
Terms containing 相对的 | all forms | in specified order only
earth.sc.一个生物样品中的元素相对含量relative content an element in a biosample
el.mach.三相系统的不对称度dissymmetry of threephase system
tech.不同方向的相对辐射能量radiation pattern
IT不平衡多相系统的对称坐标symmetrical co-ordinates in a system of unbalanced polyphase quantities
hydroel.st.与稳态值的相对偏差relative deviation from a steady-state value
securit.与股本收益率结合的相对强度relative strength combined with ROE
fin.世界上相对低迷的富国world's relatively sluggish rich countries
el.二次改进的相对单元地址指定编码modified modified READ
el.二维改进的相对单元地址指定编码two-dimensional modified READ
tech.产量的相对值relative value of outcome
mil., air.def.以 O 参考电平噪声评价数为基准相对 1 毫瓦的分贝Decibel relative 1 mw at zero reference level psophometrically weighed
mil., air.def.以相对传输零电平为基准的分贝数Decibel referred to zero relative transmission level
interntl.trade.价值的相对边际relative margin of value
met.位错的相对论效应dislocation relativistic effect
danc.侧行相对位置开始的流动自转travelling spin from counter promenade position
UN, afr.促进联合国在政府间一级对非洲和平、安全与发展这些相互关联的问题作出协调一致的反应coordinated and coherent United Nations response
mining.储层条件下的相对渗透率relative permeability at reservoir conditions
dril.内外筒相对固定的双筒取心筒core barrel of double tube rigid type
busin.农产品对工业品的相对贸易条件指工农产品的相对交换比价和比率,并据此得出贸易条件有利或不利terms of trade of agriculture vis-avis industry
tech.分层抽样的相对方差relative-variance for stratified sampling
danc.分式相对侧行位置的分裂古巴碎步split Cuban break in OCPP
danc.分式相对侧行位置的古巴碎步Cuban break in OCPP
danc.分式相对侧行位置至分式侧行位置的分裂古巴碎步split Cuban break from OCPP and OPP
fin.劳动力相对丰富的新兴市场经济体relatively labor-abundant emerging market economies
commer.包装方面的这一改变对我们相当不便It is rather inconvenient for us to make such a change in packing
telecom.单元回波的相对幅度relative amplitude of an elementary echo
mining.原油的相对密度specific gravity of oil
tech.原油的相对渗透率relative permeability to oil
telecom.原电话的相对增益orthotelephonically referred gain
mil., air.def.双相调制对鉴别器的影响bi-phase modulation effect on discriminator
chem.同时性的相对性relativity of simultaneity
busin.国家相对优势的充分开发full exploitation of the country's comparative advantage
soil.土壤的相对密度relative density of master
soil.土壤的相对湿度relative humidity of master
tech.土的相对含量relative moisture content of soil
tech.土的相对稠度relative consistency
stat.地球相对静止的卫星geosynchronous satellite
stat.地球相对静止的卫星geostationary satellite
dril.垂向偏离的相对变化relative change in vertical deviation
genet.基于单倍型的单倍型相对风险haplotype-based haplotype relative risk
dentist.塑料基托义齿相对便宜,但它较金属基托厚,您不能像戴金属基托义齿那样很好的感觉食物的温度The plastic plate denture is cheap, but it will be thicker than the metal plate denture and you can't feel the temperature of food as well as with the metal one
proj.manag.外币资产减少、 主要是已发行的钞票数量减少、 引致支持资产亦相对减少The decrease in foreign currency assets was mainly due to a decline in backing assets resulting from a drop in currency notes outstanding
el.mach.多相对称绕组的相序导纳cyclic admittance of symmetrical polyphase winding
el.mach.多相对称量系统的阶数the order of polyphase symmetrical system
mil., air.def.天线的相对增益relative gain of an antenna
gen.如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again
proj.manag.如果某一列表项绑定到某一数据对象、则每个字段也都绑定到该对象的相应属性When a list item is bound to a data object, each field is bound to the corresponding property of the object
