
Terms for subject Technology containing 相干 | all forms | in specified order only
相干光全息术incoherent light holography
相干反射incoherent reflecting
相干扰动incoherent disturbance
相干散射incoherent scatter
相干散射函数incoherent scattering function
相干相间边界incoherent inter-phase boundary
相干纤维光学incoherent fiber optics
二级空间相干second-order spatial coherence
相干mutual coherence
互相关干涉仪cross-correlation interferometer
井的相互干扰mutual interference of wells
倾角相干加强slant cohere nt enhancement
元素相互干扰inter-element interference
光波相干coherence of light wave
光波的相干coherence of light wave
全息照相横向剪切干涉仪holographical lateral shear interferometer
全息照相横向剪切干涉仪holographic lateral shear interferometer
相干quasi-coherent beam
压制相干噪声suppression of coherent noise
可调谐相干光源tunable coherent light source
噪声调相干noise phase modulation jamming
土的干二相重度dry two-phase unit weight of soil
塞曼相干Zeeman coherence
相干external coherence system
相干external coherent
多道相干滤波器multichannel coherence filter
媒质相干干扰media coherence disturbances
宽带相干光调限制器wideband coherent light modulator
局部相干partial coherence
局部相干local coherence
差分相干检测differential coherent detection
差动相干传输系统differentially coherent transmission system
相干函数ordinary coherence function
干二相土dry two-phase soil
干二相砂土dry two-phase sand
干二相重度dry two-phase unit weight
干式射线照相干xeroradiographical plate
干式射线照相干xeroradiographic plate
干式银盐照相纸dry silver paper
干扰倒相器interference inverter
干放射照相设备xeroradiography apparatus
干板照相机plate camera
干涉仪相位interferometer phase
干涉相衬interference contrast
干涉相衬显微镜interference phase contrast microscope
干盐盘相dry salt-pan phase
干线相交控制arterial intersection control
平均相干average coherence
平面波相互干扰plane wave interaction
相干背景strong coherent background
影像相干coherence of image formation
恒相相干光照明constant phase coherent illumination
恒相相干成像constant phase coherent imaging
相干涉仪phase-swept interferometer
斑纹干涉照相机speckle camera
时间相干temporally coherent light
时间相干temporal coherent beam
明胶干照相底版gelatine dry photographical plate
明胶干照相底版gelatin dry photographic plate
明胶照相干gelatine plate
明胶照相干gelatin plate
桩的相互干扰mutual interference of piles
正交相干解调器quadrature coherent demodulator
相干vapour phase interference
相干vapor phase interference
水平相干加强horizontal coherent enhancement
相干liquid phase interference
漫射相干照明diffused coherent illumination
激光相干laser coherent
激光干涉仪照相机laser interferometer camera
直接相邻波道干扰direct adjacent channel interference
相互干涉mutual coherence
相关干涉仪correlation interferometer
相对干涉作用relative interference effect
相对干遮盖力relative dry hiding power
相干传递函数coherent transformation function
相干侧视雷达coherent side looking radar
相干interference light
相干光信息处理incoherent optical information processing
相干光信息处理incoherent optic information processing
相干光信息处理coherent optical information processing
相干光全息术coherent holography
相干光处理方法processing method with coherent/partial coherent light
相干光学处理系统coherent optical processing system
相干光学测图coherent optical mapping
相干光定位器coherent optical locator
相干光平行处理coherent optical parallax processing
相干光成象imaging with coherent light
相干光源coherent light source
相干光谱coherent spectrum
相干光雷达optic coherent radar
相干光雷达optical coherent radar
相干光雷达coherent light radar
相干光雷达系统coherent optical radar system
相干分光计coherent spectrometer
相干加强coherent enhancement
相干加强剖面coherent enhancement section
相干单色波coherent monochromatic wave
相干参考coherent reference
相干反射coherent reflecting
相干发射coherent emission
相干发射机coherent transmitter
相干发生器coherent oscillator
相干喇曼光谱法coherent Raman spectrometry
相干噪声coherence noise
相干噪声滤波coherence noise filtering
相干孪晶间界coherent twin boundary
相干coherent degree
相干式微密度计coherent microdensitometer
相干影像coherent video
相干成像cohere nt image
相干成像系统coherent imaging system
相干投影coherent projection
