
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
下列各项前无货可供following items not available
不受约束项uncommitted items
不可行项non-viable project
不足以达到预期be inadequate for the purpose intended
与某人结清账square accounts with (sb)
与某人结清账balance accounts with (sb)
专门special purpose
两个不同的项two several items
为核对账,现附去明细表一张列举已装运各批货物及应付佣金For reconciliation of accounts, we are sending you herewith a statement listing shipments made and commissions payable
主要账primary accounts
主要账principal account
主要账main accounts
五月二十日寄出的价表依然有效The price list sent on May 20 still holds good
交易额尚不能证明前安排独家代理是适当的The volume of business does not justify a sole agency arrangement at present
从总收入中的扣除项deductions from gross income
仔细检查账carefully overlook the accounts
代收项collection item
企业经营的标结构objective structure in enterprise's operation
优先标圈precedence diagram
会计科headings in accounts
会计科account title (item)
会计科card of accounts
估价账valuation account (户)
供应价一览表supply schedule
促进我们在国际市场上标的实现promote the achievement of our goals in the world market
信用往来账credit account
全球贸易分析项Global Trade Analysis Project
全部费用在内的地交货价格free delivered
公共事业工程项public project
公共账审计制度system for auditing public accounts
公积金抵冲项surplus charge
关税税则tariff nomenclature
兹附录本与价目表各一份供你方参考Herewith we enclose a catalogue and a price list for your reference
兹附去我第九号录补遗Enclosed please find a supplement to our catalogue No. 9
兹附去800美元支票一张,以支付截至前所欠你方的佣金We herewith enclose a check on New York for US $800 in payment of all your commissions due to you up to date
分层次multiple-level objectives (包括:发展目标 (development objectives)、集团目标, 小组目标 (group objectives)、基层单位目标(unit objectives)、个人目标 (individual objectives))
分级标体系hierachy of goals
分项的一览表itemized schedule
到达的地arrive at the destination
动态dynamic objective
单一产品项single-product project
卖方负担从码头至最终的地货物的运费The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes
占有数occupation number
双方同意加以约束的项mutually agreed upon constraints
双方当事人在签约时所谋求的商业的因意外情况受挫而落空The commercial aims which the both parties pursued when concluding the contract are defeated by force of supervening circumstances
双方所能同意加以约束的项mutually agreed-upon constraints
可行的项viable project
合作经营项cooperative business operation project
商业广告电视sponsored program
商务账commercial account
商品录本亦缩为 catal., catl., catlg.catalogue
商品开发项commodity development project
商品账merchandise account
商检inspecting order
因为你方所需商品暂时无货可供,所以我方前无法向你方报盘Owing to the temporary unavailability of the articles needed, we're not in a position to make you any offer at present
国际收支经常项状况current account position
国际收支经常项逆差current account deficit (与国际收支经常项目顺差(current account surplus) 相对)
前商业情况下Buyers are rather cautious in the present posture of business affairs
培训项费用expenses of the training programs
基本fundamental purpose
基本项elementary item
基础设施项infrastructural project
外来项extraordinary extraneous item
标决策multi target decision
的指数multi purpose index
的调查multi purpose survey
前你方不能供应 A 型,B 型亦可If you cannot supply Type A at present, Type B will do
宏观控制总general goal of macrocontrol
定货单项purchase order item
对新工程项估价evaluate the new project
对社会基础设施项按优惠条件提供的资金provision of funds on soft terms for infrastructure
局部partial objective
局部化localized target
岀口项export item (与进口项目 (import item)相对)
工业项投资前时期preinvestment phase of an industrial project (包括:投资机会选定 (identification of investment opportunities) 、项目的初步选择 (preliminary project selection and definition) 、项目研究规划 (project formulation) 、最后评价与投资决策 (final evaluation and investment decision))
工程项投标project bid
差异账variance account
已审查账audited accounts
已批准贷款项statement of loans approved
已结清的账settled account
年终账结算year-end settlement of account
应付账accounts payable
应你方要求,现寄来我方产品的录本与价格表In response to your request, we're sending you the catalogue and price list covering our products
应列贷方科account to be credited (与应列借方科目(account to be debited) 相对)
应收票据账bills receivable account
应收账accounts receivable
应税税taxable item
