
Terms for subject Electronics containing 电厂 | all forms | in specified order only
三回路核电厂triple circuit nuclear power station
三环路核电厂three loop nuclear power plant
两用核电厂dual-purpose nuclear power plant
亚临界压力电厂subcritical plant (SC plant)
电厂厂用电设备common auxiliaries
全厂停电major plant blackout
全厂断电total loss of power
全厂断电station blackout
全厂断电事故station blackout accident
公用电厂utility power plant
公用电厂的发电量utility generation
公用事业发电厂utility power plant
具有多个发电厂的环形系统ring system of stations
凝汽电厂condensing power plant
凝汽电厂condensation power plant
凝汽式电厂condensing power plant
凝汽式发电厂condensing power station
凝汽式核电厂condensing nuclear power plant
分散布置核电厂dispersed plant
化石燃料电厂fossil-fuelled power plant
化石燃料电厂fossil-fired power plant
半露天发电厂half-open-air power station
单个电厂设备评价individual plant evaluation
单回路核电厂single-circuit nuclear power station
单堆核电厂single-unit nuclear power plant
厂区配电盘general site switchboard
厂外电源external power (supply)
厂外辅助电源off-site auxiliary power source
厂用交流发电机auxiliary alternator
厂用发电机house service generator
厂用发电机开关盘station service generator cubicle
厂用发电机组station service unit
厂用变电站house substation
厂用成套配电装置station-type cubicle switchgear
厂用汽轮发电机house turbo-generator
厂用电auxiliary power
厂用电auxiliary power supply
厂用电auxiliary energy
厂用电plant use
厂用电中的主要机械essential auxiliaries
厂用电中的非主要机械non-essential auxiliaries
厂用电动机auxiliary motor
厂用电动机母线切换auxiliary motor-bus transfer
厂用电半母线auxiliary power busbar half
厂用电发电机house generator
厂用电备用电源emergency auxiliary power
厂用电容量station service power
厂用电接线auxiliary power wiring
厂用电控制盘auxiliary switchboard
厂用电消耗station power consumption
厂用电源auxiliary power source
厂用电源on-site power
厂用电率auxiliary power rate
厂用电率station service power rate
厂用电电压station auxiliaries voltage
厂用电量auxiliary power requirement
厂用电量station service power
厂用电量power-plant consumption
厂用辅助配电装置auxiliary switchyard
厂用配电盘plant switchboard
压水堆核电厂pressurized water nuclear power plant
燃气轮机压缩空气蓄能发电厂compressed air power station
原子能发电厂nuclear generating station
原子能发电厂nuclear energy station
原电子设备制造厂家electronic original equipment manufactory
参考核电厂reference nuclear power plant
双堆核电厂twin reactor station
电厂generating station
电厂主厂房power house
电厂主机室powerhouse hall
电厂厂用电动机power plant motor for house service
电厂建筑power-house building
电厂房基础power house foundation
电厂最大容量maximum capacity of a power station
电厂机组generating station unit
电厂空冷技术power plant air cooling technology
电力系统中的电厂组成make-up of generating plants
电厂自用辅助设备传动power-house auxiliary drive
电厂负荷station load
发电与海水淡化两用核热电厂nuclear dual-purpose power desalination plant
发电站厂址power station site
合营电厂jointly owned power plant
合资发电厂jointly-owned power station
同样的电厂replicate plant
国有发电厂state-owned power station
地下厂房水电站underground hydroelectric power station
地下发电厂underground power station
地下核电厂underground nuclear power plant
地区供热核电厂district heating atomic power plant
地面厂房水电站aboveground hydropower station
坑口电厂mine-mouth power plant
坑口火电厂pithead power plant
坝内式水电站厂房power-house within the dam
基本负荷核电厂base-load nuclear power plant
多反应堆核电厂multireactor nuclear power plant
多燃料电厂polyfuel station
多种燃料发电厂polyfuel station
电厂技术协会Technischen Vereinigung der Grosskraftwerksbetreiber
大功率发电厂superpower station
大型发电厂superpower station
失去厂外电源loss of external power supply
孤立运行发电厂isolated station
实验性核电厂experimental nuclear power plant
小型核电厂small nuclear power plant
尖峰负荷电厂peaking plant
尖峰负荷发电厂peak load power plant
尖峰负荷火力发电厂peak load thermal power plant
尖锋负荷电厂peak-load plant
峰值负荷发电厂peak-load station
工厂内发电机in-shop generator
带基本负荷电厂base-load power plant
带基本负荷的火电厂base load thermal power plant
带尖峰负荷电厂peak load power plant (station)
带峰荷发电厂peak-load station
常规电厂conventional power plant
常规发电厂common plant
常规火电厂conventional thermal power station
开启式发电厂open type powerhouse
快中子增殖堆电厂fast breeder plant
快中子增殖堆核电厂fast breeder nuclear power plant
快中子增殖堆核电厂fast breeder nuclear power plant
快装式核电厂package nuclear power plant
总承包电厂turnkey plant
新建电厂newly-built power plant
有人值班发电厂attended station
柴油机发电厂diesel power plant
柴油机发电厂diesel generating plant
标准化的电厂replicate plant
动力和燃气轮机联合发电厂combined nuclear and gas turbine power plant
电厂nuclear plant
电厂atomic energy plant
电厂atomic power station
电厂atomic power plant
电厂nuclear power plant
电厂nuclear generating station
电厂nuclear energy station
电厂nuclear electric plant
电厂事件报告Nuclear Plant Event Report
电厂保安系统nuclear plant security
