
Terms containing 着水 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.不着色的水泥non-staining cement
ceram.中国制陶业对山水画的应用非常广泛,而这种风格与道家清静无为的人生理想有着千丝万缕的联系The depiction of a Chinese landscape is very common in ceramics in China, and it is really associated with a Taoist concept of life in an idyllic environment
water.res., ecol.兼性生物附着水解酸化facultative bioattached hydrolytic acidification
swim.划不着水go off the water
desert.含水层未着锥穴topping well
construct.非自由unfree water
tech.着水adsorption water
tech.着水absorption water
desert.着水hygroscopic water
desert.着水retention water
tech.着水unfree water
tech.着水retained water
tech.着水held water
tech.着水attached ground water
archit.着水hydro scopic water
met.着水occluded water
eng.geol.着水hygroscopic moisture
eng.geol.着水hydroscopic water
bridg.constr.着水adsorbed water
oil着水attracted water
desert.着水absorbed water
eng.geol.着水hydroscopic moisture
archit.着水entrap ped moisture
tech.着水entrapped moisture
eng.geol.着水含水量hydroscopic water content
tech.着水含量hygroscopic water content
tech.着水校正系数hygroscopic moisture correction factor
tech.着水结构structure of absorbed water
tech.着水thin-film water
tech.着水unfree water
tech.着水fixed water
tech.着水生植物adnate hydrophyte
tech.着水生植物hydrophyte adnata
water.res., ecol.着水生植物hydrophyta adnata
ecol.着水生植物adnate hydrophytes
tech.土中悬着水zone of suspended water
tech.土壤附着水soil moisture film
auto.坐着的乘员背部至膝部的水平距离back-knee length
avia.垂直起飞水平着陆vertical takeoff and horizontal landing
avia.垂直起飞与水平着陆vertical take off and horizontal landing
gen.垂直起飞和水平着陆vertical take-off and horizontal landing
space垂直起飞水平着陆vertical take-off horizontal landing
gen.她戴着酒红色水晶链,灯光下光彩夺目Hung with burgundy crystals, she shined in the light
tech.着水hang retention water
tech.着水hanging water
desert.着水perched water
agric.着水hanged retention water
agric.永久着水permanent perched water
tech.着水vadose water
hydrol.着水held water
hydrol.着水suspended water
tech.着水wandering water
desert.着水pendular water
tech.着水suspended moisture
tech.着水layer of suspended water
tech.着水hanging layer
tech.着水zone of suspended water
tech.着水hanging zone
desert.悬着地下水perched ground water
desert.悬着地下水位perched water table
eng.geol.着水held retention water
desert.暂时悬着地下水perched temporary ground water
tech.最大吸着水溶量maximum absorbed water volume
avia.水上飞机着水滑行seaplane landing taxiing
met.水乳化着色渗透剂检查法water-emulsifiable dye-penetrant process
agric.水分吸着moisture sorption
polym.水吸着sorption of water
space水平姿态起飞和着陆Hatol horizontal-attitude takeoff and landing
avia.水平姿态起飞和着陆horizontal attitude take-off and landing
avia.水平姿态起飞和着陆horizontal-attitude takeoff and landing
space水平着陆level landing
avia.水平着陆horizontal landing
avia.水平起飞与着陆horizontal takeoff and landing
space水平起飞和着陆horizontal take off and landing
avia.水平起飞和着陆horizontal takeoff and landing
space水平起飞水平着陆horizontal take-off and horizontal landing
avia.水平起飞/水平着陆horizontal takeoff/horizontal landing
space水平起飞着陆horizontal take-off and landing
tech.水性着色剂water stain
tech.水泥着色pigmentation of cement
tech.水泥着色剂pigment for colouring cement
tech.水泥着色剂cement colourant
tech.水泥着色剂cement colorant
tech.水泥着色用颜料pigment for colouring cement
tech.水泥着色颜料pigment for colouring cement
tech.水泥着色颜料pigment for coloring cement
met.水洗性着色渗透剂探伤法water-washable dye-penetrant process
tech.水溶性涂饰着色剂water coating colour
tech.水溶性涂饰着色剂water coating color
tech.水溶性颜料着色剂water pigment colour
tech.水溶性颜料着色剂water pigment color
tech.木材染色用水溶着色剂water stain
tech.木林染色用水溶着色剂water stain
environ.水生附着生物periphyton A plant or animal organism which is attached or clings to surfaces of leaves or stems of rooted plants above the bottom stratum (一种植物或动物附着于茎叶和根植物的表面。)
desert.永久悬着地下水perched permanent ground water
tech.海图上表明高度或水深的着色hypsometrical tints
tech.海图上表明高度或水深的着色hypsometric tints
tech.海图上表明高度或水深的着色gradient tints
gen.淌着口水all of a slobber
expl.由于有降低成本的需要、重视矿工的健康和安全的问题以及随着毕业生技术水平的日渐提高、导致我们在20世纪的80年代末和90年代初越来越关注炸药技术的应用An ongoing need to reduce costs, and an increasing emphasis on the health and safety of mineworkers,together with the growing influence of technically skilled graduates resulted in increased attention being paid to explosives technologies during the late eighties and early nineties of the previous century
avia.直升机着水装置helicopter floatation gear
polygr.着水roll up
skydive.着水grounding of aircraft
auto.着水表面wetted perimeter
avia.着水速度landing speed
tech.着色水体dyed volume
el.着色水泥coloured cement
el.着色水泥colored cement
avia.着陆后水平尾翼自动调整配平auto horizontal tail retrimming after landing
gen.腹部着水belly whop
tech.舷缘着水gunwale to
tech.舷缘着水gunwale down
dermat.色素沉着-水肿-多发胜神经病综合征Crow-Fukase syndrome
archit.薄膜吸附着水adhesive water
expl.这些制约着地下煤开采水平的混杂因素以及影响整个开采过程的地质因素、技术因素和经济因素复杂关系之间的相互作用、已在上文作了详细探讨The motley of factors that constrain the level of recovery in underground extraction of coal and the complex interplay of geologic, technologic and economic factors affection the overall recovery process have been discussed above in detail
gen.这华丽的耳环镶着透明的水晶The gorgeous earrings are bordered by a transparent crystal
commer.这类货物只保水渍险是不足的,请加保偷盗提货不着险WPA coverage is too narrow for these goods, the coverage should be extended to include TPND
eng.geol.重力悬着水gravity suspended water
tech.锚泊中船尾朝着水流方向tail with the stream
tech.锚泊中船随着潮水涨落而回转tail with the stream
tech.锚泊中船随着潮水涨落而回转tail up and down the stream
tech.锚泊中船随着潮水涨落而回转tail to tide
hydroel.st.着水adhesive water
oil着水attached water
tech.着水pellicular water
agric.着水adhering water
eng.geol.着水pellicular moisture
tech.着水adsorption water
eng.geol.着水adhesive moisture
tech.着水生物attached hydrobiont
tech.着水adhering nape
tech.着水薄膜水attached water
tech.着水pellicular front
tech.附着地下水attached ground water
tech.附着生长污水稳定塘attached-growth waste stabilization pond
tech.风沙和水灾侵蚀着土壤Wind and floods erode the soil
hydroel.st.着水adhesive water
tech.着水viscous water