
Terms for subject Securities containing 的人 | all forms | in specified order only
一次性强制转换的买人/卖出期权one-time mandatory call/put options
上市后表现令人失望的股票stock performed disappointingly after listing
不包括在内的人±excluded person
不受欢迎的资本流人undesired capital inflow
不受监管的发行人unregulated issuer
不同的准人标准segmented access criteria
不容忍股市上投资人的任何违法行为zero tolerance of investors5 illegal behaviors in stock market
不慎重的决策人non judicial decision-maker
不成熟的散户投资人unsophisticated retail investor
不计人的资产non-admitted assets
不负责任的放款人bad lender
不适合的投资人unsuitable investor
与人民币汇率挂钩的存款RMB linked deposit
与投资有关的人寿保险计划investment-linked assurance schemes
与收人赢利有关的措施earnings-related measure
与收人有关的津贴earnings-related benefit
与银行有关的经纪人bank-related broker
个人可支配的实际收人real personal disposable income
个人投资者的问题problem for individual investor
个人管理的资金账号individually managed fund account
中止资格的经纪人suspended broker
为他人保管的证券securities deposited for others
主张进行黄金投资的人gold bug
主要专业人员的确认identifying key professionals
买人或售出的证券acquire or dispose security
买人时的市场价格buying market price
买人期权的买卖比率call option buy-sell ratio
买廉价货的人close buyer
交易商间的经纪人interdealer broker
交易所的产权买人exchange acquisition
产生收人的财产income-producing property
产生财政收人的部门revenue-generating department
享有有条件债券的债权人holder of contingent claim
人气旺盛的股票glamour stock
人账的本金billed principal
仍然健在的合伙人surviving partner
从子公司直接购人的股票stock acquired directly from the subsidiary
从投资组合中提取的收人income withdrawing from portfolio
付给中间人的费用fees to finders
代理人代理领取的利息nominee interest
代理人所作的通报notification by agents
代理人的现金cash in hand of agent
以一定收益为基准的证券购人buying on a yield basis
以主事人身份作为交易的一方party to transaction as principal
以人民币计价的基金Renminbi-denominated fund
以前投人的资本previous capital
以工资收人为基础的人股计划Payroll-based Stock Ownership Plan
以普通合伙人的身份投资investing as common partner
以有限合伙人的身份as limited partner
以有限责任合伙人的身份投资investing as common partner
以独立账户持有人的身份as separate account holder
以盈利为目的的法人如股份公司association for purposes of profit
以经纪人为单位的赔偿限额per broker limit
仲裁人的分割产权证明refereed partition deed
任职的合伙人active business partner
估算的收人imputed income
低价打人市场的手法penetration pricing
作为合伙人的投资银行investment firms as partners
作担保用存人的证券securities deposited as collateral
供保荐人公司参考的技术文件technical documents circulated to sponsor firms
促使发行人、中介人及投资者遵守公认的标准promote compliance with universal standards amongst issuers, intermediaries and investors
保留收人信托的出让人grantor retaining income trust
保荐人的推荐信letter of recommendation from sponsor
信誉良好的经纪人good name broker
倒闭的机构负债现在已经落到纳税人的肩上liabilities of failing institutions loaded on the backs of taxpayers
借人的股票borrowed stock
借人的股票stock acquired by borrowing
借人的股票borrowed share
借人的证券borrowed stock
借款人关心的问题borrower concerns
借款人的考虑borrower concerns
债务人的股份debtors share
债权人与股东的冲突conflict between bondholders and stockholders
债权人之间关于清理债务的协议composition of creditors
债权人之间关系的变动changes in status between lenders
债权人会议的决议resolution of the creditors
债权人指定的清算人receiver for debenture holder
债权人测试的最佳利息best-interests-of-creditors test
债权人的权力和责任creditor's rights and liabilities
做……的担保人go security for
做……的担保人give security for
停止以当事人身份进行的活动cease to act as principal
免除的人excluded person
