
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
"一府两院"进行oversee the work of the people's governments, the people's courts and the people's procuratorates
上级察机关supervisory organ at the higher level
不被not be monitored
中华人民共和国察部Ministry of Supervision of the People's Republic of China
中国保险督管理委员会China Insurance Regulatory Commission
中国电力管委员会State Electricity Regulatory Commission
中国证the China Securities Regulatory Commission
中国证券督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
中国银行业督管理委员会China Banking Regulatory Commission
临场supervise the execution
为加强人大督工作进行有益探索make valuable explorations of the way to strengthen the oversight work of people's congresses
产品质量督工作supervision over product quality
产品质量督管理部门department in charge of supervision and control over product quality
产品质量督部门department for supervision over product quality
人大督工作oversight of people's congresses
人大的oversight by people's congresses
人民supervision by the people
代为act as guardians
代表国家和人民进行的具有法律效力的oversight with the force of law carried out on behalf of the state and the people
以贯彻实施督法为契机take the implementation of the Oversight Law as a fulcrum for
价格督检査monitoring and checking of prices
价格舆论public opinion for the monitoring of price
《企业国有资产督管理暂行条例》the Provisional Regulations Concerning the Oversight and Management of State-owned Assets in Enterprises
传染病monitor infectious diseases
体质monitoring of the people's physique
依法对人大负责,受人大be accountable to the people's congresses and subject to their supervision according to law
依法行使督职权in the lawful exercise of their oversight functions and powers
依法行使民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主督等权利exercise their rights of democratic election, decision-making, administration and supervision in accordance with the law
依法规范督形式standardize the forms of oversight to comply with the law
便于be easier to oversee
保险督管理机构insurance regulatory body
保障公民的知情权、参与权、表达权、督权ensure that citizens can exercise their right to stay informed of, to participate in, to express opinions about and to oversee government affairs
信托察人trust supervisor
做好人大督工作effective oversight of people's congresses
健全督机制improve the oversight mechanism
《全国人大常委会关于加强中央预算审查督的决定》Decision of the NPC Standing Committee on Improving Examination and Oversight of the Central Budget
《全国人大机关贯彻实施督法若干意见》Certain Opinions Concerning Implementation of the Law on Oversight by Organs of the NPC
全国草原督管理工作supervision over the grassland nationwide
全程督管理whole-process supervision and administration
全面分析了制定督法的必要性和重要性fully analyze the necessity and importance of formulating the Law on Oversight
公众public supervision
公路督检查人员highway supervisors and inspectors
公路督检査highway supervision and inspection
具有法律效力的oversight with the force of law
兼任concurrently act as a supervisor
内部督制度internal supervisory system
内部督管理机制mechanism for system of internal supervision and management
农业资源测制度monitoring system for agricultural resources
农产品质量安全monitor the quality and safety of agricultural products
判处禁一个月以上sentenced to imprisonment for one month or more
判处非禁刑罚sentenced to criminal punishment of non-imprisonment
制定常委会立法和督工作计划plan legislation and oversight work of the Standing Committee
加强督检查strengthen oversight and inspection
加强tighten oversight (for)
加强人大督工作strengthen the oversight work of people's congresses
加强和改进人大督工作strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC
加强对权力运行的制约和tighten checks and oversight on the exercise of state power
加强对.....走势的测分析strengthen monitoring and analysis of trends (in)
加强对……问题的跟踪监督strengthen follow-up and oversight work concerning... issues
加强市场strengthen market oversight
加强稽察和督检查improve inspection and supervision
加强食品药品安全tighten oversight of food and drug safety
动物卫生督机构animal health supervision institution
动物疫情测网络network for animal epidemic monitoring
动物防疫supervision and inspection for prevention of animal epidemics
动物防疫督工作人员supervisor of animal epidemic prevention
努力增强督实效exercise more effective oversight
协助assist a prison
协助进行assist in supervision
原关押prison that originally held the prisoner in custody
反洗钱督管理职责duty of supervision over anti-money laundering
反洗钱预防、控制度system for prevention and monitoring of money laundering
受人民be subject to the people's oversight
受原选举单位的subject to supervision by the unit which elected
受原选举单位的be subject to supervision by the units which elected them (deputies)
受选民的subject to supervision by the constituencies
受选民的be subject to the supervision of the voters of the electoral districts
受选民的be subject to supervision by their constituencies
各级人民代表大会常务委员会督法the Law on Oversight of the Standing Committees of People's Congresses at all levels
各级人民代表大会常务委员会督法the Law on Oversight of the Standing Committees of Peopled Congresses at all levels
围绕..... 开展督工作focus oversight work on (doing smth)
国务院国有资产督管理委员会State一owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council
国务院证券督管理机构securities regulatory authority under the State Council
国境口岸卫生督员frontier port health supervisor
《国家公共卫生测信息体系建设规划》National Plan for Developing an Information System for Public Health Monitoring
国家动物疫病测计划national plan for animal epidemic monitoring
国家安全生产督管理局State Administration of Work Safety
国家渔政渔港督管理机构state fisheries administration and fishing harbour superintendency agencies
国家质量督检验检疫总局General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
国家食品药品督管理局State Food and Drug Administration.
