
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一体化发展项Integrated Development Project
一宗货物的项item of parcel
一揽子项交易project package deal
不动产账immovable account
与…结清账目close an account with
专管批准工业项秘书处secretarial of industrial approvals
业务项operational project
中期medium term objective
主管项咨询人员projects advisory staff
主管项工作人员projects staff
主要营业项main business lines
仓租科godown rent a/c
以恒向线航行抵达的地的距-离rhumb distance
以投资为标的项目investment-oriented project
以销售为标而生产market-oriented production
price list
list of prices
折扣price mark-down
quotations table
会计师证明的账certified accounts
会计科caption of account
会计科accounting item
会计科title of account
会计科account title
会计科分类classification of accounts
会计科card of accounts
会计项accounting item
估价list of quotation
例外项exceptional items
侵吞股东以肥己为的的公司bubble company
保留项retained item
保税的港海关仓库交货价in bond
公定价tax price
公平价fair price
关税名the tariff nomenclature
关税手续未消价duty unpointed
关税细tariff line
关键进口项critical imported items
具体项specific items
农村发展项rural development project
出口保险费运费科export freight & insurance a/c
出口商品export list
出口收入科export credit a/c
出口运费保险科export freight and insurance a/c
创造性项的许可证交易licensing of innovations
的港价格free destination
到岸价加利息及的壻价cost,insurance,freight,interst and port of destination CIFI port of destination
到岸价加汇费及到达的港价CIFE port of destination
到岸价加汇费及到达的港价cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination
到达的地付运费freight payable at destination
到达的地价格rendu price
制订项计划project programing
前期滚结账brought forward account
动人价charm price
劳力密集型项labor-intensive projects
劳务项service account
包括起货用费在内价landed price
卡片式card catalogue
厂商数过多excessive number of firms
厂商的goals of firms
原型项prototype project
发明性项的许可证交易licensing of inventions
发行价issue price
取消项一览表list of cancelled item
变更的地alteration of destination
合办项joint project
条款nominal terms
售品catalogue of articles for sale
商业business objective
商业business purpose
商业电视节的女广播员commercial girl
商品commodity lists
商品catalogue of articles for sale
商品qualified products list
商品list of articles
商品录价格catalogue price
商品总consolidated trade catalog
固定价firm price
固定价stable prices
国际收支中与贸易有关的无形项balance of trade-allied invisibles
国际电报价rates for overseas radiophone service
国际电报价rates for overseas telegraphone service
国际电报价rate for overseas telegrams
国际电话价rate for overseas radiophone service
国际贸易中的有形项visible item of international trade
国际贸易有形项visible items of international trade
国际项筹资international project finance
图解illustrated catalogue
商品图解illustrated catalogue
地区regional aims
基本建设项infrastructure projects
基础设施项infrastructure projects
增列项additional item
复式账double account
外国私人投资的特定项specific piece of private foreign investment
外汇价foreign exchange quotation
奖金账bonus account
分类project classification
官方汇兑价official quotation
定价priced catalogue
实施成功项successfully implemented projects
实验性项experimental project
实验的题corpus vile
审计报告reporting objective
客运价passenger way-bill
工业产品catalogue of industrial products
工业项industrial project
工作项working item
差距项disparity items
食品市场价posted value
平衡表账balance sheet accounts
平衡账balance an account
应付债款账debt payable account
应付应计项accrued items payable
应付应计项accrued item payable
应付进口汇票科import bill payable a/c
应收出 口汇票科export bill receivable a/c
应收出口汇票科export bills receivable a/c
应收应计项accrued items receivable
应收应计项accrued item receivable
应计未收项accrued receivables
应计项accrued item
开支账expenditure account
引伸derived aims
general list
总账balance-sheet total
成本加固定数酬金合同cost plus a fixed fee contract
成本项cost center
成长growth poles
托收出口汇票科帐户export bill for collection a/c
托收出口汇票科export bill for collection a/c
批准的业务项operations approved
批准的援助项projects approved
技术转让项technical transformation project
投标项bid item
投资前项pre-investment project
抵销项control account
拍卖auction catalogue
拖欠账delinquent account
拟定合理的项generate sound projects
拟议中项pipeline project
拨款较快的项faster disbursing projects
拨款较快的项的比例share of faster-disbursing projects
指定的港named port of destination
... 指定的港运费、保险费在内价C.I.F. ... named port of distillation
指定的的地named place of destination
指定项designated project
按类编列的分类页catalogue raisonne
按项编制预算project budgeting
损益科分类账operating ledger
插有广告的广播节sponsored program
支出账expenditure account
支出账account to give
支出项items of expenditure
收帐项collection items
收支账income and expenditure account
改道运至的地rerouted to destination
敏感项sensitive item
施行中的项operational project
无代价项no cost item
无须动用现金的项items not requiring or providing cash
暂定项preliminary list of items
更重要优先项higher priority
最低的价bedrock price
最初账primary account
最后的地ultimate destination
最后的港final port of destination
最终的地final destination
最重要优先项highest priority
的抽样purposive sampling
有说明的价illustrated price list
服务性项trading service product
未列项not otherwise provided for
未提进 口货物科undeliverable import goods a/c