全额收取佣金的经纪人full commission broker
公司的法定拥有人legal owner of company
公司的第二负责人second responsible officer of a corporation
公司管理人员的责任duty of officers of corporation
公司管理人或公司的和解契约deed of company arrangement
公司管理层人员的责任liability of officers of corporation
公证人所发的拒付证书notarial protest certificate
其他放款人关心的问题other lender concerns
具偿债力的经纪人solvent broker
内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排一一与证券与期货人员资格有关的安排Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement-Arrangements Relating to Qualifications of Securities and Futures Industry Practitioners
减少的投人deductible contribution
出人预料的市场contrary market
出价最低的投标人lowest bidder
刚起步人行的公司threshold company
别人的钱other people's money
劳方不加人工会的合约以不加人工会为条件的雇佣合同yellow dog contract
协调配合行动的人persons acting in concert
卖方的买人sellers call
占有中的受押债权人mortgagee in possession
参与经营的合伙人active partner
发行人推迟公布业绩的报告status report on issuers' delay in releasing results
取得股份权益的所有人资料的权力power to obtain information as to those interested in shares
受托人关心的事宜fiduciary concerns
受托人无义务的信托passive trust
受益人不得自行处理的信托spendthrift trust
只经营长仓期权的经纪人long only brokers for options
可以买人和卖出的期权mixed option
可分配的净收人distributable net income
可处置的收人disposable income
可接纳的受托人acceptable trustee
可更换的付款人alternative drawee
可更换的受益人revocable beneficiary
可更换的收款人alternative payee
可用于偿债的净收人net revenue available for debt service
可观连续的收人fat income streams
可靠的收人来源dependable income stream
合伙企业的清算人receiver for partnership
合伙人共有的财产partnership-owned properties
名义上的所有人straw man
向债权人的转让assignment to creditor
商业合理性和放款人的判断commercial reasonableness and lender's arbitrariness
商行的主要合伙人senior partner in a firm
因投资收人而发生的费用expense attributable to the investment income
地产所有人的收款凭证landlords warrant
外国人控制的美国企业US business controlled by foreign person
外国人身份的确定determination of foreign person
外汇经纪人的牌价exchange broker's quotation
多数人的决定majority decision
大量投人资本的highly capitalized
失踪的债务人absconding debtor
失踪的投资人absconding contributor
委托的人accredited individual
委托人对经纪人的付费hard dollar
委托人的委托书principal's mandate
委托人的委托状principal's mandate
存人的证券securities on deposit
审计人员的独立性independence of auditor
对人实施的权利right in person
对执行人员决定的审核review of executive decisions
对投标人的资格预审prequalification of bidders
寻便宜货的人bargain hunter
尚未支取存款、无人认领的存款unclaimed deposit
已承诺但未投人的资本capital commitment outstanding
已投人的资本employed capital
已无利用价值的人或物squeezed orange
已纳人产品的间接成本absorbed overhead
市场进人的可能性probability of market entry
带手机和笔记本电脑赴现场工作的人remote office home office
应向持有人支付的证券securities payable to bearer
开票人免责的条款drawing without recourse clause
引诱他人投资资金的民事责任civil liability for inducing others to invest money
微薄的收人slender income
心理上接收的收人psychological income
成为次贷的人hostage to the subprime loans
成功的经纪人big producer
执管人缺席时的代理执管人administrator durante absentia
执行交易订单的经纪人executing broker
批准的个人approved individual
承受抵押人的权限power of mortgagee
承担的资本投人capital commitment
承诺投人的资本capital commitment
把所有权让给现占有人的契约holding deed
投人企业的资产assets brought into a business
投人到附属公司的资本investment in capital of affiliated concerns
投人的资本dedicated capital
投人的资金money invested
投人的资金invested funds
投人/贡献的一种资产组合dedicating a portfolio
