
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
中型火箭陆舰landing ship, medium, rocket (美国海军代号)
先占first-come, first-served (国际电联为地球静止轨道卫星登记注册程序所采用的原则)
先进月运输系统advanced lunar transportation system
国际频率记委员会International Frequency Registration Board
坦克陆作战armor and amphibious operation
坦克陆舰tank landing ship
宇宙飞船和月舱对接连接器spacecraft-lunar excursion module adapter
对接和月舱弹射transposition, docking and LM ejection
强击陆艇assault craft
德赖飞行研究中心Dryden Flight Research Center (美国国家航空航天局)
柏林-勃兰堡国际航空航天展览会Berlin-Brandenburg International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA)
气垫陆艇assault air cushion vehicle
水星表面陆器Mercury surface element (欧洲空间局)
活动式月舱mobile lunar excursion module
Hydyne (混合液体火箭燃料商品名)
火星陆舱Mars excursion module (美国)
lunar landing
月后勤飞行器lunar logistic vehicle
月往返航行round-trip to the moon
月探测舱lunar reconnaissance module
月探测舱lunar excursion module
月模拟器lunar landing simulator
月研究设施lunar landing research facility
月系统lunar touchdown system
月航天员lunar astronaut
月航天服lunar suit
月舱lunar module
月舱lunar excursion module
月舱lunar landing module
月舱上升发动机lunar module ascent engine
月舱下降发动机lunar module descent engines
月舱下降发动机lunar module descent engine
月舱下降发动机lunar excursion module descent engine
月舱光学交会系统lunar excursion module optical rendezvous system
月舱制导计算机lunar excursion module guidance computer
月舱制导设备lunar excursion module guidance equipment
月舱发动机lunar module engine
月舱数据简化系统LEM data reduction system
月舱模拟器lunar module simulator
月舱电视lunar excursion module television
月舱石墨燃料箱graphite lunar fuel cask
月舱连接器lunar module adapter
月舱驾驶员lunar module pilot
月轨道lunar landing trajectory
月轨道飞行器Lunar orbiter
月靴lunar boot (航天员在月面行走用的)
月飞行任务lunar landing mission
月飞行器lunar landing vehicle
embarkation (船)
舱臂climbing module arm
registering balloon
记总吨位gross registered tonnage
记项名字属性entry name attribute
记项簇entry cluster (软件用)
陆器lander (在月球或其他行星上软着陆的航天器)
陆指挥舰amphibious command ship
陆支援部队landing support force
陆舰队旗舰landing craft force flagship
陆防空舰flak landing ship
移动地球站大洋区域记信道mobile earth station ocean region registration channel
突击陆艇assault craft
突击坦克陆舰assault tank carrier
网络控制站记确认信道network control station registration acknowledgment channel
联合陆部队joint landing force
堡空军基地Vandenberg Air Force Base (美国极轨道航天器发射场和导弹试验场)
访问位置visiting location registration
载人manned lunar landing
载人manned lunar exploration
载人月制导manned lunar mission guidance
载人月和返回地球manned lunar landing and return
载人月探险manned lunar exploration
载人月航天器飞船lunar manned spacecraft
载人月计划manned lunar landing program
载货月舱cargo lunar excursion module
远程remote log in
滤光片Wratten filter
风险记册risk register
香平-戈数值积分Shamping-Gordon numerical integration