相干振荡coherent generation
相干散射interference scattering
相干散射区coherently scattering region
相干断续波coherent interrupted waves
相干次波coherent secondary wave
相干波列interacting wave train
相干波列coherent wave train
相干coherent source
相干照明coherent illumination
相干相移键控制coherent phase shift keying
相干矩阵coherence matrix
相干红外雷达coherent infrared radar
相干组合coherence array
相干结构coherent structure
相干背景coherent background
相干脉冲法coherent-impulse method
相干范围coherent range
相干范围coherence range
相干调制modulation coherence
相干调制coherence modulation
相干载波系统coherent carrier system
相干运转coherent operation
相干长度coherent length
相干雷达像片coherent radar photograph
相干震荡器coherent oscillator
相拍干扰beat interference
相消干涉destructive interference
相邻波道干扰adjacent channel interference
相长干扰constructive interference
相隔信道干扰alternate channel interference
瞬时相干transient coherence
空间相干光束spatially coherent beam
空间相干光束space coherent beam
空间相干函数spatial coherence function
空间相干spatial coherence
空间相干辐射spatially coherent radiation
空间非相干spatial incoherent light
脉冲外相干多普勒雷达externally coherent pulse doppler radar
相干chromatic cohere nt
超精相干hyperfine coherence
超速相干现象ultra-fast coherent phenomenon
部分相干partially coherent light
部分相干光低通滤波图像low frequency filtering image with partial coherent light
部分相干光成象imaging with partial coherent light
部分相干光放大图像enlarged image with partial coherent light
部分相干光方向滤波图像directional filtering image with partial coherent light
部分相干光高通滤波图像high-frequency filtering image with partial coherent light
部分相干因子partial coherence factor
部分相干partial coherence
相干传递函数incoherent transfer function
相干傅立叶光学成像系统non-coherent Fourier-optical imaging system
相干光二极管incoherent light diode
相干光全息摄影incoherent light holography
相干光全息术incoherent light holography
相干光处理方法processing method with incoherent light
相干光处理系统non-coherent optical processing system
相干光处理系统non-coherent optic processing system
相干光学系统incoherent light system
相干光学装置incoherent optical arrangement
相干光学装置incoherent optic arrangement
相干光学计算机non-coherent optical computer
相干光学计算机non-coherent optic computer
相干光学载波non-coherent optical carrier
相干光学载波non-coherent optic carrier
相干光学雷达incoherent optical radar
相干光学雷达incoherent optic radar
相干光成像imaging with incoherent light
相干光探测器non-coherent optical detector
相干光探测器non-coherent optic detector
相干光检测器non-coherent optical detector
相干光检测器non-coherent optic detector
相干光测距non-coherent light-ranging
相干光源incoherent source
相干光源incoherent light source
相干光纤束incoherent bundle
相干光转换器incoherent optical converter
相干光转换器incoherent optic converter
相干全息图incoherent hologram
相干全息术incoherent holography
相干再发射non-coherent re-emission
相干准单色光源incoherent quasimonochromatic source
相干发射incoherent emission
相干孪晶间界non-coherent twin boundary
相干平均incoherent averaging
相干成像incoherent imaging
相干成像系统incoherent imaging system
相干扰动incoherent disturbance
相干振荡incoherent generation
相干接收器incoherent receiver
相干接收系统incoherent reception system
相干散射incoherent scatter
相干散射函数incoherent scattering function
相干散射截面incoherent scattering cross section
相干模拟调制incoherent analogue modulation
相干模拟调制incoherent analog modulation
相干incoherent wave
相干点光源incoherent point source
相干照明incoherent illumination
相干环形辐射源incoherent circular source
相干相位incoherent phase
相干相间边界incoherent inter-phase boundary
相干系统incoherent system
相干红外探测器non-coherent infrared detector
相干红外接收器non-coherent infrared receiver
相干红外装置incoherent infrared arrangement
相干组合non-coherence array
相干载波non-coherent carrier
相干载波噪声non-coherent carrier noise
相干辐射incoherent radiation
相干辐射器non-coherent radiator
相干重合incoherent superposition
非漫射相干光照明non-diffuse contrast phase coherent illumination
高次相干函数higher-order coherence function
高阶相干效应higher-order coherence effect