引进的项introduced items
待售商品catalogue of articles for sale
微小数nominal sum
总体overall goals
总体overall objectives
总计发票上各个项reckon up the invoice
总计达相当大数It counts up to a sizable sum
总账账ledger account
情况既如此,我方前不能向你方报盘Such being the case, we regret we're not in a position to make you an offer at present
成套项承包人project contractor
成本objective cost
我们前最多只能供应1,000公吨One thousand M/T is the extreme limit we can supply at present
我方前可以向你方提供所要求的货物We take pleasure in informing you that we're now in a position to supply you with the goods required
我方以发票金额的110%投保仅至的港Our insurance coverage is for 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only
所报数量不足我方前所需The quantity offered is insufficient for our present requirements
所有这些商品前暂时无货可供All these items are unavailable for the time being
扩建工程项extension project
承包成套工程项contract for "packaged deal" projects
承包整套工程项contracting "packaged deal" project
承包整套工程项contracting "packaged deal " proj ects
技术供应方参加项的合资经营equity participation by a technology supplier
技术供应方参加项的合资经营equity participation
投资项investment item
投资项应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises
投资项的财务及经济可行性financial and economic viability of a project
投资项盈利分析profitability analysis
指定的港的成本加运费价C & F... named port of destination
指定的的港named port of destination (与指定的岀发港(named port of departure) 相对)
指定项designate project
指定项designated item
的港交货净重计算on a net delivered weight
按时抵达的港arrive at the port of destination according to schedule
提供非项贷款non-project lending
提单上的的港应写为"伦敦/鹿特丹/汉堡任选"The destination on the bill of lading is to be written "London/Rotterdam/Hamburg optional"
支岀账account to give (与收入账目(account to receive) 相对)
收入扣除项revenue deduction
收益扣减项income deduction
改建项reconstruction projects
政策policy target
故障数number of defects
效率efficiency objective
数据登记项data entry
无线电商业广告节a commercial radio program
最终net result
最终的地last destination
有图片与价格的商品录本a catalogue with pictures and prices
有图解的录本illustrated catalogue
有形项visible items (与无形项目 (invisible items) 相对)
未完成建筑工程项uncompleted construction project
未清账unliquidated account (款)
标准数preferred numbers
核定投资项check investment item
核对表中所有项make a check of all the items in the list
核对账verify accounts
核査账check up account
次品数number of defectives
此项由中国一建筑公司承包This project is to be contracted to a building company in China
法定扣减项itemized deduction (税收)
特别扣除项particular deduction
生产production objective
生产motive for production
用合适运输工具把货物运到的地carry the goods to the destination by proper conveyance
由于售货太多,前不能接受新的定单Owing to heavy commitments, we're not in a position to accept fresh orders at present
由于大量的订货,我们前无力接受新的订单Owing to heavy bookings, we're not in a position to accept fresh orders at present
电话计次价message rate
前供应不能满足国际市场的需要Present supplies are not sufficient to meet the requirements in the international market
前可供货物availabilities of goods at present
前在我处销售这些货物相当困难It is rather difficult for us to sell these goods in our place at present
前客户不需要任何追加数量At present the customer does not need any additional quantity
前市场上水果充斥At present, the market is glutted with fruit
前市场情况可能让人误以为价格将下跌The present market situation may mislead one to think that the prices are going down
前成交业务量尚不足以委托贵方为独家代理The volume of business does not warrant entrusting you with the exclusive agency at present
前我们经济上承担不起它We can not afford it financially at present
前我公司可以供应各式花样的此类商品At present, our corporation can supply these commodities in a wide range of designs
前我方只能向你方报盘1,000公吨At present, we can only offer you 1,000 metric tons
前我方无力供应这些货物We're not in a position to offer these goods at present
前正调拨木料Timber is under allocation at present
录上印有许多商品介绍The catalogue embraces many articles
录价格catalogue price
录承索即寄Catalogues will be sent on request
录本已寄岀The catalogue has been mailed
录本承索即寄Catalogs are available on request
指标函数target function
作业区域target area
标价格objective price
标地域编号target area designation
标层次level of objectives
