
Terms containing 盐 碱 化 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.严重盐碱化heavy salinization
earth.sc.中央土壤盐碱化研究所印度卡纳尔Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Kamal
ecol.土地盐碱化land sali-alkalization
ecol.土地盐碱化land salinization
environ.土壤盐碱化soil salination The accumulation of soluble mineral salts near the surface of soil, usually caused by the capillary flow of water from saline ground water. Where the rate of surface evaporation is high, irrigation can exacerbate the problem by moistening the soil and causing water to be drawn from deeper levels as water evaporates from the surface. The evaporation of pure water leaves the salts behind, allowing them to accumulate, and they can reach concentrations that are toxic to plants, thus sterilizing the land (土壤表面的可溶天然盐的积累,通常是由地下水盐碱水的毛细流引起的。表面蒸发速度快,由于土壤滋润可以得出的水从表面更深层次蒸发,灌溉会加剧这一问题。 纯净水蒸发后留下的盐的积累达到一定浓度就对植物具有毒性,因此破坏土壤。)
oil土壤盐碱化salinization of soil
tech.土壤盐碱化salting of soil
desert.土壤盐碱化soil salination
tech.土壤盐碱化soil salinization
ecol.土壤盐碱化soil salinization and alkalization
tech.土壤次生盐碱化secondary salinization of soil
oil大陆盐碱化作用continental salting process
dril.有机硅酸盐碱化organosilicate alkalizer
el.次生盐碱化secondary salinization
desert.次生盐碱化secondary alkalization
tech.盐碱化water salinization
tech.盐碱化water salination
ocean.渐进性盐碱化progressive salination
earth.sc.盐碱化 salinization and solonization
eng.geol.盐碱化临界深度critical depth of salinization
agric.盐碱化耕地salinized-alkalinized crop land
agric.盐碱化耕地non-saline and non-alkaline cultivated land