
Terms for subject Project management containing 目的 | all forms | in specified order only
一些有关本网站和分布式计算项目的常见问题解答Frequently Asked Questions about this site and distributed computing projects
一到年底、 总公司要查核各分公司的账目情况The parent company would audit the accounts of every subsidiary at the end of each year
一家领先外国投资银行的德国主管表示、 许多中国企业正在调查并购目标The German head of a leading foreign investment bank says that many Chinese companies are investigating acquisition targets
一种用于使公开领域的书籍内容可在 Internet 上获得的项目Project Gutenberg
不用有效的名称初始化此项目或项的名称字段Do not initialize the name field for this project or item with a valid name
与其他出售方法比较、单位信托基金作为出售计划的第一个项目、具有较多优点Compared with other disposal methods, the unit trust approach as a first step, offers a number of advantages
与员工有关联的开支分目personnel-related expenses subhead
为某目的而安排的ad hoc
以公共福利为目的pro bono
任选目的optional port of discharge
但是、我可以简单地创建自己的 EventLogEntryInfo 类、用于将每个事件日志条目复制到其中However, it was simple for me to create my own EventLogEntryInfo class that I could copy each event log entry into
使用卸载实用程序、您可以卸载数据库、并将一组数据文件放在指定的目录中With the unload utility, you can unload a database and put a set of data files in a named directory
假如您的项目没有规格说明书、 您该怎么办?What do you do if your project doesn't have a spec?
免费送到目的地交货delivered free to destination
具有增值作用的收购项目accretive acquisition
分销渠道的目标distribution channel objectives
到目前为止、这种上升的趋势尚不及90年代末和前几年的科技热潮So far, the upswing doesn't begin to match the tech booms of the late 1990s and the middle years of this decade
变更目的change of destination
可选择的项目optional items
各别产业的账目separate estates account
国内目标市场定位的营销战略domestic target marketing strategies
在添加该项之后、源代码管理插件将您的解决方案或者项目的本地工作副本绑定到其数据库中的版本上After adding the item, the source control plug-in binds your local working copy of a solution or project to its version in the database
在连接筛选器层次结构中、常规项目不能是明确分区项目的父级In a join filter hierarchy, a regular article cannot be the parent of a well-partitioned article
多目标市场间的相互作用interactions across multiple target markets
如果说有什么不同的话、他似乎比自己的两位前任更热衷于探讨上调目前5%的销售税问题If anything, he appears keener on discussing an increase in sales tax from its current 5 per cent than either of his predecessors
如果负责这个项目的国有企业打算在如此巨大的投入下有所回报、那么消费者的支出不得不涨And if the new state-owned enterprise is to get a return on the huge investment required, broadband charges for consumers will have to rise
对双方有利的项目或方案win-win scenario
对双方有利的项目或方案win-win project
嵌套泛型类型的名称必须对新引入到类型中的类型参数的数目进行编码The name of a nested generic type must encode the number of type parameters newly introduced to the type
工程项目的实施决定decision to proceed with the project
带有分项工程表的目标合同target contract with activity schedule
带有工程量表的目标合同target contract with bill of quantities
带状电缆中的每一秒钟信号是一个地面信号、 提供最佳的信号完整性给用户的目标Every second signal in the ribbon cable is a ground signal to provide the best signal integrity at the users target
广告目的advertising objectives
我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow
我们正在计划着手一项新的商业经营项目We are planning to embark upon a new business undertaking
所有由政府一般收入账目支付并记入开支预算内经营账项下任何一个分目的开支all expenditure from general revenue account charged to any of the subheads listed in the estimates under the operating account
执行中的项目operational project
把材料和设备拨给新的建设项目allocate materials and facilities for a new construction programme
无法保存子树目录:读取注册表值的内容出错Cannot save subtree: error reading a registry value's contents
无法创建快捷方式。请创建一个项目、然后将指向此文件的快捷方式插入到该项目的文本框中Can't create the shortcut. Create an item, and then insert the shortcut to the file into the text box of the item
最后、技术经理也许可以发现这些讨论里面保护了软件可移植性的复杂本质以及编译一个大项目的过程Finally, technical managers may find the discussion to be an insight into the complex nature of software portability and the process of building a large project
最终目的或地final destination
有现金支出限额的分目cash-limited subhead
目的说明description of items
正在实施的项目on-going project
每一版本的应用程序都具有独立于其他版本的数据目录Each version of an application has its own data directory, which is isolated from other versions
没有现金支出限额的分目non-cash-limited subhead
现金彩票活动售出的彩票数目number of cash-sweep tickets sold
现金彩票活动的中彩机会的数目number of cash-sweep chances
生成的类中的属性或方法的名称可能是目标编程语言的关键字It is possible for the name of a property or method in a generated class to be a keyword in the target programming language
用于记录 Web 节点访问者数目的设备counter
用在此源文件上的加密算法需要比目标文件上更大的密钥缓冲区The encryption algorithm used on the source file needs a bigger key buffer than the one on the destination file
目前亟待复兴的一个工具是卖方票据One tool that needs reviving now is the seller note
目标与战略领域的审计objectives and strategy area audit
目的地交货价price of delivery to destination
目的地付款payable at destination
目的地国家country of destination
目的port of arrival
目的港岸上交货条件landed terms
目的港码头交货ex-quay EXQ
目的港码头交货delivery EX quay
目的objective tax
经审计的周年账目audited annual account
经审计的账目audited account
经常账下的资助金新分目new recurrent account subventions subhead
经济上自立的项目free-standing project
联权共有产业的账目joint estates account
计划中的项目planned project
语义万维网的目标是让计算机从网络中的数据中获取有用的信息The semantic web aims to allow computers to extract useful information from data on the net
资产负债表内的项目on-balance-sheet item
资产负债表外的项目off-balance-sheet item
资产项目按扣除减值准备后的净额列示、 不属于抵消The presentation of the net amount of an asset item minus the impairment provision is not an offset
这一项目的目标是详细说明这一新产品的潜在市场The goal of this project is to define the potential market for the new product
这个索引按开支总目、 列出每个政策范围下的个别纲领详情This index further provides details by head of expenditure of individual programmes which contribute to a policy area
选择目的港附加费optional destination additional
递增排序使得项目按升序进行排列的方法ascending sort
逻辑数据模型的一般设计目标是正确性、一致性、非冗余和简单性The general design objectives of the logical data model are correctness, consistency, nonredundancy and simplicity
银行愿担保的项目bankable project
错误扌艮告中包含的数据不会用于营销或其他目的The data contained in error reports is not used for marketing or other purposes
随着光栅显示器的广泛使用、逐点算法已成为目前图形学基础算法中的一个研究热点With the widely use of raster display, pixel-level algorithm becomes a research hotspot of fundamental algorithms of Computer Graphics now
非经常账下的资助金新分目new capital account subventions subhead
音乐设备数字接口、或称 MIDI、实际上是为目前制造的各种合成器提供的一种通信接口Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI, is a communication interface provided on virtually every synthesizer made today
目的准备set-up of a project
目的开办set-up of a project
目的开工startup of a project
目的执行project performance
目的执行与监督project execution and supervision
目的扩建project extension
目的筛选screening of projects
目的说明description of items
目的起始project inception
项目与公司资源的协调性project-company resource compatibility
项目计划的更新project plan update
领导涉及与人们的日常接触、帮助去指导和鼓舞他们实现团队或组织的目标Leading involves close day-to-day contact with people, helping to guide and inspire them toward achieving team and organizational goals
颜色再现的目标及其应用the target of color reproduction and its application