
Terms for subject Electronics containing 瞄准 | all forms | in specified order only
低空投弹瞄准low altitude bombing sight
低空轰炸瞄准low level bombsight
光学瞄准点制导系统optical aimpoint guidance system
光学瞄准系统optical sight system
光学瞄准误差optical pointing error
全程寻的瞄准homing all the way killer
前向瞄准线forward line of sight
夜视瞄准night sight
夜间红外低空导航与目标瞄准系统low-altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night system
头盔式集成瞄准与控制系统helmet integrated sighting and control system
安全机载投弹瞄准雷达设备secure airborne bombing radar equipment
实时精确瞄准real-time precision targeting
对向瞄准reciprocal sight
导航与武器瞄准子系统navigation and weapon-aiming subsystem
巡航导弹实时重新瞄准cruise missile real-time retargeting
快速响应目标瞄准程序quick response targeting program
快速精确瞄准系统/战术分发模块rapid precision targeting system/tactical dissemination module
战术电子定位与目标瞄准系统tactical electronic locating and targeting system
战术目标瞄准程序tactical targeting program
投弹瞄准雷达navigational aid to bombing
时间敏感目标瞄准time sensitive targeting
机载截击雷达与驾驶员攻击瞄准系统airborne intercept radar and pilot's attack sight system
机载目标瞄准与交叉提示系统airborne targeting and cross cueing system
武器瞄准计算机系统weapon aiming computer system
武器瞄准误差weapon aiming error
武器热瞄准thermal weapon sight
水平显示与武器瞄准计算系统head-up display and weapon aiming computing system
激光瞄准模拟laser aiming simulation
炮口基准瞄准muzzle reference sight
热观测与射击瞄准thermal observation and gunnery sight
目标搜索与指示瞄准target acquisition and designation sight
目标搜索与指示瞄准具/飞行员夜视传感器target acquisition and designation sight/pilot night vision sensor
瞄准与跟踪系统pointing and tracking system
瞄准式反坦克导弹line-of-sight antitank missile
瞄准线line of sight
瞄准线basic line of sight
瞄准聚焦与定心传感器pointing focusing and centering sensor
瞄准装置pointing device
稳定光学瞄准stabilized optical sight
第二代坦克瞄准second generation tank sight
管式发射光学跟踪有线制导导弹瞄准具视频摄像系统TOW missile sight video camera system
精确瞄准技术precision aiming technique
精确瞄准控制系统precision pointing control system
精确瞄准识别precision targeting identification
精确信号侦察目标瞄准系统precision SIGINT targeting system
红外瞄准激光器infrared aimed laser
综合激光光学瞄准integrated laser optical sight set
被动红外瞄准系统sighting system passive infrared
超前角计算瞄准lead computing sight
超前角计算光学瞄准lead computing optical sight
超前角计算射击瞄准lead computing gun sight
超视距探测、分类与目标瞄准over-the-horizon detection, classification and targeting
陶式导弹瞄准具电视摄像系统TOW missile sight video camera system
雷达瞄准radar laydown
雷达瞄准激光器radar-aimed laser
雷达瞄准线radar line-of-sight
雷达轰炸瞄准radar bomb sight
飞行员通用瞄准系统pilot universal sighting system