
Terms for subject Technology containing 百分比 | all forms | in specified order only
不受损失百分比限制irrespective of percentage
不论百分比是多少irrespective of percentage
中煤含量百分比分级middling content per cent graduation
临界阻尼百分比fraction of critical damping
主要用量占百分比principal use of mineral commodities at percentage
互调失真百分比intermodulation distortion percentage
产量占百分比annual output concentration at percentage
人工成本百分比labour cost percentage method
人工成本百分比labor cost percentage method
土壤干重百分比计的含水率water content in percent of dry weight
土壤干重百分比计的含水量water content in percent of dry weight
百分比表示的误差error given in percent
百分比计的调制深度modulation percentage
低通能量百分比剩余曲线residual curve of energy percentage for low-frequency bandpass
体积百分比volume percentage
体积百分比volume percent
体积百分比percentage by volume
保留金百分比retained percentage
出口量占百分比annual export at percentage
分析百分比analytical percentage
分析百分比analytic percentage
分配百分比component percentage
即时可懂百分比immediate appreciation percentage
压密百分比percent compaction
只有百分比的收益表common-size income statement
只有百分比的资产负债表common-size balance sheet
可交换百分比exchangeable fraction ratio
同步百分比percentage synchronization
含水量百分比moisture percentage
含腐叶百分比高的土壤soil containing a high percentage of rotted leaves
含量百分比percentage of content
回风百分比percent of return air
固结百分比percent consolidation
固结百分比percentage of consolidation
均方根振幅百分比percentage of root mean square amplitude
完成预算的百分比percentage of the budgeted figure
容积百分比volume percentage
容积百分比volume percent
容积百分比percent volume to volume
容积百分比volume in volume
容积百分比percent by volume
容量百分比volume percentage
岩屑体积百分比percent of cutting volume
开采量占百分比annual mining output at percentage
成分百分比percentage composition
成本加百分比合同cost-and-percentage contracts
抽检百分比inspection percentage
抽检百分比inspection level
拥有资源所占百分比the ore reserve at percentage
百分比分摊percentage allocation
百分比收费协议percentage agreement
百分比收费合同percentage contract
百分比计租金percentage rent
按总价百分比收费合同percentage contract
按总价百分比计费percentage fee
按总造价百分比计费的合约percentage agreement
按成本的固定百分比折旧法depreciation method of fixed percentage on cost
按承租人收入的百分比计租percentage rent
按造价百分比付款合约percentage agreement
掉落牙齿百分比percent of wearing-out tooth
收缩百分比shrinking percentage
数量和百分比number and percentage
方差百分比variance percentage
易溶盐含量百分比percent proportion content of soluble salt
最大百分比超调量maximum percent overshoot
服务百分比service percentage
样本百分比sample percentage
检测含烃百分比percentage of hydrocarbons detected
次要用量占百分比minor use of mineral commodities at percentage
比重中百分曲线gravity mid per cent
沥青百分比bitumen content
波纹百分比percent ripple
消耗百分比percentage depletion
消耗量占百分比annual consumption at percentage
渣球百分比含量percent shot
灰浆组分百分比mortar percentage
百分比配料percentum dosage
百分对比度relative contrast
百分比percentage of green area
百分比分析法analytical percents
百分比变化fractional variation
百分比含量值percentage content value
百分比圆形图percentage pie chart
百分比基准percentage basis
百分比抗沉密实度试验percentage refusal density test
百分比报表common-size statement
百分比抽样检査percent sampling inspection
百分比条图hundred-percent barchart
百分比柱形图表percentage bar graph
百分比皮重percentage tare
百分比符号percent symbol
百分比误差percentage error
百分比读数percentage registration
百分比费用percentage fee
百分率比较percentage comparison
百分率比较图chart of percentage comparison
短路阻抗电压百分比percentage of short-circuit impedance
砂岩百分比平面图plan of sandstone percentage
百分比特性equal percentage characteristic
百分比雨量图isopercental map
筛分粒径组分重量百分比percentage fraction weight
筛分颗粒组分重量百分比percentage fraction weight
累计重量百分比cumulative weight percentage
纯益与股东权益百分比percent of net income to stockholders
组成百分比percentage composition
调制百分比percent modulation
调制百分比percentage modulation
谐波百分比percent harmonic
货车百分比truck percentage
质量百分比mass fraction
进口量占百分比percentage annual import
造林百分比percentage afforestation
重叠百分比percentage overlap
重/容百分比percent by weight in volume
重/重百分比percent by weight in weight
重量百分比weight percentage (率)
重量百分比weight percent (率)
重量百分比percentage by weight (率)
重量体积百分比percent weight in volume
钢筋百分比steel ratio (率)
钢筋百分比steel ratio of concrete (率)
钢筋百分比percentage of reinforcement (率)
钢筋的经济百分比economic percentage of steel
销售百分比分析percentage of sales analysis
销售百分比percentage of sales method
销售百分比percentage of sales approach
销售量占百分比market share at percentage
销售额百分比预测法percentage of sales forecasting method
闲置时间和利用时间百分比percentage of idle time to utilization time
附加百分比addition percentage
预算百分比fee curve (曲线)
颜料体积百分比percent pigment volume
颜料占涂料总体积的百分比pigment volume concentration
饱和百分比percent saturation (率)
高级储量百分比percentage of higher-category reserves