
Terms for subject Business containing 电 信 | all forms | in specified order only
书信电day letter telegram
书信贺电Greeting Letter Telegram
交通电信器材商品transportation and communication facilities
信用卡电话credit-card call
信用卡记账电话credit call
先进通信电子设备需要计划advanced communication electronics requirements plan
分时电信业务Time Sharing Service
同轴电缆载波通信系统coaxial-cable carrier communication system
商业电信业务commercial telecommunication service
国际电信线路international telecommunication lines
国际电信网络international telecommunication network
国际电话电报通信系统international telephone and telegraph communications system
夜间书信电报night letter telegram
排队电信存取法queued telecommunication access method
日间书信电报day letter telegram
日间信电day letter telegram
海上无线电书信sea letter telegram
电传信用证即用电报开发的信用证cable credit L/C
电传后续信follow up letter
电传通信telex communication
电信报告telegraphic report
电信稿press release
电信计费率message rate
电信邮资已付return postage guaranteed
电子数据处理中信息传输data transmission in electronic
电子数据处理中信息传递data transmission processing
电子计算机处理信息转接装置computerized message-switching device
电开信用证L/C by cable
电报传递信用证cable credit
电报信用证cable letter of credit
电讯信用卡telephone credit card
电路交换数据通信业务circuit-switched data communication service
简电开信用证letter of credit by brief cable
简电开信用证L/C by brief cable
计算机电子信号computer electronic signal
轻负荷量电话通信业务light telephone message service
通信电子特别账号communication-electronics special account code
通信电缆cable for communication
邮电通信手段communicating means of post and telecommunication
银行电信系统bank wire
长途通信电缆long-distance cable
附有电报索汇条件的信用证credit with T/T reimbursement clause
附有电报索汇条款的信用证credit with T/T reimbursement clause
附电汇条款信用证letter of credit with telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause