
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
人民内部矛internal contradictions among the people
化解社会矛solve problems in society
同..... 矛in contradiction to
回避矛和问题avoid difficult issues and problems
把矛化解在基层、解决在当地resolve conflicts at the local level in the place where they arise
有针对性地解决突出矛和问题find specific solutions to serious issues and problems
inconsistency (between special provisions and general provisions)
尖锐acute contradictions
排查调处机制mechanisms for identifying and handling problems
激化intensification of disputes
激化intensification of conflicts
社会矛conflicts of interest in society
突出矛和问题prominent difficulties and problems
经济运行中的一些突出矛和问题prominent difficulties and problems affecting economic performance
这样那样的矛和问题a wide variety of conflicts and problems
防止矛激化prevent the conflict from intensifying
预防、化解各种矛和纠纷forestall and resolve conflicts and disputes