
Terms for subject International trade containing 的确 | all forms | in specified order only
不确定的债务contingent liability
不确实的有价证券cats and dogs
不能确定地点的损坏non-localized damage
交易条件的无条件确认unqualified confirmation of terms of transaction
付款日期不确定的汇票draft payable at an uncertain date
准确的副本true copy
卖方确认后有效的报价.offer subject to seller’s confirmation
可取消的银行未确认的信用状revocable, unconfirmed banker credit
合同的确当履行due fulfillment of the contract
已确定的信用证established of L/C
已确认的背书endorsement confirmed
明确地认定为履行合同的货物goods clearly identified to the contract
明确的证据proof beyond reasonable doubt
明确的证明proof beyond reasonable doubt
最后确定的保险金额closed line
未经确定的货物unascertained goods
欧洲贷款利息的确pricing of Eurocredits
确切的原文ipsissima verba
确定申请人的合理要求sustain an applicant in his claim
确定的买卖firm bargain
确定的价格firm price
确定的出firm bid
确定的出价firm bid
确定的惯例established custom
确定的推断conclusive presumption
确定的政策film policy
确定的数据established data
确定的订单firm order
确实收到的保险费earned premium
确实的意外事故physical overrun contingency
确当的注意due diligence
确认所达成的协议confirm the agreement reached
确认收入的产量法production method of revenue recognition
确认收入的销售法completed sales basis
确认权利的判决declaratory judgement
经我方确认为有效的报价offer subject to our confirmation
船车的明确身份transparency of shipowner
营业收入的交货确定法delivery basis of revenue recognition
行使已经判决确定的权利enforcement of claims established by judgement
要求赔偿事先确定的损失的诉讼common assumpsit