
Terms for subject Technology containing 真的 | all forms | in specified order only
仿真和实验结果表明系统具有快速的动态响应特性,并且对外部干扰具有较强的抑制能力Simulation and experiment results demonstrate the system has fast dynamical response and is insensitive to disturbance out of the system
仿真过程的典型特征typical feature of simulated processes
伊斯坦布尔的蓝清真寺Blue Mosque at Istanbul
假定的真实性validity of assumptions
入港航行的传真docking television
入港航行的传真docking facsimile
几何真实的棱锥体geometrically true pyramid
加速耐候试验的真实性validity of accelerated weathering
在真空条件下保持性能稳定的vacuum stable
外形的真实性trueness of shape
真的现金余额distorted cash balance
夹矸的真厚度true shale thickness in coal formation
封离的无泵的真空系统sealed pumpless vacuum system
带有圆顶的清真寺domed mosque
带真空泵的燃油泵fuel pump with vacuum pump
带真空泵的纸张平滑度测定仪paper smoothness tester with vacuum pump
建有古式柱子的公理会清真寺congregational mosque with antique columns
形状的真实性trueness of shape
形象失真的shock mirror
意大利阿格里真托的赫拉拉西尼亚神庙Temple of Hera Lacinia at Agrigentum
扫描引起的图像失真scanning distortion of video signal
抽成真空的时间pump-down time
文件的真确证明authentication of documents
水舌下的真空vacuum under nappe
煤层的真厚度true thickness of coal formation
环境的真实性environmental realism
由于线路失真引起传输质量的降低distortion transmission impairment
真实的表现true representation
真正的拱桥genuine arch bridge
真正的霜害true frost injury
真水平的true horizontal
真空制备的试样vacuum prepared sample
真空加力的vacuum assisted
真空加工的vacuum processed
真空吸盘的垛板机vacuum operated sheet piler
真空干燥的vacuum drying
真空成型的vacuum formed
真空控制的vacuum controlled
真空操纵的vacuum operated
真空沉积的vacuum deposited
真空浸渍的vacuum impregnated
真空系统的管道连接vacuum connection
真空紧密的vacuum tight
真空饱和的vacuum saturated
砂的真空试验vacuum method of testing sand
社团的清真寺collegiate mosque
真的古典classical purity
真的古典classic purity
线性失真的linear distorted
部分真空的空洞partially vacuumed cavity