
Terms for subject Economy containing 目的 | all forms | in specified order only
上面是他们寄来的投资成本分类细目Above is a breakdown of investment costs they posted to us
不平衡的帐目 unbalanced entry accounting
与该项目相关的一切商业谈判应立即停止All business negotiations relative to that project shall be stopped right away
个人科目的债方debt to individual account
为了本条款目的for the purpose (of the present articles)
为了 …的目的<#0>for the good of...
为了本条款的目的for the purposes of the present articles
为使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封航邮寄上商品目录,供你参考To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference
为发货人所知的出口目标国country of export destination
为实现共同的目标,双方同意互相交流专业技能和技术资料To achieve the common objectives, both parties agree to exchange know-how and technical data to each other
7也指定了一位有资格的会计师去监督该公司的账目He has appointed a qualified accountant to supervise the accounts of the company
从预算中削减的项目items scissored from the budget
他们希望这批货物能完好无损抵达目的They hope that the goods arrive at the destination in perfect condition
他们应尽可能快地准备好一份这一项目的总预算They should prepare, as promptly as feasible adj., a total budget for the project
他们采取一切预防措施,以保证该轮安全抵达目的They took every precaution to ensure that the ship would arrive at the port of destination in safety
他们难于为其目前的发展计划筹措资金They have difficulty in financing their current expansion programme
以…为目的with a view to
以公平为目的的项目equity-oriented project
以开发为目的的经营活动operational activities for development
以成果为目标的管理result-oriented management (原则)
以扶贫为目的的增长poverty-oriented growth
以投资为目标的项目investment oriented project
以目标为依据的方案结构objective-based programme structure
以获得短期价差为目的的证券投机商in and out trader
以解决问题为目的的研究problem solving research
以解决问题为目的的研究problem-oriented research
以醍目方式刊载的广告display ad
任何人不得将本协议任何部分用于不道德或非法的目的No one can use any part of the agreement for any immoral or illegal purpose
优先级最高的目标goal with the highest priority
优惠项目的最低税额minimum tax on preference items
你方不得减少此处随附的单子中的任何项目You should not subtract anything from the list attached here to
你方索赔的数目,2000美元我方同意支付We agree to accept the amount you claimed, namely $2000
你方金额为567美元的支票一张可结清你方账目Your check for $567 will clear your account
信贷目的credit purpose
信贷计划的社会目标social objectives of credit programmes
全体职工的愿望要服从公司的目标The wishes of the personnel are subordinate to the company's aims
全部建成投入生产的建设项目the fully completed project-turned over for production
公司应支付到达目的港的运费The company shall pay the transportation fee to the port of destination
公司的账目公开供股东们査看The accounts of the incorporation are open to the inspection of the stock holders
信贷分析5要素公司管理人和股权人、借款目的、还款能力、还款保障、贷款前景展望People, Purpose, Payment, Protection, Perspective
关于此事我们在一起商量了很长时间,并达到了目的We have discussed the matter together for a long time and gained our point
兹随函附上小册子和价目单各一份,便于你方了解我公司出口货物的情况We enclose a brochure and a price list to give you a general idea of the goods available for export
内部审计部门的职责是审査公司的账目The internal audit department has the responsibility of auditing the accounts of the company
出口目的destination of export
到达目的地交货价franco place of destination
到达目的地价格the rendu price
剩余20万美元将用于购置新设备或用于工程师们认为合乎需要的其他目的The remaining 200 000 dollars shall be used for purchasing new equipment or for any other purposes that the engineers may consider desirable
千年发展目标关于减少饥饿的具体目标Millennium Development goal hunger reduction target
千年发展目标关于减少饥饿的具体目标MDG hunger reduction target
发展销售工作的目标与策略developing marketing objectives and strategies
变更目的alteration of port destination
合伙公司在对任何项目的投标书中必须列出全体合伙人的全名Partnerships must write out the full names of all partners in their bids for any projects
同一类的项目family of items
同一项目连续性的收入continuing nature relating to the same item of income
周转税的目的地征收原则destination principle of turnover taxes
因为他购买了大量货物,他只付了价目单定价的 3/4Because he bought a large quantity of goods, he paid only three quarters of the list price
