
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
专利registration of patents
英国专利记簿patent rolls
中外合资经营企业记管理法Regulations on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
产权registration of title
产权registration of property rights
仓库warehouse booking
记了客户的所有订单He booked all the orders from his customers
企业registration of enterprise
俄国船舶Russian Register of Shipping
列支敦士Liechtenst ein
劳埃德船舶Lloyd's Register
取消cancellation of registration
固定资产fixed assets register
国库汇款treasury remittance register
在报上广告place an advertisement in a newspaper
在杂志上插广告insert ads in a magazine
存量stock record
性质不明进口货物bill of sight
把10,000 美元入借方账上debit US$10 (000 to (against) a person's account)
把10,000 美元入借方账上debit a person's account with US$10,000 (000 to (against) a person's account)
把…进行登账take an account of
数据记项目data entry
版权copyright registration
广告亦缩为 advtgadvertising
广告为建厂招标advertise for tenders for a factory
广告出售货物advertise goods for sales
广告出租房屋advertise a house for rent
广告征求承包桥梁建筑工程advertise for contracts to construct a bridge
take the ground
船证board card
船证boarding pass
记交付书registered warrant
记债券registered bonds
记员亦缩为 Regr.registrar
记处record office
记手续formality of registration
记编号registered number
记证券registered securities
股票share register
股票register of shares
船舶国籍registry of ship
表格记项目form entry
订货与收货order and receiving register
认购债券记簿subscription register
认购债券记簿subscription book
证券记申请registration statement
该商标已记入专利局的记册The trade mark is registered on the books of the Patent Office
该广告在昨日报纸上The advertisement appeared in yesterday's newspapers
财产property register
车辆记费用vehicle registration fee
过户registration of transfer