
Terms for subject Aviation containing 瞄准 | all forms | in specified order only
下俯瞄准线depressed sightline
瞄准投弹desultory bombing (轰炸)
交叉瞄准线cross hair
人机瞄准系统man-machine-sight system
低空投弹瞄准low altitude bombing sight
低空轰炸瞄准系统low altitude bomb aiming system
俯冲轰炸瞄准dive-bombing sight
先进瞄准吊舱advanced targeting pod
先进前视红外瞄准advanced targeting forward looking infrared
先进战术瞄准技术advanced tactical targeting technology
先进目标瞄准系统advanced targeting system
先进间接瞄准射击系统advanced indirect fire system
先进雷达瞄准系统advanced radar targeting system
光学瞄准制导导弹sight-guided missile
光学瞄准系统sight optical system
光学射击瞄准aiming sight
光学显示瞄准optical display sight
光电瞄准与识别electrooptical targeting and designation
光电目标瞄准系统electrooptical targeting system
前置角计算光学射击瞄准系统lead computing optical sight system
前置计算光学瞄准lead computing optical sight
前置计算光学瞄准系统lead computing optical sight system
前置计算射击瞄准lead computing gunsight
前视红外装置增强式"眼镜蛇"陶式导弹瞄准flir-augmented cobra tow sight
十字瞄准线cross hair
协调式光学轰炸瞄准synchronous optical bombsight
反舰监视与目标瞄准anti-ship surveillance and targeting
可视瞄准投放visual laydown delivery
向量瞄准vector aiming method
固定式瞄准fixed sight
固定机枪瞄准fixed gun sight
固定环瞄准fixed reticle sight
瞄准点部署方式multiple aim point deployment
多重瞄准multiple aim point
夜晚红外低空导航和目标瞄准系统low altitude navigation and targeting infrared system for night
夜视瞄准系统night vision targeting system
夜间瞄准night sight
夜间增亮瞄准night light-intensifying sight
夜间观察射击瞄准系统night observation gunsight system
头盔瞄准helmet-mounted sight
头盔瞄准helmet sight (具)
头盔瞄准系统helmet pointing system
姿态与瞄准控制系统attitude and pointing control system
定向瞄准directional sighting
定距瞄准range sighting
实时目标瞄准real time targeting
实际瞄准actual range angle
对空中目标直接瞄准射击aerial direct fire
对雷达轰炸瞄准具的干扰electronic bombsight countermeasure
导弹瞄准设备missile targeting equipment
导航与武器瞄准系统navigation and weapon aiming subsystem
导航与武器瞄准系统navigation and weapon aiming system
导航及武器瞄准分系统navigation and weapon aiming subsystem
"尼姆坦"机载夜间瞄准Nimtan (英国)
瞄准具的飞行头盗tracking helmet
平视显示与武器瞄准系统head up display and weapon aiming sub system
平视显示与武器瞄准计算机head up display and weapon aiming computer
延伸的瞄准线extended line of sight
弹道瞄准ballistic aim point
快速射击瞄准snap-shoot sight
快速射击瞄准hot line sight
快速执行与作战瞄准系统rapid execution and combat targeting system
战术瞄准系统训练模拟器tactical sight system training simulator
战术瞄准网络技术tactical targeting network technology
战术电子定位与瞄准系统tactical electronic locating and targeting system
投弹瞄准actual range angle
指挥仪式瞄准director sight
按弹迹快射瞄准tracer-line snapshoot gunsight
按辅助瞄准点进入轰炸offset pass (目标)
捕获,跟踪和瞄准acquisition, tracking and pointing
接地瞄准touchdown aim point
提高的包线射击瞄准enhanced envelop gunsight
方向瞄准directional sighting
方向瞄准误差traverse error
方向瞄准陀螺装置deflection gyro assembly
旋翼轴顶瞄准mast mounted sight
显示与瞄准头盔display and sight helmet
最佳空中目标瞄准传感器optimum aerial targeting sensor
最终瞄准偏斜角final squint angle (雷达波束基准方向与最大辐射方向的细小差别)
