
Terms for subject Securities containing 看看 | all forms
上限看涨期权capped call
下跌转人看涨期权down-and-in call
不派息欧式看跌期权non-dividend paying European put options
买人看涨期权long call
买人看涨期权buy call
买人看涨期权buy a call
买人看跌期权long put
买人看跌期权buying put options
买人看跌期权buy put
买人碟式看涨期权价差long butterfly call spread
买人碟式看跌价差long butterfly put spread
买方顾问看法opinion of buyer's counsel
买空看涨期权价格套利call price spread bullish
从市场角度看投资者必备的素质market perspective of qualities necessary for investors
从……衍生而来的看跌期权put derived from...
代为观看公告牌号码经纪商在离开交易现场时,请另一经纪商察看其公司号码是否出现在公告牌上,如出现,他要帮忙到场内的交易室去办理相关事宜watch my number
保护性看跌期权protective put
减值看涨期权out of the money call option
出售担保看涨期权covered call options writing
出售看跌期权收购股票writing puts to acquire stock
利率交换期货看跌期权put option on interest rate swap futures
卖出合成看涨期权short synthetic call
卖出看涨期权short call
卖出看跌期权short put option
卖出看跌期权short put
卖空看涨期权套利call price spread bearish
卖空看涨期权货币套利bearish call money spread
卖空看跌期权价格套利bearish put price
卖空看跌期权货币套利bearish put money spread
只观看不交易的投资者股市上window shoppers
可转让的看跌期权transferable put right
合成空头看跌期权short synthetic puts
后市看涨price expected to rise in the afternoon session
售出现金担保看跌期权writing cash-secured puts
售出看涨期权write a call option
多期权看跌证券multiple option put security
对市场趋势的看法outlook for the market
常规看涨期权vanilla call option
抵补看涨期权在持有基础资本时卖出看涨期权covered call
担保看涨期权covered call options
担保看跌期权承销covered put options writing
无担保的看跌选择权uncovered put
无担保看涨期权uncovered call option
无担保看涨期权naked call (option)
无担保看涨期权出售人uncovered call writer
无担保看跌期权naked put
无股利欧式看涨期权non-dividend paying European call options
日历看涨期权套利calendar call spread
有保护的看涨期权covered call
根据到现场查看on the spot visit (监管机构)
欧式看涨期权European calls
欧式看跌期权European puts
正向比率看跌期权利差/套利ratio put spread
比率看涨期权出售ratio call writing
比率看涨期权套利价差ratio call spread
汇率看涨货币bull currency
现金担保看涨期权cash secured call
现金担保看跌期权cash secured put
看多者long side
市场看好look up
看涨leg up
股票看涨for short account
看涨买人call purchase
看涨互换期权call swaption
看涨仓量long position
看涨同价买卖出票bull straddle writing
看涨期权calling options
看涨期权与看跌期权的等价关系relationship of put-call parity
看涨期权估价call valuation
看涨期权出售者call writer
看涨期权差价call spread
看涨期权收益yield in call
看涨期权收益/损失call profit/loss
看涨期权的交易比率call option buy-sell ratio
看涨期权的看涨期权call option on call option
看涨期权的看跌期权复合期权put option on call option
看涨的垂直向多空套做bull vertical spread
看涨/看跌比率put call ratio
看涨股票关联票据bull equity linked instrument
看涨行情bullish tone
看涨行情bullish position
看涨行情bull position
看涨趋势upward trend
看涨部分long leg
看淡行情预计不乐观show a downward trend or expect to decline
看淡策略bear strategy
看空评论bearish comment
看跌leg down
看跌downward tendency/trend
看跌期权价格put price
看跌三合期权和看涨三合期权strips and straps
看跌与看涨期权put and call
看跌与看涨期权交易商put and call dealer
看跌情绪指数美国"投资人智慧"期刊编制的技术分析指数index of bearish sentiment
看跌期权价格put premium
看跌期权出售人put writer
看跌期权利差put spread
看跌期权反向比率利差put backspread
看跌期权和看涨期权put and caU
看跌期权收益率put yield
看跌期权的看涨期权call option on put option
看跌期权的看跌期权复合期权put option on put option
看跌期权的认购期权call option on put option
看跌浮动利率票据bear floater
看跌看涨期权put and call option
看跌看涨期权平价理论put-call parity theory
看跌/看涨/远期平价put/call forward parity
看跌策略bear strategy
看跌股票关联票据bear equity linked instrument
看跌行情bear position
看跌行权put to seller
看跌跨期差价put calendar spread
看跌部分short leg
硬和软看跌期权hard and soft puts
累积看涨期权出售graduated call writing
美式看涨期权American call
股票行情看涨bullish tendency
股票行情看跌bearish tendency
虚值看跌期权out of the money put option
行情看涨的股票市场buoyant stock market
行情看涨的股票市场bullish market
行情看跌的股票市场bearish market
货币看跌期权currency put option
集团看涨期权clique call option
香草型看跌期权vanilla put option