
Terms containing 目的 站 | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.一些有关本网站和分布式计算项目的常见问题解答Frequently Asked Questions about this site and distributed computing projects
space多目标导的制导站multi-target seeking guidance station
gen.大卫站在巨大游轮的甲板上迎接着黎明到来,他眺望着大海,尽量避免目光与耀眼的太阳直接接触David stood on the deck of the huge cruise ship at dawn, looking out over the ocean as he shielded his eyes from the dazzling sun
textile机场交货价,目的地航空站交货价格cost, insurance and freight airport
telecom.目前不用来收发数据的站inactive station
org.name.目的地或目的港的集散站交货Delivered At Terminal
transp.目的火车站交货价franco station of destination
IT目的站destination station
interntl.trade.目的站point of destination
interntl.trade.目的站station of destination
econ.目的站a station of destination
busin.火车目的站station of destination
econ.目的站交货价free destination station