tech.密度对生长的相关性density dependence of growth
gen.对不起,今天我们酒店的客人相当多Oh, I'm sorry. We're heavily booked today
gen.对不起,我们没有相通的双人房间,但我们有大的相邻房间I'm sorry. We don't have connecting double rooms, but we have large adjoining rooms
gen.对不起,那星期我们酒店的客人相当多Oh, I'm sorry. We're heavily booked for that week
bridg.constr.对两互相垂直的轴的对称截面symmetrical cross-section about two mutual perpendicular axis
gen.对于一些病人,他们说,谈话治疗和药物治疗相结合的效果最好For some patients, they say, a combination of talk therapy and medication works best
expl.对实地数据进行分析,以确定飞石距离和爆破设计参数之间的相互关系Field data are analyzed to determine the correlation between flyrock distances and the blast design parameters
sport.对方相应的队员opposite number
gen.M 对M是不相称〔适宜〕的be unbecoming for
gen.M 对M是不相称〔适宜〕的be unbecoming to
econ.对本合同各项条款的解释不得与国家的法律相矛盾The interpretation of the provisions of the contract shall not be inconsistent with the laws of the country
expl.对爆破技术的研究占去历年研究开发预算的相当大的份额Research into blasting technology received a considerable apart of the annual research and development budget
tech.对现有相邻结构物的影向effect on existing adjacent structure
el.mach.对称的多相系统symmetric polyphase system
el.mach.对称的多相系统polyphase system in equilibrium
space对空气的相对速度aerodynamic velocity
proj.manag.对系统注册表的操作、及相应的程序代码的实现The operation of the system registry, and with the realization of the corresponding programming code
proj.manag.对象可参与许多不同的文件格式、设计器序列化并没有与特定的数据格式相关联Objects can participate in many different file formats, and designer serialization is not tied to a particular data format
UN对边境区域的空中照相Aerial photography of the border
hydroel.st.射流相对转轮的偏移值offset of jet to runner
hydroel.st.射流相对转轮的对准度alignment of jet to runner
met.X 射线对照相乳胶层的直接作用direct action of X-rays on photographic emulsion layer
tech.峰的相对面积relative area of peak
phys.带相对相的散射矩阵scattering matrix with relative phase
phys.带绝对相的散射矩阵scattering matrix with absolute phase
earth.sc.平均绝对的相对误差average absolute relative error
dril.底部钻具组合的相对刚性BHA's relative rigidity
econ.建筑师须仔细研究这些施工图,并且对可能发现的差错或相互矛盾之处予以更正The architect should carefully study the working drawings and correct any error or inconsistency he may discover in them
proj.manag.当电脑发现了一个相符之处、就会建立一个新的碎片模式、然后再与剩余的碎片比对When a match is found, a new scrap model is built and then compared with the remaining scraps
hydroel.st.总的相对损失relative total loss
auto.成对的凸轮相位调整coupled cam phasing
econ.我们发现这些账目有的地方相互对不上We found there were discrepancies in the accounts
busin.我们对贵方浮雕防盗门的质量感到很满意,但我们不知道货物的质量能否和样品大体相同We find the quality of the anti-theft carved door is satisfactory, but we're not sure whether the quality of the goods is about equal to the sample
commer.我们的产品质量经得起与竞争对手的产品质量相比The quality of our products stands comparison with that of rival products
proj.manag.我们相信免费软件对于开发人员、合作者和最终用户来说是一个安全的选择We believe in free software as a safe choice for developers, partners and end users alike
econ.我们绝对相信该产品的优点We are fully convinced of the virtue of this product
tech.扇形速度点相对于给定中心的速度sector velocity
tech.扩大的相对价值形式expanded relative value-form
tech.扩大的相对价值形式expanded relative form of value
tech.拓扑的相对化relativization of a topology
met.挡墙和坝的相对位置relative location of dam and weir
