
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 电导 | all forms | in specified order only
上插导电棒vertical contact
不导电材料non-conducting material
不导电材料electrically non-conductive material
不导电液dielectric fluid
不导电炉底电炉non-conducting hearth furnace
不导电炉底电炉non-conducting bottom furnace
不导电炉缸电炉non-conducting hearth furnace
介质电导dielectric conductance
传导电子conductivity electron
传导电子conducting electron
低压导电母线系统low-voltage-bus system
电导photoelectric conductivity
电导photoconductive cell
电导衰减photoconductivity decay
克分子导电率molar electrical conductivity
内禀光电导效应intrinsic photoconductive effect
分子导电率molecular conductivity
半导体热电堆semiconductor thermopile
单极导电性unipolar conductivity
反常晶格电导anomalous lattice conductivity
固有本征导电性intrinsic conductivity
固有本征电导intrinsic conduction
固有半导电性intrinsic semiconduction
增量电感磁导率incremental inductance permeability
导带电子能量conduction band electron energy
导电介质conducting medium
导电体current conductor
导电元件conducting element
导电元素conducting element
导电嘴electrode nozzle
导电嘴current contact nozzle
导电塑料conductive plastics
导电墙conductive wall
导电夹片current contact jaw
导电夹片current carrying jaw
导电夹片contact jaw
炉底导电式电弧conductive furnace
导电性指示器conductivity indicator
导电接头current connection tab
导电材料electrically conducting material
导电板current-conducting plate
导电板current-carrying plate
导电棒contact spike
导电棒contact stub
铝电解槽导电棒contact spike
导电棒current-conducting rod
导电棒contact rod
导电水conductivity water
导电流体electrically conducting fluid
导电涂层current-conducting coating
导电溶液conducting solution
导电炉conductive furnace
【钢】 导电炉底conducting bottom
导电炉底conducting hearth
【钢】 导电炉底conductive bottom
导电炉底conducting bottom
导电炉底式电炉conducting-hearth furnace
导电炉底电弧熔炼炉conductive bottom arc smelting furnace
导电炉底衬conductive bottom lining
导电熔剂conducting flux
导电物质electrically conducting material
导电物质conducting material
导电率electric conductivity
导电率electrical conductivity
导电率electrical conduction
导电率测量装置conductivity measuring device
导电玻璃conductive glass
导电电子conduction electron
导电电极current-carrying electrode
导电电极臂current-conducting electrode arm (The steel in the ladle is heated with the aid of three graphite electrodes which are in slag layer and supported by current conducting arms. 钢包钢水使用三根石墨电极加热,电极埋人渣层,由导流电极臂支撑。)
导电盐conducting salt
导电系数conductivity factor
导电线用青铜conductivity bronze (99.2~98.2Cu, 0.8~1.0Cd 或 0.5~ 1.8Sn)
导电能力conducting power
导电膜conductive film
导电轨conductor rail
导电辊conductor roll
导电部件current-carrying part
导电部件current carrying parts
导电钢板steel current conducting plate
导电铜合金electrical conductivity alloy (98.2~99.2Cu, 0.5~ 1.8Sn, 0.8 〜 1.0Cd)
导电铜管焊枪内电极线通过该铜管contact tube
导电铝线electrical aluminium wire
导电难熔材料conducting refractory material
导电零件live part
导电零件current carrying parts
电导线live conductor
当量电导equivalent conductivity
当量电导equivalent conductance
无线电用高磁导率合金radiometal (50Ni, 50Fe)
晶格电导lattice conductivity
有效电路磁导率effective circuit permeability
杂质带电导impurity band conduction
格伦瓦尔炉底导电直接电弧炉Gronwall furnace
槽形导电板cup bus bar
气体导电率gaseous conduction
水力导向焊条顺序夹持多点电焊机hydromatic welder
流态化导电粒子加热炉fluided particle furnace (高速钢淬火用)
电导leakage conductance
炉底不导电式直接加热电弧炉direct-arc nonconducting hearth furnace
炉底不导电式直接电弧炉direct-arc nonconducting hearth furnace
炉底导电炉conductive bottom furnace
炉底导电炉conducting-hearth furnace
炉底导电炉conducting bottom furnace
炉底导电电炉conducting-hearth furnace
炉底导电的炉子conducting-hearth furnace
炉底导电直接加热电弧炉direct-arc conducting hearth furnace
点阵电导lattice conductivity
烛状导电棒candle lead
电子电导n-type conductivity
电子电导electronic conductivity
电子电导系数electronic conductivity
电子半导体electronic semi-conductor
电子型超导体n-type superconductor
电子型超导电性n-type superconductivity
电子导electron conductor
电子导电性electron conductivity
电导electrical conduction
电导electric conductivity meter
电导定量分析conductometric analysis
电导定量分析法conductometric method
电导探示器conductivity probe
电导波动conductivity fluctuation
电导滴定conductometric titration
电导滴定计conductometric titrimeter
电导specific conductivity
电导率平均温度系数mean temperature coefficient of conductivity
电导系数specific conductivity
电导试验conductivity test
电弧焊导线arc-welding cable
电感磁导率inductance permeability
电解导体electrolytic conductor
电解质导体ionic conductor
直流传导式电磁搅拌器direct current conduction type electromagnetic stirrer
直流传导式电磁搅拌器DC conduction type electromagnetic stirrer
直流电弧炉导电炉底conductive bottom of DC EAF
离子导电率ionic conductivity
空穴电导p-type conductivity
空穴电导hole conductivity
结晶器电导mold electrical conductivity
表面电导surface conductivity
表面导电性surface conductivity
表面引出导线的配电盘live-front switchboard
电导磁铁superconducting magnet
超导电合金electrically superconducting alloy
超导电性硬合金hard superconducting alloy
金属电导metallic conductivity
金属-氧化物半导体电容器MOS capacitor
钢导电棒steel contact
钢导电棒steel collector
钼电极导电头molybdenum electrode tip
铜导电母板copper bus bar
阳极电导anode conductance
阳离子导电率cationic conductance
阴极导电棒cathode collector bar
阴离子导电率anionic conductance
阿卢弗莱克斯导电合金Aluflex (0.75Mg,余量 Al)
马里纳熔渣导电半连续硅热还原炼镁法Magnetherm process
电导率结晶器high electrical conductivity mold
高导电性无氧铜oxygen-free high-conductivity copper
高导电性无氧铜OFHC copper
高导电性金属high conductivity metal
高导电性铜high conductivity copper
高导电率材料material of high electric conductivity
高导电率锡镉青铜phonoelectric bronze (98 〜99Cu, 0.8 ~ 1.0Cd, 0.5 〜 1.8Sn)
CM 高强度导电铜CM copper (0.3 ~ 1Cd, < 2Cr, 0.03-0.06Ag, < 0.15Zn, 余量 Cu)