
Terms for subject Table tennis containing | all forms
反手backhand immediate move
反手backhand straight move
反手backhand direct move
反手backhand shove
反手线球back straight
线球straight along the table service
线球straight-along-the-table service
线球straight along the table serve
球的normal axis
拍形垂bat in vertical position
线crosscourt plus down-the-sideline
线球crosscourt plus down-the-line
正手线球fore straight
球垂normal axis
拍握法penholder grip
拍横打pen-hold backhand attack with reverse surface
拍近台快攻close-to-the-table penhold grip fastattack
拍近台进攻close-to-table pen-hold grip attack
penholder grip
握拍penhold grip
握拍法penholder grip
握拍法English grip
线球straight shot
线球down-the-line shot
线球line drive
近似垂near vertically
近似垂near vertical