el.改进的相对单元地址指定编码modified relative element address designation coding
el.改进的相对单元地址指定编码modified READ
dril.方位位移的相对变化relative change in azimuthal deviation
tech.时标的相对论性扩展relativistic dilation of time-scale
econ.本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对低的价格出售货物It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price
gen.水平相对配置的汽缸等horizontally opposed
mining.水的相对密度specific gravity of water
mining.水的相对渗透率relative permeability to water
tech.水跃的相对高度relative height of hydraulic jump
tech.泥质的相对体积fractional volume of shale
earth.sc.生物体内的相对含量relative content in bioobjects
telecom.由于蓝牙无线装置的工作功率比手机小很多,因此,蓝牙耳机产生的辐射相对于手机来说可以忽略不计Bluetooth-enabled wireless devices operate at much lower power levels than phones, so the radiation created by a Bluetooth-enabled headset is insignificant by comparison
tech.相互对立的利益antagonistic interest
commer.相互理解对业务的顺利进行是必要的Mutual understanding is essential to the smooth running of business
fin.相对乐观的前景relatively optimistic outlook
el.相对于1pW 的分贝数decibels relative to one picowatt
el.相对于 Im² 的分贝数decibels relative to a square meter
el.相对于 1V 的分贝数decibels relative to one volt
el.相对于 1μW 的分贝数decibels relative to one microwatt
el.相对于 1W的分贝数decibels relative to one watt
el.相对于lmW 的分贝数decibels relative to one milliwatt
gen.N 相对于 M 的比率the M rate of (N)
busin.相对于一个价格体系的消费平衡equilibrium consumption relative to a price system
gen.相对于中心线是对称的be symmetrical about centre line
mil., air.def.相对于全向性辐射的分贝数DB relative to isotropy radiation
refrig.相对于冰的相对湿度relative humidity with respect to ice
space相对于各向同性辐射源的天线增益分贝值dBi dB antenna gain relative to isotropic source
gen.M 电压相对于M是负的be negative to
auto.相对于横轴的惯量roll inertia
auto.相对于横轴的惯量pitch inertia
space相对于毫瓦功率的分贝值dBm dB power relative to one milli watt
refrig.相对于水的相对湿度relative humidity with respect to water
el.相对于…的relative to
gen.相对于…的偏离departure from...
auto.相对于纵轴的振动rolling motion
commun., railw.相对于自由空间的损耗loss relative to free space
space相对于载波的分贝数dBc dB relative to carrier
tech.相对价值的同样量的变化same change of magnitude in relative value
tech.相对价值的比例表scale of relative values
econ.相对优势的规律law of comparative advantage
agric.相对值的独立性independence in relative value
busin.相对值的直观观点intuitive approach to relative value
bridg.constr.相对刚硬的杆relative rigid member
mil., air.def.相对匹配滤波器的损耗loss relative to matched filter
fin.相对小幅、象征性的一次性升值relatively small and symbolic one-off revaluation
fin.相对平衡的经济relatively balanced economy
gen.相对应〔对等〕的人analogue (职位,机构)
gen.相对应〔对等〕的人analog (职位,机构)
econ.相对形式的商品价值relative form of commodity value
tech.相对本构造区的方向direction opposite this tectonic region
tech.相对渗透率与饱和率的关系relative permeability ratio (曲线)
gen.相对的大小the relative sizes of
biol.相对的怀卵量relative fecundity
tech.相对的生物效应relative biological effect
tech.相对的生物效应relative biologic effect
nucl.phys.相对的生物效应剂量单位röntgen-equivalent-man unit
gen.相对的生物效应剂量单位rem unit
el.相对的稳定性conditional stability
tech.相对的稳定性relative stability
interntl.trade.相对的边际价值relative marginal value
econ.相对的风险relative risk
agric.相对的饲料转换效率relative feed conversion
ecol.相对稳定的土地生态系统relatively stable land ecosystem
earth.sc.相对稳定的活断层active fault with relative stability
swim.相对稳定的速度relatively constant speed
avia.相对纵轴的角位移roll displacement
