
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不可以自加入的海运同盟closed conference
不完全自竞争imperfect competition
不经谈判一方事前制定的合同adhesion contract
不能自兑换的外币inconvertibility of currency
不能自兑换的货币inconvertible currency
不能自兑换的货币inconvertibility of currency
不说明理的仲裁裁决arbitral award for which no reason are given
不说明理的仲裁裁决arbitral award for which no reasons are given
世界自贸易free world trade
中美洲自贸易联合会Central American Free Trade Association
主张自贸易maintenance of free trade
送货人保管的货delivery into custody of the carrier
交通自freedom of communication
以 "公共秩序"为理on a ground of public policy
以公共秩序为理的抗辩plea of public policy
以货物不符为理rely on a lack of conformity
企业自freedom of enterprise
使兑换率自波动free the exchange rates
保险买方负责insurance to be effected by the buyers
公司于知情而应负的责任corporate privity
公海自freedom of the high sea
公海自freedom of the high seas
准许自过境accord free transit
出口包装费买方负担export packing for buyer's account
加勒比海自贸易联盟Caribbean Free Trade Association
加勒比自贸易协会Caribbean Free Trade Association
北大西洋自贸易区North Atlantic Free Trade
受湿货主负责owner's risk of wetting
古典自主义classical liberalism
卖方决定多装少装百分之十ten percent more or less, seller's option
法院审理的争端justiciable dispute
可以自处理的准备free reserve
可以自处理的资产即未出质或抵押的资产free assets
可自支配的开支discretionary spending
合同自原则freedom of contract
商业自commercial free ports
基于同样的理pari ratione
外汇自exchange freedom
外汇自兑换exchange freedom
外汇自liberalization of exchange
外汇自市场foreign exchange free market
大西洋自贸易区Atlantic Free Trade Area
完全自竞争perfect competition
宣告无效的补充理supplementary ground for avoidance
对仲裁裁决注明理give reasons for an award
对某一仲裁员提出异议的理grounds for challenge of an arbitrator
工业自industrial free ports
市场力量自发挥作用free working of market forces
平舱费用租船方负担free trimming
戴决理reason for an award
拉丁美洲自贸易区Latin American Free Trade Market
拉丁美洲自贸易协会Latin American Free Trade Association
损害危险货主负担owner's risk of damage
新自主义学派neo-liberal school
有选择自的交易市场option dealing
根据某项事提出的抗辩plea based on the face that ..........
欧洲自贸易组合联盟EFTA the European Free Trade Association
欧洲自贸易联盟小自由贸易区European Free Trade Association
欧洲自贸易联盟European Free Trade Association
车辆运输中en tract
没有理的索赔unwarranted claim
注明理的仲裁裁决award containing reasons
海损卖方负责sea damage for seller's account
海洋自mare liberum
渗漏货主负责owner’s risk of leakage
渗漏险货主负担owner's risk of leakage
火宋货主负责ORF owner's risk of fire
上期转来carry forward
买主决定交易transaction at buyer's option
买方决定rest with the buyers
买方处置的货物goods placed at the disposal of the buyer
于严格需要的购买purchasing strictly by requirement
于份量不足而索赔claim for short weight
于合同ex contractu
企业挑选放款银行selection of bank by companies
保税仓库中提出take out of bond
偿还公债所得利润profit from redemption of bonds
偿还获得利润profit from redemption
公司免费运输on company service
卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers
原产地运出shipment from point of origin
发货人装箱shipper's pack
发货人装货并点数shipper's load and count
发货人负责at sender’s risk
合并获得利润profit from amalgamation
寄售货中拨交ex consignment
对方付款的电话collect call
小组成员协商negotiations by group members
小组成员协商negotiation by group members
帆船装运shipment by sailer (sailing boat)
常设仲裁机构处理的仲裁institutional arbitration
我方选择at our option
收货人自行负责at consignee’s risk
最先开航之船装运shipment by first available vessel
最先开航的船装运shipment by first available steamer
此起吊包装外表标志lift here
船方选择转船with transhipment at ship's option
....... 船装运per s.s. (steamship)
....... 船装运per m.v. (motor vessel)
某某轮装运的船上交货价free on board per mv... (F.O.B.per mv...)