最终瞄准偏斜角final squint angle
有武器瞄准计算功能的平视显示head up display with weapon aiming computing
有自动瞄准具的炮塔airborne gunlaying turret
机炮瞄准十字线gun cross
机载瞄准和交互提示系统airborne targeting and cross-cueing system
机载夜间瞄准airborne night sight
机载头盔显示与瞄准helmet airborne display and sight
机载截击与航炮瞄准airborne interception and-gun direction
机载截击雷达与驾驶员攻击瞄准系统airborne interception radar and pilot's attack sight system
机载截击雷达和驾驶员攻击瞄准系统airborne interception radar and pilot attack sight system
机载火炮瞄准airborne gun laying
机载火炮瞄准airborne gun layer
机载雷达瞄准airborne radar gunsight
标准瞄准master service sight
桅杆式旋翼主轴式瞄准mast-mounted sight
正常间接瞄准轰炸工作状态normal attack offset bomb mode (方式)
武器瞄准与释放系统weapon aiming and release system
武器瞄准模式选择器weapon aiming mode selector
武器瞄准计算机weapon aiming computer
不用指挥仪的武器直接瞄准射击效果模拟direct-fire weapons effects simulation
激光伪装瞄准laser dazzle sight
激光照射瞄准设备laser illuminator targeting equipment
瞄准系统fire control sight system
火力控制瞄准系统fire control sight system
火控瞄准系统fire-control sight system
炮兵瞄准交战系统artillery target engagement system
炮膛瞄准线boresight line
热武器瞄准thermal weapons sight
"热线"瞄准hot line sight
高炮瞄准具射击action with sight control
用光学瞄准fixed angle-optical bombing
用光学瞄准具瞄准visual sighting
用协调式瞄准具的轰炸synchronous bombing
用雷达瞄准fixed angle-radar bombing
电光瞄准和识别electro-optical targeting and designation
电子光学瞄准electro-optical sight
目标截获与瞄准系统target acquisition and sighting system
目标截获与标示瞄准target acquisition and designation sight
目标截获和指示瞄准target acquisition and designation sight
直升机自动瞄准系统helicopter automatic targeting system
直升机陀螺稳定瞄准系统helicopter gyro stabilized sight system
直接瞄准direct pointing
直接瞄准发射的导弹boresight missile
直接瞄准发射的武器boresight weapon
直接瞄准射击direct fire
直接瞄准射击direct point fire
直接瞄准射击aimed fire
直接瞄准射击开火距离aimed fire opening range
直接瞄准轰炸direct bombing (以目标为瞄准点)
直接数字式瞄准direct digital targeting
相对运动瞄准原理sighting principle of relative motion
瞄准manual tracking
瞄准中心光点central aiming pipper
瞄准交战target engagement
瞄准位置present position
瞄准光点tracking index
瞄准光环aiming sight
瞄准光环aiming reticle
瞄准具修正角反射镜prediction mirror
瞄准具分划sight graduation
瞄准具操纵装置sight control
瞄准具校准adjustment of sight
瞄准具校正zero in
瞄准具灯gunsight lamp (对太阳方向目标射击用)
瞄准具的固定俯角fixed sight depression angle
瞄准具视准仪graticule projecting screen
瞄准前视红外targeting forward looking infrared
瞄准吊舱targeting pod
瞄准射击aimed fire
瞄准射击控制sight fire control
瞄准干扰spot jamming
瞄准显示装置sighting display unit
瞄准检查器aiming device
瞄准检查镜aiming device
瞄准点显示装置aimpoint display unit
瞄准点未命中aim point miss
瞄准目标air handling
瞄准sighting station
瞄准线axis of sighting
瞄准线半自动控制semiautomatic command to line of sight
瞄准线半自动控制semi-automatic command to line of sight (导弹制导方法,导弹发射后被控制进入射手视力范围内)
瞄准线坐标系sight line coordinates
瞄准线指令command to line of sight
瞄准线指令制导CLOS guidance
瞄准线旋转角速度sightline spin rate
瞄准线校正仪scan line corrector
瞄准线检查板checking bar
瞄准线移动角速度line-of-sight rate
