
Terms for subject Economy containing 相关 | all forms | in specified order only
相关complete independence
不纯相关spurious correlation
与肥胖症相关的非传染性疾病obesity-related NCD
与肥胖症相关的非传染性疾病obesity-related non-communicable disease
与膳食相关的非传染性疾病diet-related chronic NCD
与膳食相关的非传染性疾病diet-related chronic non-communicable disease
与该项目相关的一切商业谈判应立即停止All business negotiations relative to that project shall be stopped right away
《与贸易相关的知识产权协定》Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
二数例相关比率bi-serial ratio of correlation
二数列相关比率the biserial ratio of correlation
二数列相关系数the biserial coefficient of correlation
他们已给了我方相当关的定单They have given us an order of considerable size
他向海关申报他在国外购买的照相机He declared at customs the camera he bought abroad
代表各部门之间相互关系的投入产出表input-output table of inter-industry relationships
相关spurious correlation
伪序列相关spurious series correlation
作业相关线图预算activity relationship diagram actual budget
作业活动相关activity-relation chart
供求的相互关系interaction of supply and demand
相关false correlation
相关系数coefficient of partial correlation
典型相关分析canonical correlation analysis
相关的系数net correlation coefficient
相关系数coefficient of partial correlation
利益相关人士party at interest
利益相关人士the party at interest
双列相关系数biserial coefficient of correlation
品质相关relation between series of attributes
四层相关a fourfold correlation
四格表相关系数a fourfold table correlation coefficient
复杂的相关degree of complexity of the inter-relationship
多元相关multiple correlation
多元相关分析multiple correlation analysis
多重回归相关分析multiple regression-correlation analysis
完全相关complete association
工业界和研究中心间的相互关系interfaces between the industrial community and the research centers
异号相关the unlike signed correlation
相关成本 费用total relevant cost
我相信像这样的争端能够迅速得到解决,不至于损害我们的业务关系I believe a dispute like this can be settled swiftly without detriment to our business relations
政治和经济是有相互关系的Politics and economics are of mutuality
时间相关time relationship
时间数列相关correlation of time series
曲线相关curved correlation
相关direct correlation (可直接摊入一特定数量产品的生产、一组织单位或一工程的一般管理费、 材料和劳动力的费用)
相关positively correlated
正准相关分析canonical correlation analysis
比例相关spurious correlation
生产关系之相关公式production function
直线相关the rectilineal correlation
相关correlate (数)
相关correlation (相互关系)
相关函数a correlation function
相关分析analysis of correlation
相关劳动力市场relevant labor market
相关和回归分析correlation and regression analysis
相关度量the correlated measure
相关度量calculation of correlation
相关强度指示器relative strength indicator
相关性方案之比较non-mutually exclusive independent alternatives
相关关联成本relevant costs
决策相关成本分析relevant cost analysis
相关数列related series
相关数量correlated measure
相关树型a relevance tree
相关树型relevance tree
相关比例法method of correlation ratio
相关比率correlation ratio
相关a correlation method
相关程度degree of correlation
相关系数coefficient of correlation (correlation coefficient)
相关系数coefficient of association
相关系数的转换transformation of correlation coefficient
相关线a relation line
相关计算calculation of correlation
相关银行业务relationship banking
相等关系equivalence relation
眷属受抚养人’ корп.упр. 相关dependent
等级相关the rank correlation
等级相关method of rank correlation
线性相关分析linear correlation analysis
落后相关lag correlation
转换相关系数coefficient of alienation
金融相关比率financial interrelation ratio
销售额与利润额的相关degree of leverage
随机不相关the stochastic independence
食物和食物相关消费food and food-related costs