
Terms for subject Technology containing 目的 | all forms | in specified order only
一般目的程式general purpose programme
一般目的程式general purpose program
一般目的系统模拟程序general purpose system simulator
三阶目的third order goal
主要目的primary target
主要目的prime target
主要目的major objective
主要目的层厚度thickness of main desired layer
二阶目的second-order goal
人工补给目的purpose of artificial recharge
代表目前技术水平的state-of-the art
以供应市场为目的的菜园market garden
以景观为目的的土方工程earthmoving for landscape purposes
以销售为目的果菜园market garden
以队组为中心的目标管理模型team-oriented management by objective model
任意的目标航线random target course
任选目的optional port
企业目的enterprise objective
估价目的appraisal purpose
使用目的purpose of use
供出售的多户住房建设项目multifamily sales project
供出租的多户住房建设项目multifamily rental project
修正的目标函数modified objective function
健全的项目法人责任制the system of holding the legal person responsible for project
公布的价目表published tariff
共同目的common purpose
共同的目标common goal
共同的目标comm on cause
出行目的trip purpose
出行目的trip aim
分层目的样本stratified purposive sample
分歧的项目discrepant item
制造目的manufacturing purpose
动目标的一致最优方案uniformly optimal plan for moving target
包干项目的分项breakdown of lump sum items
半盲目开掘的油井semi-wildcat well
单一目的single goal
双重目的dual-purpose (的)
发明的项目object of invention
可互换的设备项目interchangeable equipment item
可从净收入中扣除的项目deduction from net income
可从收入中扣除的项目deduction from income
可从毛收入中扣除的项目deduction from gross income
可接受的项目acceptable item
合格的建设项目qualified project
围绕着环境的项目environment-geared project
固定的目录fixed schedule
基本建设项目计划的审计capital construction project plan audit
基本建设项目设计概算的审计capital construction project design estimation audit
复合目的composite goal
复杂目的结构complex goal structure
目的传送multicast communication
大量消耗能源的工程项目energy intensive project
宏观控制的总目标general goal of the macrocontrol
定期存入等量数目款项到期后的未来价值比future worth of one per period
实现目标的方法aim-oriented approach
实用目的区划applied divisional plan
对工程项目的评价appreciation of a project
对目标偏移的校正target offset
对移动目标的搜索search for a moving target
工程项目的批准authority for project
工程项目实施的决定decision to proceed with the project
已批准的工程项目authorized project
已批准的贷款项目表statement of loans approved
带图解的零件的目录表illustrated parts catalog
应用目标的形态application image
废水处理目的wastewater treatment objective
建筑师或工程师的附加服务项目additional services of the architecture or engineer
建设目的construction purpose
建设目的construction goal
建设项目的最高贷款额prototype cost limits
建设项目中的动产和不动产physical plant
建设项目可行性研究的审计audit of feasibility research of construction project
建设项目微观投资效益的审计audit of microcosmic investment efficiency of construction project
建设项目施工图预算的审计audit of working drawing budget of construction project
微小的数目small numeral
我国目前采用的干酪根分类recognizable kerogen classification at present in China
手段与目的分析means-ends analysis
批准的贷款项目表statement of loans approved
把最终目标按统筹方法分解为分支的作业分解结构work breakdown structure
把材料和设备拨给新的建设项目allocate materials and facility for a new construction programme
把材料和设备拨给新的建设项目allocate materials and facility for a new construction program
投资者进行的项目investor project
拟定合理的项目generate sound project
拨款较快的项目比例share of faster-disbursing projects
指定目的地完税后交货delivery duty paid (价)
目的地编组grouping by destination
目的地编组classification by destination
按主要项目编制的运输成本费用计划transportation cost and fee plan in terms of main items
放大的目视荧光屏enlarged viewing screen
施工目的construction goal
施工的建设项目project under construction
无线电控制的空中目标radio controlled aerial target
普通价目的一半half ordinary rate
更正的项目amended subject
更正的项目amended items
最后目的final port of designation
最后目的final port
目的的行为purposive behaviour
目的的行为purposive behavior
有演出节目的餐馆theatre restaurant
未付特殊项目前的收益income before extraordinary item
未决算的账目open account
未经批准的项目unauthorized project
未装药的爆破目标uncharged demolition target
未识别出的目标尖头信号unidentified pip
未识别的目标unidentified target
未识别的目标回波unidentified track
未识别的目标回波unknown track
未识别的目标回波unclassified track
未识别的空中目标unknown aerial target
本地目的local destination
标准化目的level of standardization
标有军事目标的航片moulded aerial photograph
标有军事目标的航片molded aerial photograph
根本目的fundamental goals
模型目的purpose of model
模型目的model objective
止水目的purpose of water sealing
正在进行中的项目on-going project
每秒钟的指令数目orders per second
每股股利与目前价格的比率dividend yield
比较优先考虑的项目higher priority item
灌浆目的purpose of grouting
灌溉目的irrigation purpose
目的blinding sand
照亮的目标illuminated target
特别减低的价目special reduced rate
特定目的财务报表special-purpose financial statement
特殊和偶然发生的项目unusual and non-recurring item
特殊的和非标准的项目peculiar and non-standard items
特种目的special-purpose tax
环境规划目的targets of environmental planning
环境规划目的targets of environment planning
目录的层次结构hierarchical structure of directory
目录的层次结构hierarchic structure of directory
目标函数的等高线objective function contours
目标函数的约束条件bond for objective function
目标变量的允许变化范围allowable variation range of objective variable
目标成就的衡量标准criterion for measuring objective achievement
目标的一致性compatibility of goals
目标的不确定性uncertainty of objective
