
Terms for subject Technology containing 电视 | all forms | in specified order only
电视天线master television antenna
主天线电视系统master antenna television system
电视摄影机borehole television camera
井下电视logging television
井下电视段长度length of TV under well
井下电视TV method under well
井中电视borehole televiewer
会议电视conference TV
伴音分路电视接收机split sound receiver
便携电视mobile television
便携式电视发射机portable television transmitter
便携式电视摄像机mobile camera
便携式电视装置mobile television unit
便携式电视装置man-pack television unit
保密电视会议接口设备secure video conferencing interface equipment
像束电视video beam television
电视向速度photoelectrical radial velocity
电视向速度photoelectric radial velocity
电视向速度仪radial velocity scanner
电视向速度仪photoelectrical radial velocity spectrometer
电视向速度仪photoelectric radial velocity spectrometer
光电摄像管式电视片摄像机iconoscope film camera
光盘电视系统optical video disk system
光盘电视系统optic video disk system
全息电视holographical television
全息照相电视hologram television
全息照像电视hologram television
全扫描电视摄像机full-scan television camera
全色电视摄像机panchromatic television camera
公用电视public television
公用电视天线community antenna television
公用天线电视主线放大器community antenna television main-line amplifier
公用天线电视线路扩展器community antenna television line extender
共用电视天线communal television aerial
CATV共用天线电视common antenna television
共用天线电视master antenna television
CATV共用天线电视community antenna television
共用天线电视central aerial television
共用天线电视系统master antenna television system
共用天线电视系统common antenna television system
分片电视zone television
办公室闭路电视office enclosed circuit TV
升降时可透视景物的电梯open-view lift
半帧式电视录像field television video recording
单色电视monochromatic television
卫星电视satellite television
卫星电视分配业务satellite television distribution service
卫星教育和新闻电视satellite educational and informational television
压电监视器piezoelectrical monitor
压电监视器piezoelectric monitor
双光栅电视系统dual raster television system
双向电视two-way television
双向电视中继系统two-way television relay
双向电视通道reversible TV channel
双向发射电视信道reversible television channel
可视电话television telephone
可视电话机television telephone set
同步扫描激光电视系统synchronously scanned laser television system
商业电视commercial television
喷射混凝土电视concrete-spraying television tower
国际电视中心International Television centre
国际电视广播international television broadcasting
国际工业电视协会International Industrial Television Association
电视录像field television video recording
场序制电视摄像机field-sequential camera
场序制彩色电视摄像机field-sequential camera
城市间电视传输系统intercity television system
声波电视测井borehole acoustical televiewing (曲线)
声波电视测井borehole acoustic televiewing (曲线)
声波电视测井仪borehole acoustical televiewing logger
声波电视测井仪borehole acoustic televiewing logger
声波电视测井成果图sonic borehole televiewer plot
多信道电视multichannel television
多功能电视multifunction TV set
多引线电视耦合器multioutlet television coupler
多频道电视multichannel television
多频道电视天线multiband television antenna
电视接收机big-screen receiver
大地视电阻率terrestrial apparent resistivity
大屏幕电视screen size television
大屏幕电视接收机large-screen television projector
孔压电视录像机downhole television camera
实时电视real-time television
实时电子监视real-time electronic surveillance
家用投影电视接收机home projector receiver
宽带晶体电视接收机crystal video receiver
宽带晶体电视接收机wide range crystal video receiver
宽频带有线电视wideband cable television
工业电视摄像头industrial television camera
工业电视摄像机industrial TV camera
工业电视摄像机industrial television camera
工业电视industrial television set
工业电视电缆video cable
工业电视监控系统industrial television monitoring system
工业电视监视industrial television monitoring
广播电视杂志broadcast teletext
电视信号区class A signal area
彩色电视传输colour transmission
彩色电视播放室colour television studio
彩色电视播放室color television studio
彩色电视color TV set
彩色电视colour television set
彩色电视colour TV set
彩色电视color television set
彩色电视机生产线colour TV production line
彩色电视机生产线color TV production line
彩色电视电话机colour-TV-telephone set
彩色电视电话机color-TV-telephone set
彩色电视系统colour television system
彩色电视系统color television system
彩色电视网系统colour net system
彩色电视网系统color net system
彩色工业电视摄像机colour industrial TV camera
