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Terms for subject Commerce containing 的情况下 | all forms | in specified order only
仅在个别情况下卖方才接受承兑交单的付款条件Only in rare cases does the seller accept D/A terms
在任何情况下,卖方均不接受买方退回专门采购的货物Under no circumstances will the seller accept the return of goods specially procured for the buyer
在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
在有关各方都参加的情况下with participation from all concerned
在有关各方面都来参加的情况下with participation from all concerned
在没有信用证的情况下in the absence of a letter of credit
在缺少技术资料的情况下in the absence of technical data
在适当情况下,代理人对委托人的货物或款项有抵消或留置的权利The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money
本保险在任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及这些行动的后果或这方面的企图造成的损失和费用In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
本协议在双方同意的情况下可以续延The renewal of the agreement can be made at the option of both parties