投资人的合理预期investors'reasonable anticipation
投资人的合理预期investors' reasonable anticipation
投资管理人的重估reassessment of investment managers
投资银行中有创意的证券设计人rocket scientist
拥有作为合伙人的利益owning a partnership interest
拨人资本账作红股派发的数额amount capitalized on the free script issue
持照人及注册机构名称的公布publication of names of licensed persons and registered institutions
持照人需缴纳的年费annual fees for licensed persons
持股人的分布情况spread of holders
指定的交易受托人designated trading assignee
指定的监察人员designated compliance officer
指定的经纪人designated broker
按协议买人后再出售的证券securities purchased under agreement to resell
按投人资本的资本额in capacity of contribution of capital
按投资的资金额来分享收人sharing profits in proportion to the amount of investment
按高于法定或正常贴现利率买人的票据shaving a note
损害投资人的利益detrimental to investor's interests
授权交易所控股人的责任duties of recognized exchange controller
授权的经纪人authorized dealer
授权财务机构的获豁免人士exempt persons who are authorised financial institutions
排列债权人的顺序marshal the assets
接受调查的人股市上违规活动中person under investigation
接近内情的人people close to inside information
推定的内幕人constructive insider
推算的收人imputed income
提供催账服务的人outside collector
提岀申请的债权人petitioning creditor
收人和最大股本的时效权prescribed right to income and maximum equity
收人的核定income ascertainment
收购前的销售收人profit on sales prior to acquisition
放弃的收人foregone earnings/income
放款人的关联责任connected lender liability
政府人员办的关联企业political crony
无人主张所有权的财物unclaimed property
无人主张的款项unclaimed funds
无人索取的款项unclaimed funds
无人认领的权益unclaimed benefit entitlement
无人认领的资产unclaimed asset
无人领取的经纪佣金unclaimed brokerage
无人领取的股息unclaimed benefit entitlement
无保荐人的美国存托凭证American Desposit Receipt
无保险的期权合同出卖人uncovered writer
无条件的受托人bare trustee
无经验的散户投资人unsophisticated retail investor
无风险的承销人covered writer
明面上的合伙人apparent partners
有保护的或无风险的认购期权承购人covered call writer
有关个人利益的议案private bill
有关购人/出让交易权的资讯服务Notification Service of Purchase/Sale of Trading Rights
有呆账可能暂不计人的资产non-accrual asset
有引人注目的增长grow at a respectable pace
有意向的申请人potential applicant
有支付固定费用的收人income available for fixed charges
有条件的临时投资收人qualified temporary investment income
有资格的人qualifying person
有限制的保管人limited depositary
有限制的所有人limited owner
有限的第三债务人扣押令limited garnishee order
期票的出票人maker of note
未人保险的基金non-insured fund
未人账的债务unrecorded liability
未偿清的破产人undischarged bankrupt
未成交的买人指令open buy order
未挣到的收人unearned income
未申报的收人unreported income
未能完成交割的经纪人failed broker
未被授权的人unauthorized person
杀价买人的票据shaving a note
来自客户的现金收人cash receipts from customers
来自清算人的首次分配款项first dividend from liquidators
核准的个人approved individual
核准的受托人approved trustee
次要的内幕人士secondary insider
欺诈让与的受让人fraudulent alienee
母公司拨人的资金funds from parent
每个索赔人的索赔额per claimant level of compensation
法律确定的受托人constructive trustee
注册人需缴纳的年费annual fees for licensed persons
注册核准的放款人licensed lender
活跃的生意合伙人active business partner
清盘人的债券liquidator's bond
清算人和委托人发出的欠债证明receivers' and trustees' securities
独立拍卖人的作用neutral auctioneer role
独立的账户持有人separate account holders
交易中用作掩护的人或物straw man
申请人提供的资料applicant to provide information
留存收益信托的出让人grantor retained income trust
留置权保障的债权人creditor whose claim is secured by a lien
病人膏肓的企业moribund enterprise