彩色工业电视摄像机color industrial TV camera
微型电视miniature television
微型电视摄像机miniature TV camera
手持式彩色电视摄像系统hand-held colour TV camera system
手持式彩色电视摄像系统hand-held color TV camera system
手提电视摄像机hand-held TV camera
投景式电视接收器projection receiver
收费电视fee television
数字电视检测器digital television monitor
数字电视转换器digital television converter
数控电视digital television
施密特投影电视Schmidt television projector
无线电与电视导航工具radio and television aid to navigation
无线电与电视工程radio and television engineering
无线电信标监视站radio beacon monitor station
无线电指向标监视站radio beacon monitor station
无线电波透视法radio wave penetration method
无线电波透视法视吸收系数等值线图contour map of apparent absorption of radio wave penetration method
显微镜电视microscopic television
有线电视wired TV
有线电视wire television
有线电视closed circuit television
有线电视接收机wired television receiver
有线电视放大器wired TV amplifier
有线电视文字传输系统wired teletext system
有线电视cable box
有线电视系统cable television system
有线传输的电视系统wired television system
机载电视系统air-borne television system
标准电视信号standard television signal
模拟训练电视系统television system for simulation training
横向视电阻率曲线transverse apparent resistivity curve
次级电子导电视像管secondary electron conduction target vidicon
民用电视home television
气象电视系统weather television system
水下电视undersea television
水下电视摄像机underwater television camera
水下电视观测under water television observation
水下激光电视underwater laser television
水下立体电视underwater stereoscopic television
水下船身电视摄像机underwater hull TV camera
汽车电视接收机mobile TV receiver
沿岸雷达电视shore radar television
测视图电子束test pattern beam
海岸雷达电视shore radar television
海岸雷达电视coastal radar television
深水电视录像装置deep telerecording unit
潜望电视periscopic television
激光电视laser television
激光电视摄像机laser television camera
现场电视监测生产法television-monitored production
甚高频电视中频部分very high frequency television IF strip
甚高频电视接收机very high frequency television receiver
甚高频电视接收设备very high frequency television receiving equipment
甚高频电视调谐机构very high frequency tuning mechanism
甚高频电视频道选择器very high frequency TV tuner
甚高频固态电视very high frequency solid-state TV
甚高频固态电视频道选择器very high frequency solid-state TV tuner
用户状态监视电路subscriber supervisory circuit
电子电视electronic television
电子感生导电视像管electron-induced conductivity vidicon
电子扫描式电视electronic scanning television
电子管视频放大器vacuum-tube video amplifier
电子视觉记录仪vision electronic recording apparatus
电子视距仪electronic tache ometer
电子视距仪electronic tach ometer
电子视频记录装置electronic video recorder
电脑电视personal computer television
电视television operating center
电视交通管制系统TV traffic control system
电视传感器TV sensor
电视传播机television transposer
电视传真television facsimile
电视传输网TV transmission network
电视出线口television outlet
电视剧院TV theater
电视功率放大器television power amplifier
电视反射功率计television reflect meter
电视反射透镜television reflector lens
电视发射圆television torch
电视发射塔television torch
电视发射天线aerial for television transmitter
电视 图像发射机visual transmitter
电视发射机TV transmitter
电视发射机video transmitter
电视发射机picture transmitter
电视和红外辐射观测卫星television and infrared observing satellite
电视器材television equipment
电视地图television map
电视场强仪TV field strength meter
电视TV torch
电视塔顶灯top light
电视墙控制器TV wall controller
电视大楼TV building
电视大楼television building
电视天线television aerial
电视实况摄像remote pickup
电视实况转播remote pick-up reply
电视TV room
电视广播television room
电视室内摄制live pick-up
电视导星器television guider
电视viewing screen
电视television screen
电视屏幕video screen
电视屏幕video display terminal
电视屏遮光罩magic veil
电视工程television engineering
电视工程师video engineer
电视差转台television satellite studio
电视广播visual broadcast
电视广播sound-sight broadcast
电视广播broadcast by television
电视广播卫星television broadcast satellite
电视广播台TV broadcast station
电视广播台television broadcasting station
电视广播室television studio
电视广播室television broadcasting room
电视广播频带television broadcast band
电视录像TV recording
电视接口television interface
电视接收机vision receiver
电视接收机TV set
电视接收机picture receiver
电视接收机箱television cabinet
电视接收管video tube
电视控制television control
电视控制中心television control center