国有企业督管理条例regulation on the supervision and management of the state-owned enterprises
国有资产督管理机构state-owned assets supervision and administration institution
国有资产oversee state-owned assets
地震测信息information of earthquake monitoring
地震测台网earthquake monitoring stations and networks
地震测设施earthquake monitoring facilities
地震测预报earthquake monitoring and prediction
地震测预报方案plans of earthquake monitoring and prediction
增强工作的实效make oversight work more effective
增强督工作的针对性make oversight work more focused
安全生产oversight and administration to ensure production safety
安全风险safety risk monitor
完善督形式和程序improve the form and procedures for oversight
实施exercise supervision
实施的supervision of the process of implementation
实时real-time monitoring
实时控、综合核查、整改反馈、跟踪问效的财政监督机制a public finance oversight system with real-time monitoring, comprehensive examination, feedback on improvement efforts and performance tracking
审判督制度system for trial oversight
审判督程序procedure for trial supervision
审慎管原则principle of prudent supervision
审计supervise through auditing
审计auditing oversight
审计督权power of supervision through auditing
对于各级人大常委会依法行使督职权具有重大的意义be of great significance for standing committees of people's congresses at all levels in the lawful exercise of their oversight functions and powers
对商品和服务的督、检查supervision and inspection of commodities and services
对国务院的工作进行exercise oversight the work of the State Council
对权力运行的制约和checks and oversight on the exercise of state power
护责任having fulfilled one's duty of a guardian
履行反洗钱资金测职责perform the duty of monitoring the antimoney laundering funds
工程理人员project supervising personnel
工程理单位construction supervising unit
平等护权equal right to guardianship
广告督管理机关advertising supervision and management organization
开展督检查conduct monitoring and inspection (of)
开展跟踪carry out thorough oversight
chief manager
执法督检查law enforcement supervision and inspection
执法督管理oversight and management of compliance with the law
执行督检查任务undertake supervision and inspection
执行督检查任务discharge the duty of supervision and inspection
担任护人act as guardian
按照督法的有关规定in accordance with related provisions of the Oversight Law
按照围绕中心、突出重点、讲求实效的督工作思路follow an approach to oversight work that requires concentrating on the core tasks, identifying priorities and striving for substantive results
接受业主的be subject to supervision by the owners
接受人大accept oversight by people's congresses
接受人民accept oversight of the general public
接受全国人大subject to the oversight of the NPC
put into prison
放射性污染monitoring radioactive pollution
放弃护职责discard the duty of guardianship
教育、制度、督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系system for punishing and preventing corruption that combines education, regulation and oversight
新闻舆论oversight of the news media
日常督管理routine supervision over and administration
暂不收temporarily not be put in prison
暂予外执行temporary execution outside prison
暂予外执行temporary serving of sentences outside the prison
有关督行政管理活动的法律laws related to oversight of administrative activities
服从submit to supervision
检察督制度system for oversight over procuratorial work
检疫督制度quarantine supervision system
正确处理加强人大督工作和坚持党的领导的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with the leadership of the Party
正确处理加强人大督工作和支持"一府两院"依法开展工作的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law
母亲的护权mother's right of guardianship
毒品测系统system for monitoring narcotic drugs
民主democratic supervision
气象视设备meteorological monitoring equipment
法定护人statutory guardian
法律legal supervision
法律督机关organs for legal supervision
派员临场send an officer to supervise the execution
海关管区customs surveillance zone
海关管货物goods under customs control
海关特殊管区域special customs surveillance zone
消费者的supervision by consumers
消防督机构organ for supervision over fire prevention and control
消防安全fire safety monitor
渔政渔港督管理机构fishery administration and fishing harbor superintendency agency
渔政渔港督管理机构authority for fisheries and authority for fishing ports
煤炭行业的督管理supervision and administration of the coal industry
狠抓依法理财和财政督管理work hard to ensure public finance is handled in accordance with the law by tightening financial oversight and management
独立行使审计督权independently exercise the power of supervision through auditing
环境噪声测制度system for monitoring environmental noise
环境噪声测机构environmental noise monitoring institution
环境噪声督管理权power of supervision and control of environmental noise
疫情epidemic monitoring
事会会议meeting of the board of supervisors
内改造情况performances of reform in prison
内服刑serve sentence in prison
make under one's supervision
neighbourhood of a prison
外执行serve the sentence outside prison
察事项supervisory matters
察人员supervisory personnel
察决定decision for supervision
察、审计监督工作oversight in the form of supervision and auditing
察、审计部门supervision and auditing authorities
察、审计部门supervision departments and audit offices
察建议recommendation of supervision
察建议recommend supervision
察机关supervisory organ
察职能supervisory functions
护职责duty of guardianship
护能力competence to be one's guardian
护责任responsibility of guardianship
测与预警monitoring, early warning
测传染病quarantinable infectious diseases
测体系a monitoring system
测制度monitoring system
测台网monitoring stations and networks
测和预警系统surveillance and early warning systems
测系统system for monitoring
测网络monitoring networks
测耕地质量monitor the quality of the arable land
测规范monitoring system
测项目items for monitoring
