
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
一 owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council 国务院国有资产督管理委员会State
与渔业有关的测、管理和监督活动合作及协调国际网络International Network for the Cooperation and Coordination of Fisheries-related Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Activities
世界养护测中心UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
世界天气视网World Weather Watch
世界气候系统测计划World Climate System Monitoring Programme
中国证券督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission
乌兹别克斯坦证券市场协调和管中心The Center for Coordination and Control over Functioning of the Securities Market, Republic of Uzbekistan
保加利亚金融管委员会Bulgaria Financial Supervision Commission
债务测和财务分析系统Debt Monitoring and Financial Analysis System
克罗地亚金融服务管局Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
全球大气视网Global Atmosphere Watch
全球环境测系统/水质计划Global Environment Monitoring System/Water Programme
区域家畜疾病测和防治网络Regional Animal Disease Surveillance and Control Network
区域家畜疾病测和防治网络Regional Animal Disease and Surveillance Control Network
印度尼西亚资本市场督管理局The Indonesian Capital Market Supervisory Agency
厄瓜多尔公司管委员会Ecuador Superintendencia de Companias
吉尔吉斯国家金融和会计管局Kyrgyz Republic State Agency for Financial Surveillance and Accounting
哈萨克斯坦金融督管理局Financial Supervision Agency of Kazakhstan republic
哥伦比亚金融督管理委员会Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia
哥斯达黎加证券督管理委员会Costa Rica Superintendencia General de Valores
国家森林测及评估组National Forest Monitoring and Assessment Team
国家煤矿安全察局State Administration of Coal Mine Safety
国家电力管委员会State Electricity Regulatory Commission
国家食品药品督管理局State Food and Drug Administration
多米尼加证券管委员会Superintendencia de Valores de la Dominican Republic
实地计划测及协调处Field Programme Monitoring and Coordination Service
实地计划协调及绩效测科Unit for Field Programme Coordination and Result-Based Monitoring
实地计划支持及测官员Field Programme Support and Monitoring Officer
审查及测委员会Review and Monitoring Committee
建立控制食品中兽药残留管计划准则Guidelines for the Establishment of a Regulatory Programme for Control of Veterinary Drug Residues in Foods
战略/测官员Strategy/Monitoring Officer
摩洛哥证券服务管委员会Conseil déontologie des valeurs mobilieres, Morocco
政府间测或监督工作小组Intergovernmental Working Group on Monitoring or Surveillance
政府间视或监督工作小组Intergovernmental Working Group on Monitoring or Surveillance
日本证券交易视委员会Japan Securities Supervision Commission
智利证券和保险督管理局Chile Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros
机构间食品及营养视计划Inter-agency Food and Nutrition Surveillance Programme
检查及测委员会Review and Monitoring Committee
森林测、评估及报告处Forest Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting Service
欧洲空气污染远距离传输测和评价合作方案European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
欧洲空气污染远距离传输测和评价合作方案Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
欧经委区域空气污染对森林影响评估和测国际合作计划International Cooperative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests in the ECE Region
沙漠蝗环境测和管理系统Reconnaissance and Management System of the Environment of Schistocerca
波兰金融管局Polish Financial Supervision Authority
海洋资源测、评估及预测计划Marine Resources Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction Programme
淡水水域鱼类测特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Party on Fish Monitoring in Fresh Waters
渔业和资源测系统Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System
渔业统计督的措施、准则和技术Approaches, rules and techniques for fisheries statistical monitoring
渔业综合测国际会议International Conference on Integrated Fisheries Monitoring
热带林业行动纲领测信息系统TFAP Monitoring Information System
独立外部评价实施督系统IEE Implementation Monitoring System
察长办公室Office of the Inspector General
察长办公室Office of the Inspector-General
测及后勤队Monitoring and Logistics Team
测及报告科Monitoring and Reporting Unit
测及支持科Monitoring and Support Branch
测和报告Monitoring and Reporting
督机构Supervisory Body
视准则Guidelines for surveillance
秘鲁国家证券和商业管委员会Peru Comisión Nacional Supervisora de Empresas y Valores
粮农组织/环境规划署森林覆盖测计划FAO/UNEP Forest Cover Monitoring Programme
粮食和营养测技术合作网Technical Cooperation Network on Food and Nutrition Surveillance Systems
粮食安全督组Food Security Surveillance Unit
粮食援助测及信息网络Food Aid Monitoring and Information Network
纺织品测机构Textiles Monitoring Body
纺织品督委员会Textiles Surveillance Body
纺织品督机构Textiles monitoring body
纺织品督机构Textiles Surveillance Body
经过修订的对执行绩效进行基于结果的管理测系统Reformed Programming, Budgeting and Results Based Monitoring System
经过修订的对执行绩效进行基于结果的管理测系统Revised Implementation Performance Results Based Management Monitoring System
美国食品药品督管理局US Food and Drug Administration
美国食品药品督管理局United States Food and Drug Administration
美国食品药品督管理局Food and Drug Administration
联合国察、核查和视察委员会United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission
芬兰金融督管理局Finland Financial Supervision Authority
萨尔瓦多证券理委员会El Salvador Superintendencia de Valores
评价督和指导委员会Oversight Committee
评价督和指导委员会Evaluation Overseeing and Steering Committee
评估、测和评价工作组SCN Task Force on Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation
评估、测和评价工作组Task Force on Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation
评估、测和评价工作组Task Force on AME
财产管理及Assets Management and Control
采购战略及Procurement Strategy and Monitoring
采购战略及督管员Procurement Strategy and Monitoring Officer
阿尔巴尼亚金融管局Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority
陆地生态系统测站Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring Sites
韩国金融管服务局Korea Financial Services commission
预算控科Budget Monitoring and Control Unit
预算及财务Budget and Finance Control
食品和营养测系统技术合作网络Technical Cooperation Network on Food and Nutrition Surveillance Systems
食物权自愿准则作为一种督手段The Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Food as a Monitoring Tool
马恩岛金融督管理局Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission
高级实时环境测信息系统Advanced Real-Time Environmental Monitoring Information System