货主担负一切责任at owner’s risk and responsibilities
货物瑕疵而产生的权利rights arising from defects
……轮船per S.S...
过失所引起ex delicto
通货膨胀产生的通货inflationary creation of currency
邮局per post
铁路per rail
铁路交货delivered on rail
铁路运货remit goods by railway
驳船卸上码头discharging from floating equipment to wharf
发行free distribution
直接油库向分配点发货clipper service
破损危险货主负担owner's risk of breakage
磨损货主负责Owner's risk of chafing
JAPAN禁止私人垄断与维持自贸易法1947年日本Act Concerning Prohibition of Private Monopolies and Maintenance of Free Trade 1947
<-> 经via (by way of)
代理per pro
陆路via overland
买卖free trading
仓库free warehouse
价格free price
企业free enterprise
企业制度Free-Enterprise System
信托voluntary trust
兑换free convertibility
兑换货币freely convertible currency
兑换货币的国家convertible-currency country
公债free surplus
关税区tariff-free zone
准备free reserve
出口free export
加入free entry
化率liberalization rate
化速度liberalization rate
发行free issue
变动汇率Freely Flexible Exchange Rates
商港open port
地域free district
地带trade zone
地带free perimeters
外汇free foreign exchange
外汇convertible foreign exchange
市场free market
市场价格free-market price
市场汇率free market exchange rate
报盘free offer
放任laissez faire
日元free yen
检查inspection free
汇价free exchange rate
汇价free exchange rate
"自汇率购买的美元""financial dollars"
浮动汇率freely floating exchange rate
浮动汇率制度variable-exchange-rate system
free docks
任选港的装船装货optional shipment
港区free port quarter
申请free on application
的多边贸易free multilateral foreign trade
租赁土地freedom to rent land
经济free economy
结算贸易free liquidation trade
许可制liberal licensing
货品free commodities
货币free currency
货物open cargo
贸易主义laissez faire
贸易制度free trade system
贸易区free trade zones
贸易区trade zone
贸易地域free district
贸易学派free trade school
贸易港free port
贸易码头free trade wharf
转口区free transit zone
输出free export
边境区free perimeter
过境free transit
过境公约和法规巴塞罗那公约1921年Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit Barcelona Convention
过境区free transit zone
运费open freight
运费率open rate
进入liberal access
进口free imports
进口free import
进口条件condition of free entry
选择条款general "liberty" or option clause
通商协会free trade association
通过free transit
银行制度Free Banking
铸币制Free Coinage
雇佣企业open shop
黄金free gold
航海自政策free navigation policy
航行自freedom of navigation
舱面货物货主担风险deck cargo shipper’s account
裁决理reasons for an award
裁决的理ratio decidendi
装船后保险买方投保insurance to be effected by the buyers after loading
西欧自贸易区European Free Trade Area
说明理的诉状specifying reasons application
货币自兑换currency convertibility
货样货主自由sample drawn by owner
贸易和支付自trade and payment liberalization
贸易汇兑自liberalization of trade and exchange
贸易自liberty of trading
贸易自freedom of trade
贸易自trade liberalization
贸易自liberalization of trade
资本交易自liberalization of capital transactions
资本自运动free movement of capital
较自港更加自由freer than a free port
过境自freedom of transit
运费每吨按重量或容积计算船方决定ship's option W/M per ton
运费每吨按重量或容积计算船方决定weight of measurement per ton
运费提货人支付freight collect
运费提货人照付freight forward
运费收货人支付carriage forward
运费等货到后收货人支付charges forward
运费:预付/收货人付款freight:prepaid /collect
进入市场的自Freedom of Entry
进口自liberalization of imports
通商自freedom of commerce
通讯自freedom of communication
通货自兑换convertibility of currency
金块的自输出入free gold bullion basis
阻止自加入的障碍物barriers to free entry
零股的自发行fractional free issue
风险货主负担at owner’s risk