
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 目标 | all forms | in specified order only
"千年发展目标"非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
"千年发展目标"非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
千年发展目标非洲工作组MDG Africa Working Group
千年发展目标非洲工作组Millennium Development Goals Africa Working Group
千年发展目标非洲指导小组Millennium Development Goals Africa Steering Group
协调及千年发展目标后续行动办公室Office of Coordination and Millenium Development Goals Follow-up
协调及千年发展目标后续行动办公室Office of Coordination and MDG Follow-up
国际公共部门会计标准项目委员会IPSAS Project Board
2010年生物多样性指标伙伴关系项目Biodiversity Indicators Partnership
2010年生物多样性指标伙伴关系项目2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership Project
援助实效问题巴黎宣言: 自主决策、协调实施、目标一致、追求实效、共同负责Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Ownership, Harmonisation, Alignment, Results and Mutual Accountability
援助实效问题巴黎宣言: 自主决策、协调实施、目标一致、追求实效、共同负责Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness