
Terms for subject Electronics containing 目的 | all forms | in specified order only
一群目无法纪的现代无政府主义者一种计算机病毒名称many delinquent modem anarchists
不再需要的项目item no longer required
任一回路的反相器数目均为偶数number of inverters along1 any loop is even
目的multiple destination
已废弃的项目obsolete project
成本、保险费、运费、汇费及目的港价cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination (C.I.F. & E port of destination)
我方对你们的电子计算器很感兴趣,能给我们一份最新的产品目录及价目表吗?We are very much interested in your electronic calculators and would you like to give us a copy of the newest catalog together with the prices?
手段-目的分析means-ends analysis
扩充的公用目标文件格式extended common object file format
激光测距仪与标定目标寻的器laser ranger and marked-target seeker
目标寻的头target seeker
目标寻的系统target homing system
目的单元地址destination element field
目的单元地址字段destination element address field
目的地呼叫路由器destination call router
目的地址代码destination point code
目的地址加 1increment destination address (寄存器)
目的地址空间destination address space
目的地标识符destination identifier
目的地终端名表destination terminal name table
目的地路由标识符destination routing identifier
目的文件destination document
目的点代码destination point code
目的用户提示器destination user prompter
目的端系统destination end system
磁带文件项目的选择打印selective printing of items from tape
虚拟源/虚拟目的virtual source/virtual destination
输人目的信息处理器input destination message handler
远程通信接人法目的接收站地址字段TCAM destination address field
通过终端访问的共享目录shared catalog accessed through terminal
面向图形的目标数据库graph-oriented object database
面向目标的语goal-oriented language
面向知识的目标语言knowledge-oriented object language
面向项目的预算会计系统project-oriented budgeting and accounting system
顶灯炫目的强光headlamp blinding glare