
Terms for subject Bridge card game containing 的现在分词 | all forms
一个花色在对手中的分配cards of a suit in opponent's hand
一场比赛的副数length of a session
一手牌或一副牌的可能数目number of possible hands or deals
一般用途的扣叫general purpose cue-bid
不允许的加倍或再加倍inadmissible double or redouble
不允许的叫牌inadmissible call
不叫后的1Strong Notrump After Passing
不叫后的强无将strong notrump after passing
不叫的牌手passed hand
不合法叫牌后的依序叫牌call in rotation after an illegal call
不合法的解释提问improper remark
不合逻辑的叫牌illogical bid
不完全的指定partial designation
不成局定约的价值value of part-score
不打钱的盘式桥牌play for love
不计输墩数的挤牌法squeeze without the count
不足员的桌incomplete table
不足的叫牌not enough auction
不连张的花色套broken suit
不需打到底的牌hands not played out
中间连张的最大一张牌top of interior sequence
为主的一手牌master hand
亮明的牌张faced card
从错误的一手牌中攻牌lead out of a wrong hand
以假乱真的数学mathematics of deception
低花开叫时的1NT 无将应叫one notrump response to minor suit
作为高花加叫的 3 梅花应叫three-club response as major raise
做庄打牌中的假设assumption in play
共打的牌sharing boards
加叫应叫人的花色raise in responder's suit
卡佩莱蒂式对无将的争叫Cappelletti over notrump
危险的防守人danger hand
发牌人的叫牌opening call
叫牌法的困境system fix
叫牌结束的叫牌auction after finishing auction
叫牌过程结束后的叫牌call after the auction is closed
叫过的 A 不算suppress the bid ace
可逃叫的花色escape suit
合法的叫牌legal call
同伴的花色partner''s suit
同伴间的信息交换communication between partners
同伴间的约定partnership understanding
在不合法的打牌后跟着打牌play after an illegal play
均等的比较balanced comparison
坏的牌点bad point
复制的牌multiplicating board
复式桥牌的叫牌duplicate bidding
多的牌张surplus card
大学的桥牌活动college bridge
大起大落的比赛pajama game
孤注一掷的攻牌或打牌desperation lead or play
安全的副数水平safety level
定约人声称或承认能赢得的牌墩数declarer's claim or concession of tricks
害人的礼物Greek gift
对 1NT 开叫时的 2 梅花应叫的加倍double of two-club response to notrump
对1NT 开叫的2NT 应叫two notrump response to opening one notrump bid
对 1NT 开叫的 3 梅花应叫three-club response to one notrump
对1NT 无将开叫的斯金纳尔应叫Skinner response to one notrump opening
对1NT 开叫的约定性2方块应叫two-diamond artificial response to one notrump opening
对2NT 无将开叫的迈尔斯应叫Miles response to two notrump opening
对 2 梅花开叫的约定性2红心应叫two-heart artificial response to two-club opening
对三无将叫牌的加倍double of 3NT bid
对低花开叫的跳加叫double raise in minor
对1副花色开叫的 2NT 无将应叫two notrump response to opening suit bid of one
对叫牌的解释explanation of bid
对同伴的加倍不叫sit for
对同伴的加倍不叫stand for
对同伴的加倍不叫stand a double
对应叫人的花色加一副single raise in responder's suit
对扣叫的加倍double of a cue-bid
对方 3副花色开叫时的防守defence to opening three-bid
对方 4副花色开叫时的防守defence to opening four-bid
对方争叫后的斯台曼问叫Stayman after overcall
对方作两色套牌争叫干扰时的对付措施defence to two-suiter interference
对方关煞性开叫时的对付措施defence to pre-emptive bids
对方技术性加倍之后的应叫response over opponent's takeout double
对方技术性加倍后的 2NT 无将应叫two notrump response over opponent's takeout double
对方的花色opponent's suit
对无将叫牌的加倍double of notrump bids
对1梅花开叫的1方块示弱应叫one diamond negative response to one club
对满贯的加倍double against slam
对满贯的约定性加倍slam double convention
对约定性叫牌的惩罚性加倍double of artificial bids for penalties
对花色开叫的无将应叫notrump responses to suit opening
对逼叫性 2梅花开叫的约定性2方块应叫two-diamond artificial response to forcing two-club opening
对高级花色的建设性加一副应叫constructive single raise in major
局的价值value of game
已打出的牌张played card
已打出的牌张card played
已树立的牌established card
已树立的花色套established suit
已树立的进手张established entry
已登记注册的牌手registered player
干净利落的牌力crisp values (即 A 和 K)
平均牌力的牌average hand
应叫人的再叫responder's rebid
应叫人的跳再叫jump rebid by responder
应叫人的逆叫responder's reserve
开叫人的再叫opener's rebid
开叫人的跳再叫jump rebid by opener
2C 梅花开叫时的阿伦约定叫Allen over two clubs
1NT 无将开叫的防守defence to one notrump
1NT 无将开叫被加倍时的防守defence to double of one notrump
张数不够的一副牌incomplete pack
张数不够的一手牌incomplete hand
强2副开叫时的示ace over two-bid
很弱的牌tram ticket
意外的扣叫out-of-the-blue cue-bid
成立的藏牌不能更正的藏牌established revoke
我们的牌our hand
打出已被知道的牌play a known card
打岀的牌张fall of the cards
打牌中概率的变化changing probability during play
护住你的牌以免对手看到chest your cards