国家发展的优先项目national development priority
国家预支项目与联邦预算的关系national priority-federal budget relationship
国际收支经常项目的收支状况balance of payments on current account
国际贸易中的有形项目a visible item of international trade
目的地付款payable at destination
在建的工业项目industrial project
在该船 1992 年 9月6日到达目的地时,发现有一箱短少8 打Upon the arrival of the ship at the destination on September 6th, 1992 one carton was found short of 8 dozen
地区一级的项目project at regional level
基于管理项目的网络network-based project management
基本社会经济目的basic socio-economic purpose
基础会计中的项目结构programme structure in fund accounting
基础会计中的项目结构program structure in fund accounting
外国来源的优惠项目foreign source preference item
目的合作multipurpose cooperation
目的工程硕目multiple purposes projects
多种目的项目multipurpose project
如有足够的人力和财力,这一目标肯定能实现Given enough manpower and financial support, the goal can certainly be attained
如这些材料被禁用,我们就必须修改这一项目的施工过程If the use of the materials is enjoined, we have to modify the process of the project
如需要对已完工的项目进行检査,承包商应提供必要的便利When an examination of project already completed is needed, necessary facilities shall be furnished by the contractor
宏观生产目的macro aim of production
审査过去的账目时需要有原始合同The prime contract is needed for the examination of the past accounts
宣布方案的目的enumerate the aims of a programme
对于我方目录单所列的商品,我们一律给以5%的佣金For the goods listed in our catalogue, we allow a flat rate of commission of 5%
对新项目的投资expansion spending
对账目的篡改manipulation of accounts
对连续性项目的支出预算估计current service estimate
对长期产量有影响的项目long-term yield project
货主对非目的港不负责任条款free harbour clause
工会的目标goals of labor unions
工程项目的吸引力attractiveness of project
工程项目的财务模拟financial simulation of specific project
式样过时的服装目前在市场上很难销售The market for clothes out of fashion is very difficult at present
引人注目的事物an eye-grabber
引人注目的消费者conspicuous consumers
归入商品以外项目的货物goods classified in terms other than merchandise
当然,我们把你们的来信和目录存档备査Of course, we file your letters and catalogues for our future reference
往返转账的项目in and out items
微小的数目nominal sum
微观生产目的the micro aim of production
成本、保险费、运费加利息及目的费用cost, insurance, freight and port of destination
成本、保险费、运费、汇费及目的港价cost, insurance, freight exchange and port of destination
我们为特殊的目的供应这些货物We supply these goods for special purpose
我们从什么地方为项目筹集必要的资金呢?Where will we get the necessary finance for the project?
我们发现这些账目有的地方相互对不上We found there were discrepancies in the accounts
我们在下面一段要讨论的是业务的性质和建议成交的商品项目What we shall discuss in the following paragraph is the nature of the business and the items proposed to be transacted
我们已找到令人满意的办法解决目前的资金问题We have found a satisfactory solution to the present problem of fund
我们注意到目前有一种向内地市场销售的普遍倾向We notice a general trend to sell to inland market
我们要推迟考虑长期协议,直到目前的问题得到解决We would like to remit consideration of the long-term agreement till recent problems are solved
我们认为目前的形势不会阻碍我们的发展They think that the present situation will not deactivate our development
我方与你方的账目将按以下条件结算The settlement of our account with you will be made on the following conditions
我方价目单上的价格公道,定能使你方有优先与我方做买卖的意向The moderate quotation in our price-list will surely cause you to have a preference for doing business with us
我方和你方联系的目的是为了组成一家合作公司Our purpose in approaching you is to form a cooperative association
我方拥有接管此项目工程的一切权利We are possessed of all the rights to take over the project
我方的财力足可以支持此新项目的开支Our financial resources are strong enough to support the cost of the new project
我的任务是记本公司账目My job is to keep the company books
截至目前为止的摊销the amortization to date
所附目录只是我们所经营的品种繁多的收音机和电视机的一小部分资料The catalog enclosed gives you a small knowledge of the vast range of radio and television sets we are now handling
手段和目的the means and ends
手段的目的means-end chain
技术改造项目的经济效益economic benefits of projects of technological transformation
把材料和设备调拨给新的建设项目allocate materials and facilities for a new construction project