测预警信息monitoring and early warning information
测预警系统monitoring and early warning
狱工作work of prisons
狱提请处理意见书prison's written recommendation for handling
狱的医疗鉴定prison's medical appraisal
狱的设置establishment of a prison
狱的财产property of a prison
狱管理prison management
理业务business operation of project supervision
理业务supervising business
理人entrusted supervisor
理单位supervising unit
理权限scope for supervision
督不力fail to do a good job in supervision
督制约机制oversight and constraint mechanisms
督和指导supervise and direct
督宪法实施supervise the enforcement of the Constitution
督宪法实施oversee the Constitution's enforcement
督宪法实施权the power to oversee the enforcement of the Constitution
督工作年度计划the annual plan for oversight work
督工作的突出特点prominent features in oversight work
督形式和程序forms and procedures for oversight
督性监测supervisory monitoring
督执法证件certificate of supervision enforcement
督抽查supervision and spot check
督抽查random sampling
督抽查检测supervision, spotcheck and test
督机制monitoring mechanism
督机构supervising agency
督权power of supervision
督权oversight power
督检查monitoring and investigating
督检查oversight and inspection (of)
督检查记录supervisory and inspecting notes
督检查部门control and inspection authority
督的基本形式the basic forms of oversight
督程序procedure for supervision
督管理体系a mechanism for oversight and management
督管理信息共享机制information pooling mechanism of supervision and administration in collaboration
督管理合作机制cooperative mechanism of supervision
督管理职责duty of supervision and administration
督管理谈话supervisory consultation
督约束与激励保障并重lay equal stress on supervision and restriction on the one hand and encouragement and safeguard on the other
督网oversight network
督职权power of supervision
督职权oversight functions and powers (of)
督行政管理活动oversight of administrative activities
督销毁destroy under supervision
oversight and management
管不到位poor oversight
管体系system for the supervision and administration
管区surveillance zone
管对象regulatory object
管对象supervisory target
管对象supervision target
管对象object of supervision
管措施supervisory measure
管查验exercise control and conduct examination
管罪犯supervise and control prisoners
supervision over loading
规纪律rules and discipline of the prison
视居住residential surveillance
supervision over manufacturing
社会supervision by the public
社会social control
社会保险基金督机构supervisory organization of social insurance funds
社会公众oversight of the general public
探亲leave the prison for the purpose of visiting one's family members or relatives
积极探索加强和改进人大督工作actively explore ways to strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC
稽核internal auditing and monitoring
立法和督工作legislative and oversight work
立法和督等领域的工作交流exchanges in the areas of legislation and oversight
终身life imprisonment
经常性exercise regular oversight over
统一督管理unify supervision and administration
统计statistical supervision
维护和safeguard and supervise
综合运用各种督形式use a combination oversight means
综合运用各种督形式a combination of forms of oversight should be applied
网络network monitoring
群众supervision by the mass
脱离be free from the guardianship
自律self-discipline supervision
常委会自觉地接受人大代表和人民群众的be conscientious in subjecting itself to oversight by deputies and the people
自觉接受consciously accept supervision
自觉接受人大督和各方面的监督conscientiously accept oversight by people's congresses and other sources
自觉接受审计conscientious acceptance of auditing and oversight
舆论supervision by public opinions
舆论oversight of public opinion
草原督检查人员grassland supervisors and inspector
草原督管理机构institution for grassland supervision and control
草原生产、生态测预警系统early warning system for grassland yielding and ecological monitoring
行使督职权的程序procedure to exercise the power of supervision
行政administrative government supervision
行政administrative supervision
行政察法the Law on Administrative Supervision
行政察系统从中央到地方administrative supervisory systems at central to local levels
行政administrative oversight
be in imprisonment
管人person held in custody
管的机构organization under supervision
管的财产property placed under custody
视居住under residential surveillance
视居住be subject to residential surveillance
计量督员metrological supervisor
证券督管理机构securities regulatory body
证券市场督管理supervision and administration of the securities market
负有环境保护督管理职责responsible for environmental protection
财务制度和督制约机制financial regulations and oversight and restraint mechanisms (for)
财政budgetary oversight and control
质量supervision over the quality
资金monitor the funds
跟踪thorough oversight
跨境督管理trans-border supervision and administration
转让理业务transfer the business operation of project supervision
进行exercise oversight
送交hand over to a prison
逃避海关evade customs supervision and control
重点管对象key object of supervision
金融督管理financial supervision and administration
金融督管理机构financial regulatory body
金融督管理部门financial supervision and regulation department
金融supervision over finance
金融管体系the system of financial oversight and management
State Banking Regulatory Commission
银行业督管理机构banking regulatory authority
银行业督管理法the Banking Oversight and Management Law
银行业管机构agencies responsible for overseeing the banking industry
集体行使督职权collectively exercise the power of supervision
禁刑罚criminal punishment of non-imprisonment
非现场off-site supervision
预算oversight of budget implementation
预算督工作机构budgetary supervision body
风险risk monitor
食品安全风险测计划food safety risk monitoring plan
高度重视督法的制定工作pay close attention to the formulation of the Law on Oversight