
Terms for subject Rail transport containing 电路 | all forms | in specified order only
下坡道防护电路protection circuit for approaching heavy down grade
专用集成电路private integrated circuit
两路供电two-power supply
两路供电double-power supply
电路库用插座main circuit socket for shed supply
电路库用转换开关main circuit transfer switch for shed supply
电路断路器main circuit breaker
电路短路保护系统试验test on short circuit protection system of main circuit
电路过载保护系统试验test on overload protection system of main circuit
交叉供电回路diagonal feed circuit
交流连续式轨道电路AC continuous track circuit
电路切断place out of service
低压电路low voltage circuit
低压电路low tension circuit
供电电路power supply circuit
偏压电路电子管bias circuit
偏流电路晶体管bias circuit
列车供电电路power supply circuit for train
列车闭路电视cable TV on train
区间轨道电路分割点停车位置标志牌stop marker for section track circuit separation point
半自动闭塞联系电路liaison circuit with semi-automatic blocks
单回路供电single circuit power supply
单规条轨道电路one-rail track circuit
单轨条轨道电路single rail track circuit
原理电路basic circuit
双向电路circuit worked alternately
双回路供电double circuit power supply
双回路供电double-circuit power supply
双工电报电路duplex connection
双线电气化铁路double-track electrified railway
双轨条轨道电路double rail track circuit
发光模拟电路mimic buses
回流电路return circuit
大地回流路径的电阻resistance of earth return path
大电流回路切断high current circuit breaking
报警电路alarm circuits
持续短路电流sustained short-circuit current
指令电路command circuit
捡零电路Zero direction circuit
接触电路touch circuit
控制电路库用插座control circuit socket for shed supply
断路感应电流break induced current
断路电弧open-circuit arc
旁路馈电线bypass feeder line
最小电流自动断路器minimum cut-out
最小短路电流minimum short-circuit current
模拟电路analogue circuit
永久虚电路permanent virtual circuit
漏电断路器electric-leakage circuit interrupter
热等效短路电流short-circuit thermally equivalent
牵引电路traction circuit
牵引供电电力线路traction power supply line
牵引回流电路traction current return circuit
牵引回流电路traction return current circuit
环路电缆cable in a loop
电工电路electrical engineering circuit
电感电路inductive coil
电感耦合导线回路inductively coupled conductor loops
电气化铁路干扰electrified railway interference
电气化铁路改造electrified railway remodelling
电气路签闭塞electric staff system
电空制动电路E-P brake circuit
电空制动电路electro-pneumatic brake circuit
电缆网路分布区mesh of cable network
电缆路径cable route
传输电路telecommunication circuit
电路切断时的电压冲击break shock
电路原理circuit principle
电路参数测量circuit parameter measurement
相敏轨道电路phase sensitive track circuit
相敏轨道电路phase modulated track circuit
短路峰值电流short-circuit impulse current
短路电流持续时间short-circuit duration
短路电流曲线short circuit current curve
移频轨道电路frequency shift track circuit
站内轨道电路station track circuit
站内道口联系电路liaison circuit with highway crossings within the station
继电并联网路parallel relay network
缓解电路release circuit
网侧电路circuit on side of overhead contact line
脉冲式轨道电路pulse track circuit
自整流电路self-rectified circuit
起始短路电流initial short-circuit current
跳闸电路tripping circuit
车站接发车进路电码化coding on station receiving-departure route
轨道电路信息接收单元track circuit receiver
轨道电路信息接收单元Track Circuit Receiving module
轨道电路电码化coding of continuous track circuit
轨道电路电码化coding of track circuits
轨道解锁电路track release circuit
辅助电路库用插座auxiliary circuit socket for shed supply
辅助电路库用转换开关auxiliary circuit transfer switch for shed supply
辅助电路电压表auxiliary circuit voltmeter
过电压保护电路over-voltage protection circuit
进路电路route selecting circuit
进路继电式电气集中联锁route type all relay interlocking
铁路会议电视系统railway video conference system
铁路会议电话系统railway voice conference system
铁路供配电系统railway power distribution system
铁路公安电话railway public security purpose telephone
铁路用电负荷railway electric load
铁路电报railway telegram network
铁路电报railway telegraph
铁路电话交换网railway telephone switching network
铁路配电所distribution substation
闭路式轨道电路closed type track circuit
闭路式轨道电路closed track circuit
闭路电视dosed circuit television
阀式轨道电路valve type track circuit
防空转防滑行保护电路anti-slip/slide protection circuit
音频轨道电路audio-frequency track circuit
音频通信电路audio communication circuit
音频通讯电路audio communication circuit
额定短路关合电流rated short circuit making current
馈电电路power supply circuit
高压电路high voltage circuit
高速铁路供配电系统high-speed railway power distribution system