瞄准线自动控制automatic command to line of sight
瞄准target angle
瞄准tangent elevation
轰炸瞄准dropping angle
瞄准combining glass mirror
瞄准镜显示combining glass display
矢量瞄准vector sight
矢量瞄准vector gunsight
矢量法定向瞄准direction sighting by vector method
示迹线瞄准tracer sight
示迹线瞄准tracer line gunsight
示迹线射击瞄准tracer line gunsight
示迹线快射瞄准tracer-line snapshoot gunsight
示迹线快速射击瞄准tracer-line snapshoot gunsight
稳定瞄准线光学跟踪仪stabilized line of sight optical tracker
空示迹线快射瞄准符号air-to-air tracer-line snap-shoot symbology
精准的机载测距和瞄准系统austere airborne ranging and sighting system
绝对运动瞄准原理sighting principle of absolute motion
综合瞄准装置integrated sight unit
综合前视红外瞄准系统integrated forward looking infrared and targeting system
综合实时战术瞄准系统integrated real time tactical targeting system
综合武器瞄准计算机integrated weapon-aiming computer
网络瞄准networked targeting
联合头盔瞄准显示系统joint helmet mounted cueing system
自动瞄准实弹考核射击系统automatic target scoring system
自动瞄准实弹考核射击系统automatic target scoring systems
自动十字线瞄准automatic crosshair laying
自动射击瞄准automatic gun layer
自动提供偏流角法定向瞄准method of direction sighting by drift angle supplied automatically
自动方位瞄准经纬仪automatic azimuth laying theodolite
自动激光测距与目标瞄准设备automatic laser enemy ranging and targeting equipment
自动火炮瞄准automatic gun laying
自动火炮瞄准automatic gun layer
自动火炮瞄准雷达automatic gun laying radar
自动计算提前角的瞄准automatic lead computing sight
自动调整瞄准线automatic command to line of sight
自动轰炸瞄准automatic bomb sight
航天员光学瞄准观察器crew optical alignment sight
航空光学射击瞄准airborne optical gunsight
航空射击瞄准airborne gunsight
航空机枪瞄准aircraft gun laying
航空机枪瞄准aircraft machine gun sight
航空机炮瞄准aircraft gun laying
英国角速率轰炸瞄准British angular rate bombsight
规孔式瞄准peep type sight
视觉耦合搜索与瞄准系统visually coupled acquisition and targeting system
计算式光学射击瞄准computing optical gun sight
计算式射击瞄准computing gunsight (能自动修正瞄准误差)
计算提前角的光学瞄准lead computing optical sight
诺登瞄准Norden sight
超视距瞄准目标over the horizon targeting
超视距探测和瞄准目标over-the-horizon detection and targeting
跟踪/瞄准或发射tracking/targeting or launching
轰炸瞄准bombing sight
轰炸瞄准bomb aimer
轰炸瞄准具视界bombsight field
轰炸瞄准sighting diagram for bombing
轰炸瞄准系统bomb sighting system (包括矢量瞄准、同步瞄准及角速度瞄准三种)
轰炸瞄准bombing table (提供各种情况的瞄准诸元)
轰炸领航光学瞄准bombing and navigation optical sights
辅助瞄准offset aiming point
闭环式瞄准closed-loop pointing
防空激光测距与目标瞄准设备antiaircraft laser enemy ranging and targeting equipment
陀螺射击瞄准gyro-gun sight
陀螺射击瞄准gyroscopic gun sight
陀螺射击瞄准gyro gunsight
陀螺稳定瞄准系统gyro stabilized sighting system
雷达瞄准具与自动驾驶仪交连部分fire-control coupler
雷达瞄准点与制导radar aimpoint and guidance
雷达瞄准空投radar laydown delivery
瞄准发射型导弹NLOS missile
非指挥仪式活动光环瞄准系统non-director disturbed reticle sight system
飞机无线电瞄准aircraft radio sight
飞机火炮瞄准炮塔aircraft gun laying turret
飞机炮火自动瞄准aircraft gun laying turret
飞机航炮瞄准aircraft gunsight
飞行轨迹瞄准flightpath sight (在平视显示仪上瞄准飞机将要通过的远方点)
高空轰炸瞄准high altitude bombing sight