目标的产生generation of objective
目标的修正modification of objectives
目标的修正modification of goals
目标的发展evolution of objective
目标的可识别性target identifiability
目标的演变evolution of objective
目标的特征clarification of objective
目标的现时位置target present position
目标程序的输出output of the object programme
目标程序的输出output of the object program
目标程序码的生成object programme code generation
目标程序码的生成object program code generation
目的destination goal
目的一手段分析ends-means analysis
目的主机destination host
目的函数object function
目的制动target braking
目的制动target point braking
目的制动objective braking
目的制动缓行器final retarder
目的destination packet
目的destination zone
目的卡片组object deck
目的口岸port of destination
目的country of destination
目的arrival point
目的交通量调查destination survey
目的地买方指定地点交货价franco rendu
目的地交货free delivered
目的地交货FOB destination
目的地交货价free on board destination (格)
目的地交货价freight on board destination (格)
目的地交货价price of delivery to destination (格)
目的地交货价free delivered (格)
目的地交货合同free contract
目的地元字段destination element field
目的地国旗destination flag
目的地址主字段destination address field prime
目的地址字段加小撇destination address field prime
目的地址寄存器destination address register
目的地契约destination contract
目的地契约arrival contract
目的地字段destination field
目的地定位outer fix
目的地指示掩码destination mask
目的地指示标志destination sign
目的地控制表destination control table
目的地提单destination bill
目的地标志destination mark
目的地码头交货ex dock
目的地管制声明destination control statement
目的地编码destination code
目的地网络destination network
目的地表示器destination indicator
目的地角色destination case
目的存储器destination memory
目的存储器单元destination memory location
目的定址方式destination addressing mode
目的寄存器destination register
目的层位target stratum
目的层保振幅子波处理conservation amplitude wavelet processing of desired layer
目的层深target stratum depth
目的工作区寄存器destination workspace register
目的抽样purposive sampling
目的指示代码destination code
目的操作数destination operand
目的final port
目的港到岸价CIF port of entry
目的港变更alteration of destination
目的港名称named port of destination
目的港标志destination mark
目的港码头交货ex quay
目的港码头交货duties on buyer's account
目的港码头交货duty paid
目的港码头交货ex-wharf (价)
目的港码头交货delivered ex-quay
目的港码头交货价franco quay
目的港船上交货ex-ship (价)
目的港船上交货delivered ex-ship
目的港船上交货价free overside
目的港船上交货价ex lighter port of arrival
目的港船边交货free on side
目的point of destination
目的程序翻译成机器语言的程序 object program
目的程序优化object programme optimization
目的程序优化object program optimization
目的程序库object programme library
目的程序库object program library
目的程序时间object time
目的程序模块object module
目的程序设计goal programming
目的程序运行阶段target phase
目的范畴destination category
目的规划goal programming
目的货款purpose loan
目的贷款purpose loan
目的速度target speed
目的队列destination queue
目视的敏锐性visual acuity
目镜的接目镜eye lens of the eyepiece
目的计划haphazard plan
研究的目的与范围purpose and scope of the study
示范工程项目的拨款demonstration project grant
示范建设项目的拨款demonstration project grant
社区共有的公寓项目community apartment project
符合性测试的具体审计目标specific audit objective of compliance test
纳税时不能扣除的支出项目expenditure not deductible
纳税时可扣除的项目tax deduction
终端目的terminal destination
经会计师证明的账目certified account
经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡balance on current account and long-term capital
经营目的purpose of operation
结点间的数目interstitial content
编码的题目encoded question
耕作目的tillage objective
表格项目中的信息栏item of information in a table entry
装有雷达反射器的目标radar-reflecting target
装运口岸及目的loading port and destination
计划内要完成的项目project to be accomplished on schedule
记入目的object of entry
设计目的design objective
设计目的design goal
详细的试验目的detailed test objective
调查目的designing aim
资本投资中项目的选择project selection in capital investment
赏心悦目的esthetically pleasing
起运港与目的both ends
越过目标的时间time over target
踏勘目的purpose of reconnaissance survey
踏勘的目的和范围purpose and scope of reconnaissance
辅助目的secondary destination
达到目的meet an objective
迂回接近的目标obliquely approaching target
过程段的目标卡片叠object deck for a procedure segment
运费付至目的交货地carriage paid to the named point of destination
进行中的项目going project
连续的项目continuing project
迷于目标的goal obsession
采样目的sampling purpose
采气目的gas offtake target
钻孔目的drilling target
附有说明的目录descriptive catalogue
附有说明的目录descriptive catalog
附有说明的资料目录annotated bibliography
附有说明的项目表annotated list of items
非正确目的invalid destination
非生产目的的投资investment for non-productive purpose
非金钱目的non-pecuniary goal
面向环境的项目environment-geared project
面向目标的分析程序goal-oriented parser
面向目标的推理goal-oriented inference
面向目标的方法object-oriented approach
面向目标的方法goal-oriented approach
目的参与方project participants
目的审定project approval
目的审定authorization for project
目的属性attribute of item
目的总投标价值total tender value of project
目的总评价overall appraisal of a project
目的所有者owner of the project
目的批准project approval
目的批准authorization for project
目的核准project approval
目的核准authorization for project
项目中的经济效益financing package
项目资金的制订planning of project finance
项目资金的规划planning of project finance
预测目的prediction aim
高阶目的high order goal