
tech.短管蒸发器short-tube evaporator (浓缩器)
auto.短缸体发动机short block engine
tech.短脉冲串发生器burst generator
el.短脉冲发生器short pulse generator
mil., air.def.短脉冲群发生器burst generator
auto.短行程发动机缸径大于行程的发动机short-stroke enginemotor
swim.短跑式出发track start
sport.短跑运动在很大程度上取决于爆发力Sprint is greatly dependent upon explosive force
tech.短路发动机shorting-out engine
gen.短路发射极shorted emitter
el.mach.短路发电机short-circuit generator
avia.短路脉冲发生器break pulse generator
textile短辫假发bob wig
el.mach.短铁芯发电机short-bore generator
comp., net.移动发起短信息mobile originated short message
otorhinol.突发短声试验sudden burst sound test
gen.绝缘被磨坏时往往会发生短路Shorts frequently develop when insulation is worn
tech.自动调谐短波发射机self-tuning short-wave transmitter
textile艾琳・卡斯尔短发Irene Castle bob
textile荷兰短发Dutch bob
textile荷兰齐耳短发Dutch bob
space话音短发时间speech spurt
econ.货物抵达时,他们发现短重共达 255 千克They noticed a shortage in weight totalling 255kg. when the goods arrived
econ.资金短缺的发展中国家financially strapped developing nations
textile短发skin hair
textile超短卷假发mini-fall (wig)
tech.超短波发射机ultra-short wave transmitter
tech.超短波广播发射机ultra-short wave broadcasting emitter transmitter
econ.鉴于包装完好,短重无疑发生在装运之前Beyond doubt, the shortage in weight occurred prior to shipment as the packing keeps intact
gen.雷达发射的是波长非常短的电磁波radar involves transmitting electromagnetic waves of very short wave length
textile顽童式女短发pixie hairstyle
textile顽童式女子短发pixy cut
textile顽童式女子短发pixie cut
textile女子的"顽童"超短发urchin cut
el., sec.sys.额定短时发热电流rated short-time thermal current