标市场objective market
标成本schedule cost
标报酬定价法target return method
标控制target control
标模式objective model
标确定setting of goals
标规划object program
标评价target assessment
标评价objective appraisal
测估计eye estimate
测估计值visual estimate
测检查visual check
测检验sight control
的地亦缩为 DESTdestination
的地放行单destination release
的地集装箱堆场交货container yard delivery
的港place of destination
的港唛头port mark
的港码头交货价delivered ex quay
完税后的港码头交货价格franco quay
的港码头交货价格ex quay
的港码头交货价格条件ex quay
的港码头完税前交货价格ex quay duty unpaid
的港码头完税后交货价格ex quay duty paid
的港舱底交货价格ex ship's hold
的港船上交货价格ex ship
的港船上交货价格free overside
的港船上交货价格free over side
的港船边交货价格free over side
采购blind purchase
短线工程项short-term project
研究发展项research and development project
税则细基础tariff line basis
符合serve the purpose
管理费用项cost items in overhead costs
经常项current account (国际收支)
经营management objective
经营operation objectives
经营management operation objective
结算账settling account
统计项statistical project
绩效performance goal
绩效performance target
缺陷数number of defects
股票数stock number
虚假账fictitious account
表格登记项form entry
详细账detail account
调查survey target
调查survey objective
调查objective of survey
中借方超过贷方数balance on hand
价款value in account
分类代码account's classification code
核査verification of account
混乱The accounts are in disorder
清算settlement of account
会计的辅助记录supporting record
经核查无误The accounts were certified as correct
节余balance of account
账户项item of accounts
账面借款项book account
资产抵消项offsets against assets
达到hit a target
达到商业accomplish commercial purposes
过账项transfer items
运费付至的地条件carriage paid to
运费付至指定的地交货价格freight or carriage paid to... named point of destination
运费保险费付至的地条件carriage and insurance paid to
这是前唯一可供应货物This is the only stock available at present
这笔长期未清的账必须偿付This long outstanding account must be settled without further delay
选定项试验optional test
递延可用现金项deferred availability cash items
通用general purpose
广告eye-catching ad
重点工程建设项key construction projects
重点工程项major project
金融项monetary item
鉴于前的情况In view of the present situation we're not in a position to make you an offer
长线基建工程项long-term project
长途电话价toll rate chart
静态static objects
静态static objective
非常项异常收支extraordinary item
美国非营业性节sustaining program
非营业项non-business item
非货币项non-monetary item
主办人project sponsor
保险project insurance
净现值project net present value
初步选定initial project identification
加权item weight
发展周期project development cycle (包括:投资前时期 (preinvestment phase)、投资时期 (investment phase)、生产时期 (operation phase))
发起project promotion
发起人与倡议人project promotor and initiator
可彳亍性project viability
可彳亍性viability of the project
可行性project viability
基础basis of project (包括:历史条件 (historical conditions),全面经济背景 (overall economic context), 市场估定 (assessment of markets),供应条件 (supply conditions),生产计划 (production plans), 市场营销 (marketing))
存在期lifetime of project
存在期life of project
存在期life span of project
完工日期date of completion of the project
平面布置图project layout
建设时期project implementation phase
建设管理project implementation management
建设规划implementation program
建设费用project implementation costs
建设进度表time schedule of implementation
总账project ledger
意向project idea (指投资机会 (investment opportunity))
所有人owner of project
执行书project implementation order
技术经济参数techno-economic parameters of a project
换汇率project exchange rate
改进project improvement
方向project orientation
方案编制project programming
特征符号item characteristic code
的可靠性soundness of project
的规模与性质magnitude and nature of project
盈利率profitability of the project
目标盈利率target profit rate of the project
研究规划和建设project formulation and implementation
筹备阶段project preparation phase
经济评估project economic evaluation
结构structure of project
规模project size
计划制订project planning
财务评估project financial evaluation
贷款提供program lending
贷款提供project loan 计划性贷款
贷款提供project lending
贷款提供program loan
费用cost of project (指初期投资费用总额 (total initial investment costs))
进展表project schedule
进度安排project scheduling
额外项extraordinary extraneous item