tech.相对色散的倒数reciprocal relative dispersion
construct.相对论上的移动relativity shift
fin.相对贫穷的国家relatively poor countries
auto.主动和被动件间容许相对轴向运动的万向节stroking universal joint
auto.主动和被动件间容许相对轴向运动的万向节motion universal joint
auto.主动和被动件间容许相对轴向运动的万向节end stroking universal joint
food.ind., law相对较小规模的交易relatively small size transactions
avia.相对运动的描述description of relative motion
piez.相对频率起伏的阿仑方差Allan variance of fractional frequency fluctuation
chem.相异分子对相关函数的积分integral of pair correlation function
earth.sc.相片对假定平面不一定是水平面的相对倾斜relative tilt
tech.砂的相对密度relative density of sand
tech.砂砾的相对密度relative density of sands and gravel
tech.确定相对位移的依据basis for determining relative displacement of fault
el.磁带的逆向相对效率[灵敏度]reverse relative tape efficiency
refrig.离开盘管的相对空气湿度relative humidity of air leaving coil
refrig.空调区域的相对湿度space relative humidity
avia.立体照相的一对影像stereoscopic pair
tech.策略的相对值relative value of strategies
tech.纯砂岩的相对体积fractional volume of clean sandstone
tech.细岩砂的相对体积fractional volume of silt
securit.结合相对强度因素的价售比relative strength combined with price-to-sales ratio
met.结晶器/铸坯的相对速度relative speed of mold to strand
tech.结果的相对值relative value of outcome
tech.结果的相对值relative value of consequence
chem.绝对值的平均相对偏差average absolute relative deviation
avia.绝对值相等而符号相反的值equal and opposite value
gen.而静止是相对的motion is absolute while stagnation is relative
busin.能量对温度的相依性dependence of energy on temperature
tech.船对水的相对速度relative water vessel speed
sport., physiol.血量的相对稳定homeostasis of blood volume
proj.manag.衰退市场的相对吸引力relative attractiveness of declining markets
busin.计算机处理的设备相对分配computerized relative allocation of facilities
sport., med.认识结果的相对频度relative frequency of knowledge of results
shipb.请说明你们大概要订购的数量,以便我们对价格作相应的调整Could you tell us the quantity you require so that we may adjust our price accordingly?
econ.货币的相对价值relative value of money
tech.质量的相对论性变化relativistic change in mass
tech.质量的相对论性增加relativistic increase of mass
econ.资源不同使用的相对效果relative efficiency of different uses of resources
busin.资源不同使用的相对效率relative efficiency of different uses of resources
tech.车尾相对的停车方式pair parking
el.转子相对于静子膨胀时的基准点relative dead center
math.转移变差的相对区域relative area of transvariation
auto.轴相对于底盘选定点的位置axle spacing
tech.边纬和中纬变形绝对值相等的圆锥投影conical projection with equal absolute values of distortion on boundary and mid parallel
tech.边纬和中纬变形绝对值相等的圆锥投影conic projection with equal absolute values of distortion on boundary and mid parallel
tech.连元定义的相对名字relative name in a link definition
math.量词的相对化relativization of quantifiers
met.铁水和废钢的相对费用relative cost of hot metal and scrap
met.铸坯壳与结晶器间的相对运动relative movement of shell to mold
met.铸坯壳与结晶器间的相对运动movement of shell relative to mold
met.铸坯壳和结晶器之间的相对运动relative movement between shell and mold
met.铸坯/结晶器间的相对速度relative speed of strand to mold
sport.队员的相对位置relative position of players
tech.集合的相对补relative complement of a set
avia.飞机与拦阻网接合时的相对速度engaging speed
avia.飞机相对地面的水平速度ground speed
avia.飞机预定或实际对目标照相的时间time on target
proj.manag.马瑟表示、一个地方的人口趋势将对当地造成很大的影响、它与劳动力市场的供求情况以及经济增长紧密相关He said regional population trends matter, because they fre closely linked to labor supply and demand一and economic growth