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不断崛起的经济巨人rising economic giant
不确定或有额外收人的公司债bond with uncertain or contingent income
丧失对人民币的控制losing control over the renminbi
个人科目的借方debt to individual account
中国境外流通的人民币renminbi circulating outside China
中间人的获利或赚头jobber's turn
为人类做出新的更大的贡献make new and greater human contributions
买人以外币计价的劳务purchase of services valuated in foreign currency
买人以外币计价的商品purchase of goods valuated in foreign currency
买人收益率较高的资产buy higher yielding assets
人寿保险的现金退保值cash surrender value of life insurance
人民币升值的周期性压力cyclical pressure for currency appreciation
人民币在国际贸易中的使用international use of the currency in trade
人民币在港的自由流动free flow of renminbi in Hong Kong
人民币对美元的升值appreciation of the renminbi against the dollar
人民币的巨大需求huge demand for China currency
人民币的海外持有者international holders of renminbi
人民币的逐渐国际化gradual internationalization of the renminbi
人民币计价、只面向中国人的黄金合约Chinese-only gold contract denominated in the renminbi
人民币计价的贸易renminbi-denominated trade
人民币计价的金融产品renminbi-denominated financial products
付款于旧合伙人一人或多人的买入伙purchase of an interest by payment to one or more old partners
令人失望的财政结果pessimistic financial outcome
令人瞩目的增长impressive growth
令全球经济陷人"平衡的衰退"plunge the global economy into a "balanced recession"
以人民币结算的国际贸易international trade settled in renminbi
以人民币结算的贸易trade settled in renminbi
以人民币计价的债券bonds denominated in renminbi
以人民币计价的债务renminbi-denominated debt
以人民币计价的国际黄金合约international gold contract denominated in the renminbi
以人民币计价的股票stocks denominated in renminbi
以人民币计价的跨境贸易renminbi-denominated cross-border trade
以人民币计价的金融产品市场renminbi-denominated financial markets
以投资为目的的跨境人民币资金流动move the renminbi in or out of the mainland for investment purposes
企事业内的会计人员private accountant
使全球化服务于人们的需求make globalization serve the needs of the people
保险公司乐意接保的健康人good life
保险单上的受益人背书beneficiary endorsement
信用不足的人people with poor credit
信誉好的债务人prime debtor
借人低息的美元borrow the US currency at low rates
债权人开出的汇票creditor's bill
偿付时债权人必须接受的货币legal tender
储备货币的债权人reserve currency creditor
允许中国企业使用人民币进行跨境贸易结算的项目allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi
允许加大人民币每日交易的波动幅度permit more volatility in the daily trade of the currency
公证人作成汇票拒绝承兑或拒绝付款的证书noting and protest
其他单位投人的资金fund from other units
内幕人的市场insiders' market
凭票即付持票人的汇票draft on demand payable to bearer
分担债务的债务人debtor sharing obligation
创设以人民币计价的投资产品create investment products denominated in the Chinese currency
别人的钱other people's money (别人的钱(Other People's Money)原先是1991年拍摄的一部喜剧片,这里借用过来成了市场惯用语,指资产管理业者所掌控的客户资金,基金经理人以客户的资金进行投资,用的都是"OPM")
制造费用分配的人工小时法labour hour basis for overhead application
加人特别提款权的篮子be added to the SDR basket
募集以人民币计价的基金raise a renminbi-denominated fund
占主导地位的离岸人民币交易中心dominant offshore hub for renminbi trading center
发行人民币计价的股票offer renminbi-denominated shares
发达世界潜在的最后贷款人developed world's potential lender of last resort
取得令人满意的进展make satisfactory progress
受款人的背书人endorsee from the payee
X合伙债权人的权利rights of creditors of X
合格的借出人qualified lender
合格的境外有限合伙人qualified foreign limited partner
国际化人民币的措施measures to internationalize the renminbi
境外使用人民币的限制restrictions on the use of the currency outside the mainland
增进人民币的双向流动increase the flows of renminbi in both directions
委托人的职员client's staff
存人银行的保证金margin deposited with the bank
实现人民币的国际化realize the internationalization of the renminbi
审计人员的独立性independence of auditors
富人和穷人之间的鸿沟gulf between rich and poor
对人民币升值的信心confidence over renminbi appreciation
对人民币资产的潜在需求potential demand for renminbi assets
对付庞大的私人和公共债务deal with huge private and public debts
将金额记入某人的贷方put a sum to sb’s credit
少数知情人的交易closed market transaction
工人的工资wage for workmen
工作人员付的保证金guarantee money from employee
已解除债务的破产人discharge in bankruptcy
市场的溢出和溢人market spill-over
引人瞩目的纪录remarkable record
引发海外人民币贷款的激增trigger an offshore renminbi credit boom
成熟的中等收人国家fully fledged middle-income country
扣发债务人的工资garnishee wages
扣押债务人的财产attachment of debtors property
扣留他人的动产take names
扩大人民币在国际范围内的使用expand international use of the Chinese currency
扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用expand the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment
承销人的权利或义务rights or duties of the consigned
把账记人某人的借项debit to one's account
把金额记人…的贷方put a sum to one's credit
投人的资产invested assets
投人的资本invested capital
投资于面向国内市场的人民币计价基金invest in RMB-denominated funds that focus on the domestic market
抵制人民币的升值压力resist pressure to revalue the renminbi
担保充分的债权人fully secured creditors
担保充分的债权人full secured creditor
持有并交易人民币计价的金融产品hold and trade renminbi-denominated products
指定的人民币离岸交易中心designated offshore centre for the Chinese currency
指定的人民币贸易结算清算银行designated clearing bank for renminbi trade settlement
推出人民币结算的产品offer renminbi settlement products
推出人民币计价的对冲工具offer renminbi-denominated hedging tools
推出人民币计价的投资产品offer renminbi-denominated investment products
推动人民币国际化的努力attempts to spread international use of renminbi
推销抵押贷款的中间人ex-mortgage broker
提供以人民币计价的股票产品offer shares denominated in renminbi
提供期限为1周的短期人民币贷款offer one-week renminbi loans
提高人民币在境外的可获得性boost the foreign availability of renminbi
支付给受益人的待遇treatments paid to beneficiaries
支持生产性的资本流人金融市场support flows of productive capital into financial markets
收人的合理分配equitable distribution of income
收取全额佣金的经纪人full commission broker
"收款人亲收"的付款背书endorsement to pay "payee only"
收款人的鉴定identification of payee
放宽针对资本流人的限制relax restrictions on capital inflows
放弃人民币事实上钉住美元的汇率cut the renminbi's de facto peg to the US dollar
政策的溢出和溢人policy spill-over
新兴的人民币计价债券市场fledgling renminbi-denominated market
无人提出异议的汇票bill free from defenses
无人提出权利要求的汇票bill free from claims
无人领取的汇款unclaimed remittance
无偿债能力的人insolvent debtor
无赞力的保人straw hail
有清算责任的合伙人、liquidating partner
有自主决定权的管理人discretionary manager
有部分担保的债权人partly secured creditors
期权的接受人taker of an option
未划分的借款人unallocated borrower
未列人综合报表的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
未存人银行的收人undeposited receipts
未成年人的生死两全保险juvenile endowment policies
未注册城市移民组成的流动人口floating population of unregistered urban migrants
注重收人的合理分配ensure more equitable distribution of income
流人香港的内地存款deposit migration from the mainland to Hong Kong
消除输人性、结构性通胀因素的不利影响overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation
用于贸易结算的人民币供给supply of renminbi for trade settlement
直接纳人中央结算系统的新股direct stock admission
私人部门的债务private debt
租人财产担保的公司债bond secured by leased property
符合中美两国人民的根本利益serve the fundamental interests of China -U.S. peoples
签发支票的人check drawer
纳人特别提款权的货币currencies in the SDR basket
纾困陷人困境的欧洲外围国家rescue the troubled European periphery
经一般债权让与手续的受让人transferee as a result of simple transfer
经纪人的经纪人broker's broker
继承人不明的财产vacant succession
美元对人民币汇率的正向波动性upside volatility in USDCNY
老练的市场专业人士seasoned market professionals
自由支配的收人discretionary income
自营职业的人self-employed persons
获利额对债权人所得利息的倍数比率time-interest on debt earned ratio
融资租赁中的出租人leasor in a financial leasing
被信托人的报吿trustee’s reports
被纳人特别提款权的货币篮子be included in the SDR basket
要求人民币升值的强大国际压力heavy international pressure to let the renminbi appreciate
贴现银行的经纪人special buyer
赖帐的人dead beat
跨过中高收人的门槛past the threshold for high-middle income
进一步放松对跨境人民币流动的控制relax more of controls on cross-border renminbi flows
逐渐放松对人民币用于国际交易的管制gradually relax controls on the use of the renminbi in international transactions
速度快得惊人的消费增长surprisingly rapid consumer growth
遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人的责任duties of executor or the administrator
遗嘱执行人的结帐closing the executor's books
防止不受欢迎的资金流人中国prevent unwanted capital from entering
陷人停滞的经济复苏stalling economic recovery
陷人困境的欧元区国家troubled eurozone countries
陷人困境的欧元区国家beleaguered countries of the eurozone
陷人困境的银行业ailing banking sector
非个人的担保impersonal security
非个人的资产impersonal assets
领失业金人数的报告jobless claims report
验明支票的收款人identify the payee of a check
鼓励对私人部门的贷款encourage lending to the private sector
鼓励扩大人民币在国际上的使用encourage more international use of renminbi