
Terms for subject Sports containing 的位置 | all forms | in specified order only
号码布应分别佩戴在胸前和后背的明显位置The number bibs shall be worn visibly on the breast and back
固定的位置rigid position
在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line
处在无人注意的位置out in the field
手臂的位置arm position
指定的防守位置职责defensive assignment
的位置foot position
选择好位置的打法position play
队员的场上位置position of players
队员的相对位置relative position of players
静力性力量是指不移动位置、 在固定某一种姿势时用力的能力Static strength is the ability to apply force at a particular position without moving through the range of motion