拨款较快的项目faster-disbursing projects
拨款较快项目的比例share of faster-disbursing project
按时间分切的项目time-slice project
按时间分片的项目time-slice project
按比例确定的目标prorated objective
推荐的项目组计划recommended team plan
提单上的目的港应写为"鹿特丹或阿姆斯特丹任选"The destination on the B/L shall be written "Option Rotterdam/Amsterdam"
改途运到目的rerouted to destination
政府控制目前的通货膨胀是非常重要的It is very important for the government to curb the current inflation
政府检査员应监督该项目的完成The government inspector should supervise the completion and fulfilment of the project
新开工的基建项目newly-started capital construction project (item)
方案的目的memorandum objectives
美国无需有效许可证运货到目的地普通许可证general license G-DEST
更改目的alteration of destination
更改目的港卸货条款change of destined port of discharge clause
最终目的ultimate purpose
最适当的人口数目optimum population
目的的抽样purposive sampling
有专门目的的储蓄计划special-purpose savings scheme
有争议的账目account in dispute
美国有公证的贸易商品展览交易会项目Certified Trade Fair Program
美国有公证的贸易推广项目Certified Trade Mission Program
有利可图的农业项目profitability of an agricultural project
有奖惩的目标价格target price with bonus and penalty
有广告赞助的电视节目a sponsored program
有插图的价目单illustrated price list
未扣税金的账目收益the pretax accounting income
未抵达目的short of destination
未获准的经济与社会目标non-qualified economic and social objectives
本协议目的在于转让有关改进措施的特许权The purpose of this agreement is to grant license with regard to improvements
根据目击者的证词,他是无罪的He was innocent by the witness's testimony
根据目前形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation
此目录包含我方目前所能供应的全部产品This catalogue comprises our present availabilities of all products
注册会计师证明的账目certified account
与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度居民与非居民之间商品、服务、收人和单方转移交易的经常往来项目差额balance on current account
现送上我公司最近发行的塑料厨房用品目录,贵公司对此可能感兴趣We are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue of plastic kitchenware which may possibly interest you
现金预算的非现金账目法non-cash account method
现随函附上目录,详细介绍最新式样的运动用品The enclosed catalogue will give you all the latest models of sporting goods
生产目的的内涵connotations of the objective of production
用于假设测试的目标标准差target standard error for hypothesis test
由于你方未告知必要的细节,我方目前无法向你方发出报盘We are not in a position to send you an offer owing to your omission to state the necessary particulars
由于最近数周关量销售而使存货耗尽,他们目前不能供应你们所需的货As heavy sales in recent weeks have depleted their stocks, they cannot supply what you require at present
由于目前制造的产品满足不了需求,我们决定扩大生产Because we cannot manufacture enough products to satisfy the demand at present, we have decided to enlarge our production
甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书项目下的工艺Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent
电视台的广告节目TV commercials
目前市场上的棉织品供应过剩There is a glut of cotton goods in the market at present
目前我方愿意考虑在你国独家销售代理的问题We are willing to consider exclusive sales agency for your country at present
目前的市场an existing market
目前的彩电报盘是每台到岸价300美元The current offer for colored TV is $300 per set CIF
目前的问题question of the hour
目前试图出售仿珠宝项链是没有希望的To try to sell imitation pearl necklace at present is hopeless
目录册详尽地介绍了我公司产品的范围与门类The catalogue gives all the details of the product range of our company
目标的一致性goal congruence
目标的每股股息target dividend per share
目的地交货free delivered (价)
目的地交货franco rendu (合同)
目的地交货destination free on board destination
目的地交货价free destination
目的地交货合同franco rendu
目的地交货合同free contracts
目的地交货合同franco rendu, or free contracts
目的地支付运费freight payable at destination
目的基础研究fundamental research
目的-完成矩阵goal-achievement matrix
目的港交货的到岸价格加利息价cost, insurance, and freight interest and port of destination
目的港交货的到岸价格加利息价CIF interest and port of destination
目的港交货的到岸价格加汇费价cost, insurance, and freight exchange and port of destination
目的港交货的到岸价格加汇费价CIF exchange and port of destination
目的港码头交货ex quay (named port of importation)
目的港码头交货delivered ex quay
目的港码头交货,已完税ex quay n., duty paid (named port of importation)
目的港码头交货,进口税由买方负担ex quay n., duties on buyer's account (named port of importation)
目的港船上交货ex over side
目的港船上交货delivered ex ship
目的港船上交货价free on side
目的港驳船交货价free overside
目的的设定establishing objectives
目的码头交货ex quay
目的earmarked tax
目的为筹集特定用途所需经费而征收的税earmarked tax
目的a station of destination
目的站交货价free destination station
目的论观点technological viewpoint
直到长期拖欠的账目付清,我们才继续供应原料We won't continue to supply the material until the long outstanding amount has been settled
短期内能提高产量的项目short-term yield project
目的准备时间lead time of a project
社会主义生产理论的目的purpose of socialist production theory
符合目的serve a purpose
经济目的economic aim
经济上不合算的项目economically unsound project
经济制度的假定目标assumed goals of economic
经济政策的目的aims of economic policy
经营目的体系goal system
经过审计的账目audited statement of the account
考虑到目前的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers
考虑到目前的情形,我们已作了很大让步In view of the present situation we have made much concession
股息收益每股股利与目前价格的比率dividend yield (股息生息率)
自成一体的项目self-contained project
要素所有主的目标goals of factor-owners
要素所有主的目标goal of factor-owners
该计划的目的是为年轻人创造新的就业机会The scheme aims at creating new jobs for young people
详细开列的项目line item
请寄给我们一份贵公司的产品手册和价目表Please send us your brochure and price list
调整项目的各项投入project rephasing
目的审核the audition of account
目的沿革history of account
账目中的一部分项目a portion of an account
货到目的地方向付款人提示的汇票arrival draft
货币政策的中期目标intermediate target of monetary policy
货物到达目的地时的状况outturn of the shipment
贷款目的purpose of the loan
资本投资中工程项目的选择project selection in capital investment
发货起点和目的origin and destination
达到目的hit the target
达到目的accomplish one's purpose
运费付至目的freight paid to ... for carriage paid to ... (DCP, 名称)
运费到目的地卸货后付freight to be paid after discharge at destination
运费抵目的地付freight destination
这两种税目的区别是什么?What is the difference between these two tax items?
这位设计师还担任经理的顾问,为其他计划项目提供咨询和建议The designer also acted as the manager's consultant and provided consultation and suggestions for other projects
这张单子是目前畅销的产品目录The list is an enumeration of the current salable products
这笔款子是承包人为了某种其他明显的目的而明确支付的The payment was explicitly made by the contractor for some other explicit purpose
这笔钱已记入账目的贷方This sum of money has been entered to the credit side of the account
这艘货轮要航行两周才能到达目的The cargo ship will take two weeks to reach its destination
进行中的项目an ongoing project
部分建成投入生产的建设项目the partly completed construction project turned over for production
针对目标人群的直接援助direct targeting
针对目标人群的直接援助项目direct targeting project
针对目标的食物援助targeted food aid
银行可承兑的投资项目说明Bankable Investment Project Profile
银行给我们的贷款超过我们所期望的数目The loan given us by the bank surpass-ed the sum we expected
银行给这家公司贷了一大笔资金,让他们开始新的项目The bank lent the company a large sum of money to start its new project
银行肯担保的项目a bankable project
银行账目的核对reconciliation of statement of account
销除收不回的账目write off uncollectibles
长短期目标的平衡调整balance between short and long range goods
附有说明的资料目录the annotated bibliography
附有说明的项目表an annotated list of items
限期运抵目的港条款fixed date of arrival at port of destination clause
除本协议规定的以外,你方不得从事任何性质的其他服务项目You can't perform any other services of any nature than those stipulated in the agreement
随函寄上我方轻工业产品的目录We enclose a list of light industrial goods
随函附上我方现在可供商品的目录单一份,请查收Please find herein a copy of our catalogue of the products available at present
集资用于特殊目的pooling of wealth
非专业人员的国家项目人员non-professional national project personnel
目的划分the segregation of items
目的执行implementation of project
目的技术可行性technical soundness of a project
目的投资时间investment phase of a project
目的概率probability of a project
目的比值ratio of element
目的设计design of a project
项目价值的未贴现措施undiscounted measures of project worth
项目和方案的估价appraisal of project and programme
预定的项目scheduled items
风险性工程项目的危险因数hazard factor for risky projects