
Terms for subject Business containing 目的 | all forms | in specified order only
一般目的系统模拟器general purpose systems simulator
上定目标下拟计划式的计划工作goal down-plan up planning
为以后项目新增的储备additional reserve stock for later project
交换进来的项目in-clearing items
以…为目的in order to
以成果为目标的管理result-oriented management
以游客兴趣爱好为目标的营销法visitor oriented marketing approach
以目标为依据的方案结构objective-based program structure
以销售为目的的经营观念marketing-objected business concept
会计目的accounting purpose
会计师证明的账目已查证账目certified account
免费送目的地交货delivered free to destination
分期付款中最后一笔数目较大的付款金额balloon payment
列有定价的目录priced catalogue
到岸价加利息和目的港价成本、保险费、运费加利息和到目的港价cost, insurance, freight, interest and port of destination
到达目的地支付运费payment of the freight at destination
单一目的single purpose
单纯目的工厂simple-purpose plant
双方互有借方登记的账目mutual accounts
双重目的信托dual purpose trust
双重目的原则dual purpose doctrine
变更目的change of destination
变更目的港费alteration of destination fee
只以收益为目的的关税tariff for revenue only
商业节目的女广播员commercial girl
商品出口目的destination of commodity export
商品的图解目录illustrated catalogue
国家计划内的基建项目capital construction project within the state plan
目的地付款payable at the destination
目的抽样multipurpose sampling
目的样本multipurpose sample
目的研究multipurpose study
契约目的intention to contract
审计目的purpose of audit
对准目标的误差heading error
对连续性项目的年度支出预算估计current service estimate
工会头目与资方勾结订的合同sweetheart contract
工作目的motive of work
工程项目的批准engineering project authorization
已投产使用而未办移交的工程项目project used on production not yet transferred
已竣工而未投产使用的工程项目project completed but not yet turned over for production
广告目的概要copy brief
您心目中穿孔机的可行价格为多少?What's the workable price for this puncher in your mind?
我们给出的是船上交货价格,价目表中的价格需经我方最后确认Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation
截至目前为止的摊销amortization to date
手段和目的分析means-ends analysis
技术供应者参与项目的合资经营equity participation by a technology supplies
技术改造项目的实施implementation of projects of technological transformation
目的港卸货量outturn of the shipment
拨款较快的项目fast disbursing project
指定目的港交货条件free delivered port of destination terms
数目不固定的预算授权indefinite authority
旅游目的tourist destination
旅游者目的地产品tourist destination product
最后目的last port of destination
最終目的目的港final destination
目的直接经验direct purposeful experiences
目的行为purposive behavior
目的选择purposive selection
银行或其它投资人的有价证券类的财产目录commercial portfolio
国际收支中有关无形贸易项目的差额balance of trade-allied invisibles
有广告赞助的电视节目sponsored program
有意义的目标meaningful goal
未达目的short of destination
次要目的secondary objective
注销无法收回的账目write off uncollectibles
消费买方所追求的目标objectives sought by consumer buyer
游客出访目的地计划visitor destination plan
物价指数的食品类项目food component of the price index
特定目的旅游special interest travel
特定目的相关因素组合体interrelated parts with specific purpose
特殊目的集资pooling of wealth
生产目的多元性multiplicity of aim of production
用于假设测试的目标标准误差target standard error for hypothesis test
目标导向的goal oriented
目标的不确定性uncertainty of objectives
目的与动机intent and motive
目的与手段end and mean
目的功用end use
目的destination port
目的港、站交货价free destination
目的地交货价franco place of destination
目的地交货价FOB destination
目的地交货合同to arrive contract
目的地付运费freight paid at destination
目的地付运费freight at destination
目的地放行通知destination release
目的地更改alteration of destination
目的—手段关系end-mean relationship
目的—手段链end-mean chain
目的terminal port
目的港交货的到岸价加利息价CIFI port of destination
目的港交货的到岸价加汇费价CIFE port of destination
目的港岸上交货条件指卖方负责卸货上岸及卸载前的一切费用及风险landed terms
目的港码头交货DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay)
目的港船上交货DES (Delivered Ex Ship)
目的港船上交货价delivered ex ship
目的港船上交货价ex over side
目的港送货到户费destination delivery charge
目的港驳船交货价以货从船上卸至驳船为限free overside ship f. o. s.
目的object tax
火车目的station of destination
目的goal theory
目的论预测teleological forecast
相反的目的cross purpose
研究目的purpose of study
管理目的purpose of management
组织目的purpose of organization
装货港及目的loading port and destination
训练目的purpose of training
议定的目的agreed part of destination
诉讼目的object of procedure
试验目的purpose of test
调整项目的各期投入project rephasing
豪迈的目标追求ambitious goal seeking
财产信托会计中的应计项目accrual in fiduciary accounting
目的对应关系correspondence of account
货抵目的港的重量outturn of the shipment
货物到目的地卸货后付运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
达成共同目标的"要诀""key" to the accomplishment of goal
运费付至指定目的地交货价carriage paid to named point destination
运费抵目的地支付freight destination
这是产品目录,里面详细介绍了我们生产的产品This is a copy of catalog. It will give a good idea of the products we handle
这是我们的价目表This is our price list
进一步的目的ulterior purpose
进行中的项目ongoing project
选择目的optional destination
部分建成投入生产的建设项目partly completed construction project turned for production
销售额的扣除项目deduction from sales
长期拖延工期的项目project long in construction
附有说明的暂定项目表annotated preliminary list
附说明书的商品目录descriptive catalogue
非扩展目的用的基金fund for non-expansionary purposes
非生产性目的投资investment for nonproductive purposes
目的实施implementation of the project
目的经济分析economic analysis of project
项目之间的款项转拨transfer between notes
项目组成部分的组合component mix of project