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Terms for subject Economy containing 的经费 | all forms | in specified order only
以最小的劳动耗费取得最大经济效果get the maximum economic results with a minimum expenditure of labour
制造商应该经常了解消费者的口味,因为他们是商品的最终使用者Manufacturers should always know about the taste of consumers, because their goods are to be distributed to them ultimately
大量费用与利润的经济分析macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis
总经理答应支付展览的费用The general manager agreed to defray the costs of the exhibition
按现行市场价格计算的教育经费支出public expenditures on education at current market prices
换算中心的电子经费转移electronic funds transfer at point of scale
未分拨的经费unallotted apportionment
浪费的经营free-spending management
消费导向的经济consumer-oriented economy
消费的经济顺序法law of economic order of consumption
消费者需求的经验或实况 研究empirical study of consumer demand
消费者需求的计量经济研究econometric studies of consumer demand
由消费者指导的经济consumer oriented economy
经营规模扩大所造成的经济节约和浪费economy and diseconomy of scale