
Terms for subject Swimming containing | all forms
的脚尖pointed toes
线划水路线modified straight line pull
跳起vertical jump
vertical plane
上下两次打水straight two-beat kick
上直下两次打腿straight two-beat kick
沿垂直面上直下打腿kick up and down
上直下打腿kick up and down
接滚翻flip directly over
-曲-直臂划水straight-bent-straight pull
线划水路线straight through pull
线游程指不要转身straightaway course
线游程straight away course
臂上举supine straight arm pullover
臂划水straight arm stroke
臂划水pull with a straight arm
臂划水straight elbow pull
臂划水straight arm pull
臂-屈臂-直臂划水straight-bent-straight pull
臂戈水pull with a straight arm
plantar flexed
脚底放松伸plantar flexed
脚放松地伸plantar flexed