未提进口货物科undeliverable import goods a/c
未清账unliquidated account
杂费账charges account
来往账open account
极小项mini project
标准的贷款项statement of loans approved
标明价marked price
核对账verification of account
核对账checking account
次要优先项low priority
次重要优先项lower priority
汇兑损益科exchange fluctuation a/c
汇兑损益科exchange fluctuation account
汇款purpose of remittance
法定汇兑价official quotation
流动无形项current invisibles
流动项收支balance of payments on current account
海关合作理事会税则customs cooperation council nomenclature
海关税则customs nomenclature
海外工程项overseas project
清理账go into liquidation
点数check the number
牲畜发展项livestock development project
特定项specific project
特殊项或批量识别鉴定identification of specific Item or lot method
前的市场existing market
录书index book
录价list price
录价格list price
标价格target price
标成本object cost
的地place of destination
的地买方指定地点交货价franco render
的地交货free on board destination
的地交货franco rendu, or free contracts
的地交货价free delivered
的地交货价free on board destination (FOB destination)
的地交货价格free delivered price
的地交货合同"to arrive" contract
的地办事处office of destination
的港port of debarkation (PD)
的港final destination
的港destination port
的港port of destination
的港伦敦。at £stg…per metric ton CIF London
的港伦敦。at £…per metric ton CIF London
的港妈头交货价franco quay
的港岸上交货价landed tenns
的港码头交货价,码头交货单ex quay, ex wharf, ex pier, ex dock
的港码头交货,关税已付ex quay, ex whart, ex pier... named port of destination, duty paid
的港船上交货ex ship... named port of destination
的港船上交货价ex ship
的港船上交货价 ex ship,货离钩绳不负责任之交付free overside
的港船边交货free overside... named port of destination
的港船边交货价free overside
的站point of destination
的站station of destination
广告blind advertisement
buy a pig in a poke
直接的地immediate destination
直航的港或暂予负责direct (direct or held covered)
相对科contra account
着眼于项的方法project approach
示范项demonstrative project
tax items
分类注释说明布鲁塞尔税表Explanatory notes to BTN Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
分项tariff ex-heading
及洼释说明字母顺序索引alphabetical index to BTN& explanatory notes
号列Tariff No.
税则tariff nomenclature
篡改假造cook an account
红利账bonus account
约定的的港agreed port of destination
线上项above the line
线下项below the line
结清账closed account
绝对优先项first priority
统驭科control account
综合发展项Integrated Development Project
综合项integrated projects
资料bibliographical data
船只数number of ships
program (me)
营业catalogue of business
营业科account of business
营业账operating accounts
营业项business items
营业项item of business
营业项items of business
融通资金项筹备统制项目project preparation facility
补充项supplementary item
装运的地point of destination
规划项planned project
计划项支出project expenditures
认缴股本项capital subscription items
试办项pilot projects
试验项pilot projects
详细illustrated catalogue
详细价detail price list
调拨项transfer item
调整账adjust accounts
财产inventory of the property
财产inventory list
财产goods on hand
财产general inventory
财产总general inventory
财务账financial accounts
财务账financial account
card of accounts
年度account year
摘要extract of accounts
账簿科book accounts
账面科book accounts
贷方项credit items
贸易外收支项invisible items of trade
贸易科trade account
资助工程项financing of projects
资本密集项capital-intensive project
资本形成账gross saving and capital formation account
资本项逆差国country having deficit in capital transaction
超本位superordinate goal
轧平账balance an account
轧平账balance account
转让项transfer item
转账账account transfer
输出标制度export target
达成共同标的"要诀""key" to the accomplishment of goals
运费付至指定的地交货价freight or carriage paid to ... named point of destination
运费价rate tariff
运费及保险费付至的地carriage and insurance paid to C/P
运费在的地支付freight payable at destination
进口结汇保证金及其它项净额presentment requirements for imports and other items
进行中的项on-going project
进行中项going project
遗失货物清单missing list
邮购mail order catalogue
采购项procurement item
重点项heavy head
重要优先投资项high-priority investment projects
重要优先项high priority
银行会计科bank's account title
银行可担保的项bankable project
银行账的核对reconciliation of bank accounts
销售sales catalogue
附有解答的分类catalogue raisonne
附说明的暂定项annotated preliminary list
附说明的资料annotated bibliography
附说明的项annotated list of items
零售价retail price
非优先non-priority objection
非现金项non-cash items
非经常项non-recurrent item
非营业项non-operating item
非货币性项non-monetary items
修理定单item repairing order
分类project classification
后评价post project evaluation
后评价和后继行动postproject evaluation and follow-up
执行project implementation
报告project paper
支助业务project supporting services
核准权approval authority for projects
的分类segregation of items
的列入inclusion of items
的删除deletion of items
的拟订project formulation
筹备project preparation facility
经理project manager
编制阶段project preparation phase
融资project financing
设备project equipment
贷款project loan
贷款project-financing loan
贷款financing of projects
贷给project lending
费用project expenditures
预收项items received in advance
领航费价pilotage tariff
飞涨价skyrocketing price