电厂单元机组nuclear power plant unit
电厂厂用电nuclear auxiliary power
电厂可靠性数据系统nuclear plant reliability data system
电厂址外临近区域的防护措施off-site protective measures
电厂寿命保证nuclear plant life assurance
电厂寿命延长nuclear plant life extension
电厂批准寿命延长plant licensing life extension
电厂放射性总量plant radioactivity inventory
电厂的专用排风系统special ventilation system of nuclear power stations
电厂监测纲要plant inspection program
电厂老化研究nuclear plant aging research
电厂载钠设备部件sodium carrying plant component
电厂配套设施balance of plant
核动力市区热电厂nuclear powered urban district heating station
核发电与供热厂nuclear cogeneration power plant
核热电厂dual-purpose nuclear power plant
核能热电厂nuclear cogeneration power plant
电厂半地下式厂房semi-underground power-house
电厂装机容量hydropower-plant capacity
水上发电厂floating power station
水电站厂房power house
水电站厂房上部结构power-house superstructure
水电站厂房下部结构power-house substructure
水电站地下厂房underground power house
沿海核电厂coastal nuclear power plant
浮动核电厂floating nuclear power plant
海滨核电厂coastal nuclear power plant
港口电厂port power plant
滨海核电厂offshore nuclear power plant
潮汐发电厂tidal power installation
电厂thermal power station
火力发电厂fossil fuel power station
火力发电厂steam station
火力发电厂fossil-fuelled power plant
火力发电厂fossil-fired power plant
灯泡式发电机水电厂bulb generator hydro-power plant
电厂combined heat and power plant (CHP plant)
电厂heat-and-power station
电厂combined heat and power generating plant
电厂steam supply and power generating plant
电厂cogeneration station
热电联产电厂combined heat and power generating plant
热电联产核电厂nuclear heat and power plant
煤气化联合循环电厂integral gasified combined-cycle power plant
燃料电池发电厂fuel cell power plant
燃气电厂gas power station
燃气燃油发电厂gas-and-oil-burning power plant
燃气蒸汽联合循环电厂steam and gas turbine combined-cycle power plant
燃油电厂oil-fired power station
燃泥煤电厂peat-burning power station
燃煤火电厂coal-fired power station
燃用双燃料电厂dual-fuel power station
燃用双燃料电厂dual-firing power station
独立运行发电厂separate power station
独立运行发电厂isolated station
电厂选址power plant siting
电厂主要设备power plant fundamental equipment
电厂仿真装置plant simulator
电厂保卫plant security
电厂停运shutdown of power plant
电厂净效率net power-plant efficiency
电厂利用率utilization factor for power plant
电厂容量利用率plant factor
电厂利用系数utilization factor for power plant
电厂动力效率power efficiency of power plant
电厂厂用电功率generating station auxiliary power
电厂厂用电动机plant motor for house service
电厂厂用电设备power station auxiliaries
电厂可用率plant availability
电厂培训仿真机plant simulator
电厂容量plant size
电厂寿命延长plant life extension
电厂工作容量working capacity of power station
电厂并入电网connection to the grid
电厂总承包turnkey plant
电厂成本plant cost
电厂排水系统plant drainage system
电厂接入电力系统容量power system connected capacity
电厂放射性监测plant radiation monitoring
电厂检查计划plant inspection program
电厂热耗率station heat rate
电厂热耗率plant heat rate
电厂用水量plant consumption of water
电厂的机动性可控性plant flexibility
电厂禹功率效率power efficiency of power plant
电厂筹建处power plant preparatory office
电厂管理power station operation
电厂耗水量plant consumption of water
电厂装置利用系数plant utilization factor
电厂规模plant size
电厂设计plant design
电厂负荷plant load
电厂负载系数plant load factor
电厂费用plant cost
电厂运行power station operation
电厂运行可靠性plant operating reliability
电厂运行质量保证程序plant operational quality assurance procedure
电厂运行限制plant operation limitations
电厂重要设备损坏failure of vital plant components
矿口火电厂pithead power plant
矿物燃料发电厂fossil fuel power station
磁流体动力发电厂magnetohydrodynamic power station
私营电厂investor-owned power station
移动式柴油机发电厂mobile diesel power station
空气蓄能电厂air storage energy plant
竖井式发电厂shaft-type powerhouse
精煤发电厂fuel intensive coal plant
综合电厂安全评价报告integrated plant safety-assessment report
翻版电厂replicate plant
联合循环发电厂combined cycle electric generating plant
自办电厂investor-owned power station
自动化发电厂automatical station
自动化发电厂automatic generating plant
自动化发电厂automatic station
自动发电控制发电厂station under automatic generating control (AGC)
自动调频发电厂station under automatic generating control (AGC)
自备电厂customers plant
蒸汽再热发电厂reheat steam power plant
调峰电厂peak-load plant
调频电厂load-frequency-control plant
负荷调度控制电厂load dispatch control plant
超临界蒸汽参数电厂supercritical plant
超超临界参数电厂ultra supercritical plant (USC plant)
路口电厂railway-side power plant
通用发电厂common plant
闭式循环燃气轮机电厂closed gas turbine power stations
陆上核电厂land-based nuclear power plant
集中设置数座核电厂的地区nuclear power park
露天发电厂open-air station
露天发电厂open-air power station
非公用事业电厂non-utility power producer
高效率发电厂high-merit power station