电视摄像video camera (机)
电视摄像机TV camera
电视摄像管电子束孔quantizing aperture
电视播放室TV studio
电视放大器television amplifier
电视放映机television projector
电视文字广播broadcast teletext
电视有效区television coverage
电视TV set
电视机柜cabinet for television set
电视机高频头测试仪high-frequency head tester for TV
电视检查监控系统TV cheque monitoring system
电视television method
电视测试示波器television testing oscilloscope
电视测距系统television ranging system
电视演播室TV studio
电视演播室television studio
电视演播室布景abstract set
电视电传打字机television typewriter
电视电子显微镜television electronic microscope
电视电缆visible cable
电视电话television telephone
电视电话TV telephone
电视电话visual telephone
电视电话机television telephone set
电视电话系统video telephone system
电视监控television surveillance
电视监视系统television monitoring system
电视管理television control
电视管理中心television control center
电视罗经television compass
电视胶片录像机recording camera
电视节目演播次序表cue sheet
电视装置television equipment
电视计算电路television counter
电视设备TV plant
电视设备television plant
电视设备在视频带内的特性video characteristic
电视调制器TV modulator
电视调制器television modulator
电视跟踪TV tracking
电视跟踪系统TV tracker system
电视跟踪系统television tracking system
电视television car
电视shooting brake
电视mobile-unit truck
电视转播车mobile television unit
电视辐射发送radiated television
电视雷达导航television radar navigation
电视雷达导航系统television radar air navigation
电视雷达导航系统television and radar navigational system
电视雷达导航系统television and radar navigation system
电视雷达显示TV radar display
电视雷达航空导航仪television radar air navigation
电视非线性失真测试仪television non-linear distortion tester
电视高压测试器television high voltage tester
监测电视monitoring television
监视和信息标准电气设备electrical standard equipment for monitoring and information
监视和信息标准电气设备electric standard equipment for monitoring and information
监视电路supervisory circuit
监视电路monitoring circuit
监视继电器monitoring relay
科教电视educational television
立体电视stereoscopic television
立体电视relief television
立体电视接收机stereotelevision receiver
立体电视系统stereo-television system
立体声电视stereophonic television
紫外线电视显微镜ultraviolet television microscope
红外线慢扫描电视摄像机infrared slow-scan TV camera
红外线电视infrared television
红外线电视摄像管infrared television camera tube
纵向视电阻率曲线longitudinal apparent resistivity curve
编码电视电话coding videotelephone
网际电视web TV
耐压电视pressure-proof television camera
背负式电视摄像机backpack camera
脉冲电视热成像pulse video thermography
艾多福电视投影方式Eidophor system
视听无线电指向标visual-aural radio range
视地层水电阻率apparent resistivity of formation water
视泥浆滤液电阻率apparent resistivity of mud filtrate
视激电率apparent polarization
视电荷apparent charge
视电阻率apparent specific resistivity
视电阻率apparent specific resistance
视电阻率图figure of apparent resistivity
视电阻率拟合comparison in the apparent resistivity
视电阻率曲线的横向比例尺horizontal scale of apparent resistivity
视电阻率测井曲线apparent resistivity log curve
视电阻率测量精度survey precision of apparent resistivity
视距外无线电通信radio communication beyond the horizon
视频电话visual telephone
超声波电视摄像管ultrasonic television camera tube
超小型电视摄像机ultra-portable camera
跟踪电视tracking television
车站闭路电视设备close circuit TV equipment for station
轨道电视系统orbit television system
近距离电视中继装置short-range pick-up television relay equipment
远距离电视摄像remote pickup
远距离电视摄像中继remote pick-up reply
钻孔电视borehole television
钻孔电视borehole televiewer
钻孔电视摄像机borehole television camera
闭路电视wired television
闭路电视共用天线系统closed circuit television common antenna system
闭路电视接收机closed circuit television set
闭路电视控制系统closed circuit television control system
闭路电视摄像机closed circuit television camera
闭路式电视摄像机closed circuit TV camera
闭路式电视闭路电视closed circuit television
雷达电视radar television
雷达电视导航television and radar navigation
雷达电视导航radar and television navigation
雷达及电视导航系统radar and television aid to navigation system
雷达和电视导航设备radar and television aid to navigation
驾驶电微光夜视仪driver's low light level viewer
高分辨率电视摄像机high resolution television camera
高清晰度电视功能样机functional prototype of high definition television
黑白电视monochromatic television
黑白电视monochromic television
黑白电视接收机monochrome receiver
黒白电视monochromatic television