
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
间隙焊根closed root
中间heart cut
中间包钢水停时间分布residence time distribution of steel in tundish
中间包钢水平均停时间average steel residence time in tundish
中间包钢水平均停时间average residence time of steel in tundish
耐热耐蚀镍合金Illium (alloy, 21 ~ 24Cr, 3 〜8Cu, 4 〜6Mo, 0 〜8Fe, 1~2W,0〜1.5Mn,0~1Si,余量 Ni)
伊纳姆铝合金Inalium (1.7Cd, 1.2Mg,0.5Si,余量 Al)
体积retention volume
reserved word
时间控制retention time control
时间standing time
钢水时间residence time
时间staying time
时间retention time
时间分布residence time distribution (The Residence Time Distribution (RTD) curve shows that at the outlet, a tracer pulse arrives a certain time after the start of the experiment; the signal rises quickly to a peak and then diminishes exponentially to zero. 停留时间分布曲线表明,在试验开始后的某一时刻示踪剂脉冲到达出口处时,脉冲信号首先快速达到峰值,然后按指数曲线衰减至零。)
时间分布实验RTD trial
时间分布曲线RTD curve
时间分布曲线residence time distribution curve
时间分布试验RTD experiment
时间分布试验研究experimental study on residence time distribution
时间控制retention time control
加压滞时间forge delay time
加工完工finishing allowance
气体occlusion gas
气体occluded gas
实际停时间real residence time
干残dry residue
产物bottom product
伸长remnant elongation
奥氏体residual austenite
奥氏体remaining austenite
奥氏体retained austenite
应力residual stress
延伸remnant elongation
石英residual quartzite
马氏体显微相retained martensite microphase
海德罗纳耐蚀铝镁合金Hydronalium (2~10Mg,0.2~1.5Si,0.2~ 1.0Mn,余量 Al)
涅奥纳姆铝合金Neonalium (6~ 14Cu, 0.4 〜1 Fe 及 Si 等,余量 Al)
混铁炉内生铁残状况drain-out condition
时间staying time
炉料停时间retention time
炉料停时间residence time
理论停时间theoretical residence time
存钢水池dominant pool (可倾平炉的)
渣法retained slag process (【技】转炉炼钢用于中高磷铁水吹炼的操作法。其做法是将上一炉的终点渣留一部分在炉内,加金属料后带着这部分渣子吹炼。因终点渣含 FeO 高、温度高、流动性好,对下一炉化渣及早期脱磷、脱硫有利。)
碳化腐蚀graphitic corrosion
钢法dominant pool method (可倾平炉的)
钢法操作hot heel operation (Slag foaming is usually carried out once a flat bath is achieved. However, with hot heel operations it is possible to start slag foaming much sooner. 在一般情况下,熔池一旦形成,即开始造泡沫渣。但在采用留钢法操作时,可更早开始造泡沫渣。)
示踪剂平均停时间mean residence time of tracer
科比塔姆耐热铝合金Cobitalium (Cobitalium 2: 1 ~ 5Cu, 7 ~ 15Si, 0.2 ~ 1.0Cr, 0.5 〜1.5Mg, 0.05~0.13Ti,余量Al)
维塔钴钼铬合金Vitallium (62〜 65Co, 27 〜35Cr, 5Al, 5Mo)
维塔钴钼铬合金粉Vitallium powder
落砂后保在铸件上型砂loose sand
蒸发残evaporation residue
转炉slag retention in converter
转炉渣操作slag-remaining operation for converter steelmaking
承袭误差inherited error
钢水停时间steel residence time (【技】钢包注流进人中间包到流人结晶器的路程中,钢水在中间包内所经历的时间。单位通常用 min 表示。钢水在中间包内停留的时间越长,钢水中夹杂物上浮的时间就越充分,钢水就越干净。: ① The trial revealed that baffle boards increased the steel residence time and enhanced nonmetallic inclusion floatation. 试验显示:缓冲板提高了钢水停留时间、促进了非金属夹杂物上浮。 ②Baffles, weirs, and dams have long been in use to increase steel residence time and promote inclusion flotation to the tundish slag. 为了延长钢水停留时间、促进夹杂物上浮到中间包渣中,缓冲板、双挡墙已使用了好长时间。)
钢水停时间分布steel residence time distribution
钢水停时间分布曲线steel residence time distribution curve
钢水停时间分布曲线RTD curve of liquid steel
钢水停时间分布试验steel residence time distribution test
钢水在中间包内停时间residence time of steel in tundish
钢水平均停时间average steel residence time
铸坯在结晶器内停时间residence time of strand in mould (【技】自铸坯壳在结晶器内初始形成点至该点离开结晶器下口的时间区段。一般而言它与结晶器长度成正比;与拉坯速度成反比。)
阿尔费姆铝合金Alferium (2.5Cu, 0.6Mg, 0.5Mn, 0.3Si,余量 Al)
除尘器内停时间precipitator retention time
孔堵块block outs
弯度allowance for camber
板坯连铸机位置future location for continuous slab caster
浇注跨future casting bay
浇注跨future teeming bay
砖孔block joint
钢水和熔渣molten steel and slag heel
钢水和熔渣molten heel of steel and slag
滑移带persistent slip band
高炉炉料停时间residence time in blast furnace