持长牌的一手long hand
挤牌的防守defence to a squeeze
插错的一副牌fouled board
撞死的大牌crashing honour
收回已打出的牌withdraw a card
整理手中的牌sort the hand
整理手中的牌sort one's hand
断的连张大牌broken sequence
新凑满的桌newly-formed table
无奖分的Aeasy ace
无将定约时的打牌notrump play
无将开叫时的阿伦约定叫Allen over notrump
无望的牌张death holding
无错的扑克牌correct pack
早期的特制扑克牌transformation cards
明手权利的丧失dummy's forfeiture of rights
明手的权利dummy's right
明手的权利与限制dummy's right and limitation
明手的权利和限制right and limit of dummy
明显的牌marked card
明显的飞牌marked finesse
显示双低花套的 2NT 开叫two notrump opening for minors
显示多色套牌的 2 梅花开叫two-club opening as multi-suiter
显示多色套牌的2方块开叫two-diamond opening as multi-suiter
显示有单张的限制性跳加叫limit jump raise to show a singleton
暴露的一手牌exposed hand
最便宜的叫牌cheapest bid
最大的牌master card
最年轻的终身大师youngest life master
有不成局分时的叫牌part-score bidding
有不成局分的叫牌bidding to the score
有大输赢的牌swing hand
有控制的心理叫controlled psyche
有止张的大牌guarded honour
有止张的花色protected suit
有止张的花色guarded suit
有疑问的斯台曼问叫Stayman in doubt
有缺陷的扑克牌imperfect pack
有缺陷的牌墩defective trick
有部分分的叫牌bidding to the part-score
未叫过的低花逼叫unbid minor suit force
未叫过的花unbid suit
未打完的一盘unfinished rubber
未摊明的暗牌unfaced hand
桥牌中的数学bridge mathematics
桥牌中的概率比odds in bridge
桥牌比赛座位的安排arrangement of seat of bridge match
桥牌的书本打法book game
桥牌的基本因素mechanics of bridge
4 梅花和 4NT 无将以外的强 A 问叫strong ace asking bid other than four clubs and four notrump
模棱两可的叫牌ambiguous bid
比赛分制复式比赛的数学mathematics of match-point duplicate
比赛分制的做庄打牌match-point play
比赛分制的叫牌match-point bidding
比赛的防守match-point defence
没有或有两张大牌的攻牌法zero or two higher leads
波罗的海桥牌赛Baltic congress
消失的将赢牌墩disappearing trump trick
满贯叫牌进程中的加倍double in slam-going auction
牌中的 Jjack
牌中的 Jknave
牌力的弹性估计plastic valuation
牌型的对称symmetry of distribution
牌墩的处理handling of trick
牌墩的收集和整理collection and arrangement of trick
牌墩的检查examination of trick
牌套和牌张的管理management of board and card
特定牌张的概率比odds governing specified cards
牺牲性的约定加倍double for sacrifice
疏忽的叫牌inadvertent call
A的确定问叫法ace identification
相连的牌张touching cards
短的一手short hand
破损的或有记号的牌card marked
破损的或有记号的牌card damaged
破损的牌damaged card
第三大的牌third best
第三家的叫牌third hand bid
第二轮时的斯台曼问叫Stayman on second round
等张的打法play from equals
约定性强 2 副开叫后的加级应叫step response to strong artificial two-bid
约定性强开叫时的防守叫牌defence to strong artificial openings
约定性强梅花开叫的防守defence to artificial strong club
约定性逼叫开叫后的第二家示弱应叫second negative response after artificial forcing opening
经济逼叫体系的叫牌法economical force
缺少的一张牌missing card
罚张的处理handling of penalty cards
翻扣的牌墩quitted trick
肯定成功的飞proven finesse
自然无将开叫后的约定性应叫和再叫artificial response and rebid after natural notrump
花色中的牌张数number of cards in suit
花色位置放错的一手牌missorting hand
藏牌的处理handling of renege
藏牌的成立与处理establishment and handle of renege
虚幻的牺牲phantom sacrifice
裁判长的指示director's instructions
裁判长的权利right of director
裁判长的职责responsibility of director
计算机分发的牌computer-dealt hands
调整的判定decision of adjustment
贪心者的加倍sucker's double
赢得牌墩的一张牌winning card
超过 7 副的叫牌bid of more than seven
越序的不叫pass out of turn
越序的叫牌auction out of turn
足够的将牌支持adequate trump support
跳一桌的一轮skip round
跳加叫应叫人的花色jump raise in responder's suit
轮次的进行次序sequence of rounds
较低的低花约定叫lower minor
较便宜的低花叫cheaper minor
较高的叫牌higher bid
违例后的处理程序procedure of handling after irregularity
违例后的处理程序handling procedure after irregularity
违例的判罚charge of irregularity
连张的反式首攻法reverse sequence lead
迟到的一对牌手late pair
迟疑的不叫slow pass
迟缓的打牌Slow play
适合做庄的一手牌right side
选手牌手的权利right of player
锁住不能攻明手的牌locked out of dummy
错误信息基础上的叫牌auction based on wrong information
错误牌的处理handling of wrong cards
错误的一副牌wrong board
错误的牌incorrect card
防守人声称或承认能赢得的牌墩数defender's claim or concession of tricks
隐藏的进手张hidden entry
预先发好的牌prepared hands
飞的概率finessing probability
高花开叫时的 1NT 无将逼叫性应叫one notrump response to major forcing
黑木问叫受到干扰后的约定叫interference with Blackwood
黑木问叫受到干扰后的防守defence to interference with blackwood