盲目的投资人impulse buyer
直接纳人中央计算系统的新股direct stock admission
知内情的人下的赌注smart money
破产保护下的债务人debtor in possession
破产清理中担保债权人的权力secured creditors'right in bankruptcy proceedings
确定的资金投人计划defined contribution plan
票据上的间接关系人remote party
票据的参加承兑人acceptor by intervention
禁止的交易收人prohibited transaction income
私人持有的privately held
私人持股的实体privately-held entity
私人目的债券private purpose bond
空手套利的人free rider
签过名但未填人金额的支票blank check
管理人员的培养management development
纳人被关注的范围coverage initiated
经公证人证明的汇票notarized draft
经办人之间的协定agreement among managers
经纪人之间的交易broker-broker trade
经纪人的佣金commissioning of brokers
经营业务的人person carrying on business
经营产生的现金收人cash provided by operation
经营全面业务的经纪人full service broker
老练、技术高超的人old hand
职工集资人股的公司company on the basis of shares from its employees
股东委托公司将其股息存人银行的委托书dividend mandate
股东投人的资本capital invested by stockholders
股价中人为的因素human factor in stock prices
股市经纪人的探子bird dog
股本收益和普通收人之间的区别distinction between capital gains and ordinary income
股本转移的收人income of equity transfer
股权集中的私人公司closely-held private company
股票持有人很少的股票thinly held stock
自有资本与借人资本的比率ratio of owned capital to borrowed capital
菲薄的收人coffee and cake
被压榨干净的人或物squeezed orange
被打包转售给其他人的风险risk packaged and sold to others
被担保的放贷人secured lender
被指定的人designated man
被禁止的人prohibited person (股市上)
被认可的投资人accredited investor
被认可的放款代理人approved lending agent
装作竞争的人by bidder
规定的收人和最高股权的限制性权利prescribed right to income and maximum equity
计人成本的利息interest charged to cost
计人成本的销售及管理费用selling and administrative expense charged to cost
认可的债券中介人approved bond intermediary
认可的受托人accepted trustee
认可的受托人acceptable trustee
证券行情布告板上记下最近消息的人board boy
证监会介人法律程序的权力power of Commission to intervene in proceedings
诱人的价格charm price
诱人的花招bells and whistles
负责的合规人员designated compliance officer
购人的本币票据home currency bill bought
购人自我清偿性的资产self-liquidating asset purchase
资本结构重组中所购人的证券securities acquired in recapitalization
资本账户上的投人investment in capital account
资本进人市场的途径market access channel for capital
资金投资受托人的权力investment powers
起稳定作用的买人stabilizing purchases
转人下期的证明in bond listings of newspapers (报纸上债券发行栏目中)
转人基金的净金额net transfer to fund
转人的资产carryover assets
转人股本账目的金额amounts capitalized
转换后的净收人converted net collection
过世的合伙人deceased partner
进人市场的概率probability of market entry
进人证券行业的障碍entry barriers in security industry
违反规则的保荐人regulation-breaking sponsors
违法交易所的经纪人bucket shop brokers
退出的合伙人retiring partner
退出的合伙人outgoing partner
退出/进人基金的权利exit/ entry privilege
适合银行买人的证券bank eligible issue
避免债权人之间的问题avoiding inter-creditors problems
重大的买人机遇considerable buying opportunity
银行在证券交易所的代理人stock exchange agent
锁人柜内的股票cabinet stock
防止进人关闭的交易市场prevention of entry into closed trading markets
阻止进人的最低价格minimum entry preventing price
附属单位的收人subpart income
陷人困境的行业sectors reeling
陷人抵押贷款债务成为无辜的受害者mire in mortgage debt as innocent victims
陷人负资产困境的房主homeowners trapped in negative equity
雇主投人的资金employer contribution
非内幕交易人消息的获得者/使用者non-insider tippee
非常项目之前的收人income before extra items
非所愿的资本流人undesired capital inflow
须付款的债务人debtor for money
风险较高的借款人riskier borrower
骗人的股票blue sky
骚动不安的投资人baying investors