
Terms for subject Electronics containing 电报线 | all forms | in specified order only
专线电传打字电报机private line teletypewriter
专线电传打字电报机业务private line teletype writer service
北大西洋无线电报警业务North Atlantic radio warning service
国际无线电报务人员联合会International Federation of Radiotelegraphists
国际租用电报线路转接业务international leased telegraph line switching service
官方无线电报wireless official message
我方无线电报our radiogram
无线用户电报telex over radio
无线电传播条件预报forecast of radio propagation conditions
无线电导航警报radio navigational warning
无线电情报radio intelligence
无线电情报[侦察]部门radio intelligence division
无线电截听报务员radio intercept operator
无线电报wireless telegraph
无线电报telegraph on radio
无线电报信标wireless telegraph beacon
无线电报局wireless telegraph board
无线电报报文wireless telegraph message
无线电报测向仪wireless telegraphy direction finder
无线电报通信wireless telegraph communication
欧洲航空无线电报专家会议European Conference of Radiotelegraphy Experts for Aeronautics
热带无线电报公司Tropical Radio Telegraph Corp.
电传打字电报专线teletypewriter private line
电传打字电报机通信线路适配器communications line adapter for teletype
电报自动无线发送设备telegraph automatic radio equipment
陆海空三军联合无线电话电报通信系统joint army-navy-air force radiotelephone and telegraph system
马可尼无线电报有限公司英国Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.